I used to think this, it did take some interesting chances. I watched it again a few years back and the pacing made it unwatchable for me.
I think the fact that its just so weird and upbeat is why I like it. I cant tell if it has zero self-awareness or full self-awareness. I mean, why not cast a Colombian-American and a Brit to play two Italian brothers?
It certainly tried to hit the adult market in ways that made it more than just a kids movie based on a game. I think the sonic movie looks kinda good too. That pikachu movie looks dumb as fuck.
Leguizamo is half Italian. And Italians do three things well: plumbing, protecting people and perfume commercials (aka porn).
I'm gonna second this. I know it's not going to win any awards, but it wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be. I got some genuine laughs out of it.
In all seriousness, Jonathan Frakes is one of the few celebrities Ive encountered, and hes probably one of the nicest people Ive ever met.
I was always surprised that his career never matured past STTNG. Along with Stewart he seemed to have real class to his acting.
The TNG movies in terms of diminishing quality are: First Contact >> Generations >> Insurrection >> Nemesis
Generations and First Contact were decent, Insurrection was a meh episode stretched to movie length, Nemesis was just bad. They should have done a cross over to DS9 movie or two.
I remember Nemesis because Tom Hardy was the Picard clone, but I cant remember a single solitary thing that happened in Insurrection, but I do remember I saw it in theaters with my dad.
Honestly I never gave a fuck about the Romulans and Nemesis was all about it. I guess they were bigger villains in the original series and the original movies, which Ive never managed to get through. Edit: You knew they had dink writers when the best name they could come up with for a Data prototype was B-4. Get it beee-fore? As in Be-fore Data and Lore?!
Star Trek II and IV are badass. IV is also very good. I, III, and V are horseshit. However Christopher Lloyd makes a fun Klingon villain.