I've never been to a reunion, and never recieved notice for one. Not that I would be supremely interested, it would no doubt result in a night of hearing "Wanna something else I'm completely wrong about?" I wasn't a high school guy. I went to the "scum" high school of the city. People didn't like us.
Oh it does seem silly to me, but classmates know I'll be back then and if I didn't show up, well... At least it will be good to see friends I haven't seen in awhile. We can always do an afterparty of our own.
My daughter's high school requires a doctor's note if she goes home sick or misses the whole day, otherwise it's recorded as an unexcused absence. Ten or more UAs and she and us can be charged with truancy and have to appear before a judge. How fair is that to families who don't have medical insurance and have to pay full office visit fee? Even a visit to a Doc-in-the-Box minute clinic is at least $50. I really want to challenge this before the judge, but I'm afraid I'd set a state if not federal record for most contempt charges in one proceeding.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this..... We now resume our regularly scheduled broadcast.
You know, 5 year reunions actually make sense to me. I graduated in '05, and by this point I hardly see the point. I'm still good friends with my good friends, I'm "in touch" (facebook friends) with the people I got along fairly well with, and everyone else has just sort of faded away. At 5 years, I can see people wanting to catch up with all the people they were sort of friends with, but after that it just starts to seem kind of pointless. I'll probably go to my 10 year, but only because my family's cabin is an hour away from the town I graduated in. I'll show up, see if one of the sexy identical twins from my class wants to bang me yet (yeah right), and then I'll just go to my cabin and get drunk with the good friends I've stayed in touch with. That kind of makes me want to throw up. Does that mean I'm gay? For what it's worth, the idea of a wall of dicks is also very unappealing. I'm so confused...
This would really aggravate me. I get sick, but I NEVER go to a doctor. Unless I'm dying, or close to it, I'm not going to piss away money for them to tell me what I already know. So far no where I've worked has done this to me, which is good because I wouldn't want to spend a day's pay at the doctor's office while I'm losing one already. Still, I think it's ok for people to take a couple fake sick days a year, as long as it's only a couple. The worst for me was in college when I was taking a mandatory gen ed speech course. It was already a stupid class and if we missed 5 or 6 (can't remember which) classes we automatically flunked. Well, my dad happened to be dying of cancer that semester and understandably that was more important to me than listening to my crazy feminist teacher ramble about public speaking. I scored an A in the classe, missed the bare minimum, and she didn't accept my excuse. Then the head of the department refused to accept the excuse either. Finally I had to go to the fucking dean. Naturally both cover their asses with an e-mail full of lies and snarky nonsense. They gave me a C for the class, which felt ridiculous, but I decided to leave it at that since pursuing further would just piss me off. I figured most employers weren't going to give a shit what I got in speech anyway. Yeah, I guess I could have missed one less class, but given that it was just some useless gen ed and that I did all the work I thought it was a legitimate excuse. Besides, grading on attendance always felt like BS, but that's just me.
Probably not either way, Joe. I wasn't trying to turn you on, make you gay or throw up. Just never seen anything quite like that.
To the best of my knowledge, the only people that live under bridges are trolls and the homeless... so... Which one was she?
Right now there is some chick on the phone with her best friend, weeping, "Under a bridge? What is wrong with me? I'm such a whore."
Or maybe they're high-fiving because because it was on her fuck-it list. Actually they're probably doing it exactly like this, but with bigger tits and longer hair. Spoiler
How exactly did this go down? Was it a "let's go to the bridge and fuck?" Or was it a "we're walking by the bridge and feel the urge to fuck?" Either way - good for you.