Ex from way back threw a drink in my face tonight when I refused to leave the bar. Well deserved on my part to be honest, I treated this girl like shit for a solid two years, cheated on her, broke up with her, etc. Feeling like an asshole tonight, though it's well deserved.
Aw, don't feel bad. By this point, it's all water under the... Well, you see where I'm going with this. I'm here all week, folks. Tip your waiters.
I understand why people go on mass killings now: Ke$ha. Honestly, if I have to hear that song by her one more fucking time I'm gonna start throwing molotov cocktails through my neighbours' windows. Isn't bad enough already that she's filthier than the inside of a hobo's asshole and I have to listen to idiots talk about how "hot" she is?
Looks like I know what I'm getting you for Christmas. Edit: I would honestly get that for you if I knew you in real life. I wish I knew someone who possesed the kind of hilarious disproportionate anger you have for banal pop music.
Mail me that, and I'll mail you anthrax. Jesus Christ-On-A-Crutch, listen to this chick: ...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT!?!?!? Oh, by "be yourself" you mean how you were a country singer when you applied for a record deal and they told you to become a derelict-looking pop star?
Sometimes, it's a completely random reaction. Wait until they piss in your face while you're changing them. ....which I am guessing is something that you will never do.
I hate myself for saying this because lord knows I have bitched about Ke$ha several times here, but I watched the debacle that was the AMA's a couple of weeks back and she was actually one of the better performers. This probably says more about the very low standards of music these days then her actual talent as a singer (but I am commending her performance more than singing ability since I doubt she was actually singing). But I give the teensiest eensiest bit of credit where it is due.
On another note, I got a voicemail from my mother essentially saying "where have you been, I have called you a million times", which actually is 4 times since yesterday....and two days too late in my opinion. So she has absolutely no idea that I am pissed off and probably doesn't realize that she should have called me on the holiday. I am torn between calling to tell her how I feel, and just continuing to ignore her because frankly I don't really care to talk to her right now.
You should probably just get it over with, unless you think it's going to be a really long conversation. Ten minutes and then you can fill that mental real estate with things you actually want to pay attention to.
Okay, did I miss something? You are upset because she didn't call when you wanted her to and now you don't want to talk to her anymore? Maybe I don't understand because I NEVER talk to my mother...
Abridged version, my feelings are hurt because I didn't get a call from any of my family on Thanksgiving, which to me is a family holiday. My dad lives 2 miles from me but I expect not to get invited over or called, so that is fine. My mom lives half a country away, but I expect more from her (yes, I called her twice and she didn't pick up). Now she is calling me like nothing is wrong, which shows she has no idea that I am upset. However I am and don't really want to deal with any sort of fallout about it today (I start a new job tomorrow so am already a little on edge).
Perhaps I am insensitive, I just don't see why this is worth being upset about and allowing it to have this much impact on you. What sort of fall out could occur from you saying "Hey, why didn't you answer my calls on Thanksgiving?"
I'm probably being overly sensitive because I am already on edge and nervous about the new job and all. And emotions are kind of a funny thing. You can tell yourself that it doesn't mean anything to you and isn't a big deal, but deep down you know you are really disappointed and let down. I guess I should just get it over with. And she'll make a hundred excuses and twist it so that I am being unreasonable and then I will feel even worse because if there is one thing worse then being let down it is when people make light of it.