Sorry Crown, but I couldn't understand what you were trying to say there. Could you explain what was on your mind in a way that speakers of modern English would understand? I thought you Canadians were masters of the language on this continent. After all, you have the queen of England on your currency. When I was in college, I had to write my papers in the APA; aka American Psychological Association format. Is there a Canadian format? So before you start denouncing all of your southern neighbors as "psychopaths," you might want to take a step back. Also, firearms are a lot of fun, if handled responsibly. Even while under the influence of alcohol. NSFW EDIT: I wrote the above post while under the influence of alcohol. I'm way over the driving limit, but I'm not going anywhere. And Crown, you can still be my friend.
Went to Walmart and bought a pork shoulder and some barbecue sauce. Put shoulder, an onion, and a bunch of Dr Pepper into the crockpot. Barbecue sauce will probably go in tomorrow after it's cooked for twelve hours. I currently have 3 bottles of Sierra Nevada in my fridge. They will be drunk tonight.
Anybody need something mellow that kicks all kinds of ass? Well, this is it: Dave Stewart on Live from Daryl's House.
I loved the holidays until this year. Who knew having kids is what would make me hate the holidays. Fucking in laws. There isn't enough booze to drink away my annoyance.
Is everyone's family crazy but mine? Honestly, I have NEVER had a bad experience with my family. Maybe it's that they're all academics, engineers, or actuaries, but family time pretty much always ends up being chill as hell. Dad and Grandpa usually end up discussing some math problem and scribble equations on napkins, great-uncles are talking about winemaking, Grandma gets drunk off martinis and calls everyone nerds, and I usually end up playing cribbage or chess with my uncle. Everyone gets tipsy and passes out about the same time. I see all these crazy meltdowns between family members and am just kinda puzzled, since I never had that sort of crazy in my life.
a) Forgot to type "punch". Sorry, I'm a little shakey as you see I've been washing blood off my hands all day. It just seems no matter how much I wash them, scald them with hot water, they just don't seem to get clean. b) Our money is gay-looking. Period. Even more so now that has been evidently alloyed with teflon and has plastic windows YOU CAN SEE DIRECTLY THROUGH. c) The Psychopaths are these Black Friday freakshows how decide to skip work to go commit war crimes against other families while stealing a handicap space so the Cystic fibrosis guy can hoof it. Fuck him, Halo 4 is mine. I have an honest question about Black Friday: how selfishis it? I'm told that it's the opening to the Christmas shopping season, but all I ever hear is people buying extravagant things for themselves.
You have a gay bible-thumper in your family. I wouldn't be suprised if he's drinking buddies with Nick Nolte.
I love my family, even the cunt sister. Well, I love her because she's my sister. If we weren't blood related I would have told her to fuck off long ago. Luckily I have 4 other siblings and their husbands and kids and my parents etc to balance it out. My in laws now...oh boy. Luckily el husband realizes just how dysfunctional they are and avoids that whole shitstorm as much as possible.
Both sides of my family have some sort of dysfunction. My dad's side is very educated, most have masters, and successful, but there is some heavy judgement and turned up noses at petty things, which is ironic seeing as one of the guiltiest perpetrators has been dating/living with a man for over 20 years despite him not legally being divorced from his wife and the whole nature of their relationship is kind of shady. She's only so nosey cause she is miserable about her life and is the only one of 7 kids not married or that has children. My mom's side is always interesting as my maternal grandparents are divorced cause my grandpa is a raging, abusive alcoholic. That and my aunt's mother is at every family gathering and she is an obnoxious chain smoking hag who literally typifies everything that grosses some people out about old people. All that being said, I just chalk it up to most every family having some sort of drama. I can't think of a family gathering that resulted in any sort of occurrence that would merit the retelling of the story except to people familiar with the people involved who happened to not be there for whatever reason.
Anyone recently gotten rid of facebook? I'm not a big fan anymore, as I mainly just creep on exes and wonder why I don't get invited to the parties my friends take pictures of.
I deleted mine about 10 months ago and briefly opened it up for a night last weekend. Why, are you having problems finding the "deactivate" button?
No, just wondering if you had decreased interaction with friends or if you found people made an effort to get in touch with you. Before vs. after
It's 1:42am Saturday morning and I'm up and sober. Fuck working in online advertising during holiday season for retail. Fuck it all to hell.
Seriously, you CANNOT base your happiness on the behavior of others, even your family. There is no way you will ever be able to make everyone around you do what you want them to to make you happy. It is a stupid and pointless blame game that nobody wins. Other people are not beholden to you (yes even family), and if you think and act as if they are you will never know how to be happy on your own.