I think the Romulans were better characters early on. With the Borg, Dominion and others they became kind of lame. But the side stories with Data learning how to be human were always stupid. The entire show was about humanity, I didn’t need an Android plot cipher to dumb it down for me.
The holodeck always just seemed like a Dream-Come-True Machine to me. Seriously? You use it to get into multiple-attacker fights and solve Sherlock Holmes mysteries? NOBODY on the ship is using this thing for orgies? Get the fuck out of here, son.
The Orville had an episode this last season in which a crewman was using their holodeck for his sexual needs.
That’s more realistic. Because IRL the current first generation of domestic robots are NOT being designed to clean our homes, this we know.
Interesting article about why Charlie's Angels reboot is such a turd. (I mean, some specifics, rather than the obvious "it looks like a shit sequel that nobody wanted." ) https://deadline.com/2019/11/charlies-angels-bombs-at-box-office-reasons-why-1202787938/
I read that today, it's a great take. I remember seeing the trailer and then hearing radio silence on it. It had no marketing push that I remember seeing. Then you read they cut the marketing budget from 100 to 50 million. Today you might as well just cut the whole marketing budget and go directly to streaming if you have that low a confidence. 50 million on a blockbuster hopeful? Yikes.
The title of my article based on the same film is titled “Just Watch The Fucking Trailer.” No article, the headline is all people need.
In the age of internet porn, no one gives two shits to see some hot chicks shake their ass on camera in a sexy cop outfit like they did in the 1970s.
Is that why we don’t see erotic thrillers anymore, or are actresses just prudes nowadays? As you said, besides PG rated smut we also do not need more remakes, contrived action/chase scenes and forced progression. Bomb after bomb after bomb, they are not getting the simple message because they simply refuse to accept that they’re wrong about everything. We need to go back to making 1970’s style-dramas and 80’s-style comedies. Until of course all comedies are banned, because humour is hate.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand right on schedule, guess who’s fault it is that the movie bombed. That’s right, its your fault. The FUCKING WHITE MALES: https://etcanada.com/news/542252/el...-spider-man-movies-and-youre-not-complaining/ In other words, if a female director tells you to eat shit, you’re a sexist if you find shit bad-tasting.
To be fair, the 50 Shades series was huge, and that was purely designed to bring Fabio-type romance novels to the big screen with a smattering of BDSM. I didnt even know there was a new Charlies Angels movie until it popped up on this board somewhere. I cant think of the last innovation in action movies that made them stand out aside from maybe John Wick. All of them feel exactly the same, and theres no reason anyone would believe a reboot for a series no one gives a shit about in 2019 would work.
Art never runs out of ideas. You can make action films without them seeming contrived. You just can’t be lazy, which the filmmakers Charlie Angels movie obviously were. There is nothing lazy about John Wick. Or The Raid. Or Mad Max Fury Road. Films like that revitalize the genre and demand multiple viewings because of their entertainment value. Those films also have STYLE AND INNOVATION. You can tell they are made by experts. Certain filmmakers are just so much more intelligent, too. Watch a James Cameron interview when he discusses filmmaking, it’s like listening to a brilliant scientist talk lovingly about their research. Then, listen to a Brett Ratner interview as he barely manages not to drool while talking.
Yeah, well watch Terminator Dark Fate and that may change your opinion of Cameron, plus the fact thats hes planning a million sequels to Avatar. But as far as Charlies Angels, I just dont know who the audience is supposed to be? The original was for men to ogle hot chicks doing shit, because again, the internet didnt exist. The new one is catering to... the market for feminist action heroes? Im not even sure thats the case with this one either.
When Cameron produces a movie I have my doubts. Just watch “Dark Angel” (if you can). I agree on the target audience thing. I still can’t grasp why the last Charlie Angel movies were hits at all. They’re unwatchable. Lucy Liu was the one and only saving grace: They literally had to use special effects to make Diaz and Barrymore look like they could fight. The sequel is, in my opinion, the worst action film ever made. One of the worst movies ever made. ....but they weren't feminist enough. They haircuts need to be more butch. The music needs to be more girlie. Bossley needs a vagina. Who knows what Charlie’s correct pronouns are, just make sure you get them right you sexist shitlord.
Word is Cameron just got a paycheck for putting his name on Dark Fate and didn’t visit the set once or contribute a word to the script. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Alita Battle Angel which he wrote and produced. Apparently Cameron is a huge manga fan. It also features a stronk womyn and the internet trolls don’t seem to care.
For Genisys, yeah. But for Dark Fate he had final say on the script/writing and did the final editing of the film himself (removed almost an hour) because he hated the original cut. So I think he owns a larger chunk of its failure.