They best not be fucking with my awesome eucalyptus epsom salts. That would be the last straw... I mean, how's a guy supposed to enjoy a nice hot tub without them?
These geniuses are snorting something that is also: The same chemicals in the so-called ‘bath salts’ have also been sold as plant food, pond scum cleaner, and insecticide. I can't believe there are people dying, fucking morons.
Hey with the obesity epidemic getting as bad as it is, people may well need to be bathing themselves with pond scum cleaners and insecticides. Although the plant food would seem to counter act the pond scum cleaning.
I agree completely. I just figured out what planking was a couple days ago, and my reaction was "oh, weird" then I got back to my daily business. Planking doesn't really interest me, but I'll be honest, I'm probably going to try it next time I'm drunk. It seems like people become "anti-fans" of things like this just to separate themselves from the hardcore fans: "if they're lame for loving it, we're cool for hating it."
You know what's worse than planking? People who bitch about other people bitching. The irony is lost on them. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go plank it.
I think people are looking at this all wrong. It's the biggest opportunity to watch idiots totally FAIL in public. Just watch them attempt to "plank", watch them fail, potentially die, and laugh all your way home, knowing that we're effectively thinning the herd. We need to come up with more stupid ideas like this to speed the process up a bit.
But see, I don't look at it as bitching, or me being "cool" 'cause I see it as retarded. It's fucking people just... laying on shit. And that's... fun? 'Hey look everybody- I'm a piece of wood, chuckle-chuckle! Take a pic so I can tweet it, yo!" We are literally watching Idiocracy come to life.
Personally, I'm waiting for someone to "plank" in a Snuggie. Is that against the rules, or do they put it on backwards?
I think planking is dumb, but it hasn't harmed me, so I don't have anything against it, really. But I also know that one day, I will run into someone planking in a place that I need access to, and on that day I will kick them very hard in the ribs and tell them to get their douchebag hipster ass out of my fucking way.
I'd bet my life that planking is statistically less dangerous than taking a shower. There's tens of thousands of pictures on the facebook planking group and only one person has died. Can you not find your own hobbies or self-interests that do not revolve around positioning yourself above other people in your mind?
I`m just trying to reconcile the fact that as an upstanding member of society of moderate intelligence with an interest in music and literature, I find this absolutely hilarious. This activity truly defines "non-sequitor".
While you are busy defending the safety of people laying on shit (and the fact that this needs defending makes me sad for the entire human race- who gives a flying fuck is laying on shit is dangerous? I hope everyone who ever lays (lies? laid? lay?) on a table in jest dies of table-poisoning), I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how the fuck this is funny. I guess we've finally found out who paid for the careers of Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. Isn't getting hit in nuts hilarious?!?!
That taking pictures of yourself lying down on objects became this popular is stupid. Yes. But the act itself is about as dumb as... any of the other dumb shit people do when they're drunk. On a smaller, inside joke scale, I could see this being funny with a group of friends -- at least momentarily. Hey, we take pictures of ourselves lying down precariously! We were so wasted! WOOOOOO!!! Seriously, can none of you admit these look kinda funny? For a forum of people called the idiot board, y'all have pretty high standards. But that's beside the point-- you're just mad at the "annoying hipster douchebags" who all embraced it so very passionately. And probably the stupid news coverage of it. Fair enough. But really, we've all laughed at way, way dumber stuff. Or at least I have. Hey, look at my avatar!
When planking are you supposed to be erect? On one hand, a flaccid penis will adhere better to your tight clothing. But a turgid sex organ better represents the spirit of planking.
This is basically my stance. There have been more stupid fads, and there will continue to be more stupid fads. Also interesting that on the other story I read about this, about 80% of the pictures were Dutch in origin. What's up with that?