Is anyone else contemplating buying some biscuits and gravy and throwing some turkey in the middle, try to re-create T-day leftovers, even though you already have a plate of them?] Just me?
My Fiancee, being one of those poor soles that works retail, went to work at 1am today to work a 10 hour shift. Fuck anyone that actually shops this black friday shit that makes her have to be at work right now... I am of course super drunk since she isn't here...good times...
How many people here are actually going to, or went to, Black Friday sales? I hope you realize you are worse than human slavers. I just got off a retail shift. Heading back at midnight until 8. Had to go in to get stock out. Dumbass manager decided to cut everyone except ONE cashier. When I say "everyone" I mean me and someone else. There are 3 people in a 10,000+ sqft store store right now to work. Luckily there were only 4 shoppers, but that shit will change. Note: my manager is too stupid to live.
My sister and mother went shopping at the somewhat reasonable hour of 7 AM. At 7:45 I got a text from her saying some lady was throwing up in her shopping cart at Walmart in the middle of the store.
Long night at work. Had to boot some people. The WGF - 'Wife Gift Fund' is almost fully funded. I slept three hours. Thank God I'm off today. I also discovered I really suck at Facebook.
Update on my Thanksgiving because you all asked. Spoiler for size. Spoiler Before I go into this, you have to understand who the key players are. We will call my pregnant cousin PM or "Pregnant Mess". She has a 15 year old sister who we will call SM or "Sister Mess" because she is also into drugs and rampant underage sex. PM and SM hate each other. PM's mother will be called MA or "Mother Aunt". My other aunt, who we will call GA for "Guardian Aunt" is PM's guardian because before she ran away from home PM's father was kicked out of the house for one day because he lost his temper and slapped her. It was necessary for the police to do this, but the officer on duty admitted that he would have slapped her too. Anyway, this is what happened. PM, SM, and MA arrive at the house about an hour before dinner starts. PM looks visibly pregnant even though the baby isn't due until May. PM attempts to pour herself a Bloody Mary. MA says nothing, so GA takes the drink away from her and gives a speech on not drinking when you are underage and pregnant. This instantly leads to the first fight of the night. PM tries yells about how it's her body and she can do whatever the fuck she wants. MA says nothing, so GA and my mother give a speech on how it's not her body anymore and she has to think of the baby. SM calls her sister a slut and tells her it's her own fault for getting knocked up. The two of them almost get into a fistfight, but we are able to break it up before it gets there. An hour later, dinner is served. We got through the meal without anything big happening, but everything broke down during dessert. GA started asking PM about the father of the baby because she likes the ruin holidays apparently. SM eventually calls PM a slut and a whore. They get into an argument and PM tells everyone that SM had a train run on her the night before. They argued like this back and forth, calling each other every name you could possibly give to someone that has sex with a lot of people: slut, whore, cum-dumpster, etc. MA says and does nothing throughout this argument. My mom tries talking to her, but she seems to just not give a shit anymore. GA tries to calm both girls down, but they gang up on her and accuse her of not being able to keep a man. They bring up the guy GA lived with for 5 years who ended up being gay. This is an extremely sore topic for my aunt and she leaves the room. The arguing continues. SM tells PM that her baby is going to be retarded, ugly, the devil, etc. No one knows how to stop this arguing. They'd been trying to butt in throughout the argument, but no one can stop it at this point. SM almost kicks PM in the stomach. PM slaps her sister in the face. They are two seconds from rolling around on the ground arguing when both girls get physically restrained and put in other rooms. PM tells everyone she hates them and they can fuck off. Then, she leaves the house and sits in the car for the rest of the night because we are having Thanksgiving dinner in the middle of nowhere and she can't run away. SM plays X-Box with the little kids until MA decides it's time to go an hour later.
There's nothing like reading: "Awesome, you just booked your hotel in gang-town!" in the morning to send a chill through the body. Fuck sakes.
Am I the only one that thought "Motherfucker!!! Where were these girls when I was in high school and single?" Oh. Just me then. Carry on.
I'm headed to my retail haven in a few (sarcasm intended), and I am not looking forward to it. Fortunately, my store only opens an hour early, none of this midnight shit.
The store my daughter worked at this summer called her to see if she was going to be home for Thanksgiving, asked her if she could work today and tomorrow as well as during the 4 weeks she's home for Christmas break. Since she had to be in at 7 this morning, my wife said she would drive her and our other daughter tagged along (read: they're gonna shop til they drop at the mall). Hence, I will have the house to myself for the better part of the day. I love this Black Friday shit! (Actually, I'm spending most of the day studying for the NCE that I'm taking in January, so it worked out even better). On the downside, I have a 640 page study guide for the exam and so far, I've covered Freud, Jung and Adler. Thank God this is going to be my last exam (well, this and the Texas juris prudence exam). Then, just 18 months until full licensure and a limited part-time private practice.
Oh, they were there, and you knew who they were; you just instinctively avoided them. Think back to your high school and who where those white trash girls that were only in school about half the time because the other half they were either cutting class or suspended; and what little time they were actually in class they were disruptive and annoying. They were slutty, but not hot enough that you wanted to risk your social standing by associating with them in any way. Then around halfway through your junior year at least one of them you never saw again, and rumor was because the girl(s) in question got pregnant, sent to an 'alternative' school, or both. That's who/where these girls where. You remember now?
No, I was too busy with Chess Club and Knowledge Bowl. Oh yeah, that's how I rolled. Any guesses as to why I was a virgin until age 39?
The shitty part is that my Fiancee is a step just below Store Manager so that she is on salary and gets no overtime for shit like this. Also, she just happens to work at a store that is perfectly situated in a place so that they get both the people from secion 8 housing (the shitty poor people) and the richy rich people, including most of the players from the OKC Thunder. They are right by our local mall and the closest Best Buy, so out of all the Targerts in our Metro area, they get 10x the black friday business. She's working a 1am-Noon shift today, and I felt kind of bad for sitting around and drinking and playing xbox with my buddy's while she was working. So I decided to stop drinking and stay up so that I could take her some Chik Fil A breakfast food this morning. I'm cool like that.
And I thought I was bad for being a virgin until my mid 20's...But yeah, I was in science club in high school and spent most of my time through college programming and playing video games so... *High Five*...I guess
I didn't even get a phone call from either of my parents on Thanksgiving. I am trying not to let it hurt my feelings, but it kind of does.
I know, but it still sucks. Do I even mention it or just let it slide. Shoot, maybe I'll just ignore their phone calls (if they ever call me that is, guess I should just be realistic about that fact)