If you had only one song to send to make someone to fall in love with you, what would it be? At this moment, here's mine:
A) Awesome post. 2) I have never measured my dick. (probably, because I would just be disappointed in the results, ahem) d) Cracks me up that after stating it was 3 times as big as you expected, you didn't follow it with "so I immediately sent it back." Good luck, Aud! Keep us posted.
Im the internet tough guy for what exactly? Not agreeing that cops are pussies based on wildly wrong assumptions? That you saying cops making 6 figures is ridiculous because some are pussies and then label a set of cops pussies in your next breadth doesn't sound fucking retarded? What is concerning about your supposed expert is that he fails to mention that the cops did rush in as quick as they could. They ran up found chained doors and had to find a way to get past that. They don't have batman's utility belt (or might not have been trained in the same SWAT tactics he teaches), they had to find a shotgun and then proceeded into the build which is claimed to have caused the shooter to kill himself. They didn't react like the columbine shooting where they did wait outside for swat to arrive. Hind sight is 20/20, you can claim all day they should have smashed in windows or drove a car into the building but you'd just sound more ridiculous than you do now. Bewildered: I have a gmail account but never done any video chat nonsense.
I had the response time to the Virginia Tech shooting mixed up with the Columbine shooting, which happened to be about as bad as I said, if not worse. Shame on me. Also, it wasn't just one expert who criticized the response time to the Virginia Tech shooting, as the quote you just read shows. In all seriousness, if smashing windows is what it takes I would prefer that to accepting a delay while people are getting murdered, but that's just me. From that same article I linked: But what the fuck does he know? You're clearly an authority on the subject. Yes, they're risking their lives, but I think that should be part of the job. Again though, my issue was more with the Columbine shooting response rather than this incident.
You know, comments like this make me wonder what effect, if any, the Excessive Machine (from Barbarella) would have on the lovely, lovely TiBettes. Honestly, I'd give it one, maybe, two minutes. Tops. Poor old Excessive Machine.
Teachers deserve more money because of additional responsibilities. What responsibilities? Apparently all the ones the parents aren't fucking assuming. Also, places like Korea, Sweden, Finland and Japan pay the ever-loving fuck out of their teachers. Why? Because it attracts talent and they can justify holding that talent to high standards. I'm infinitely better in front of a classroom than in a cubicle, but the US system only draws the completely moronic, the idealists or the people who can afford to work for almost no money to the classroom and pumps bodies towards the cubicle system. Also, you can't really bitch about bad teachers making $28k a year, because even though they are bad, they make fuck-all and you can spread the blame around (students, parents, teacher, the gubmint, society, etc.). Cops can easily justify higher wages as their job is (supposedly) dangerous, corruptible and the departments can easily spend more on laughably useless equipment, vehicles and training than on wages. I say useless, for the three times my town's SWAT team has been called upon in my lifetime, the overweight, wheezing, mustache militia could have just sat it out and used the National Guard regiment down the fucking street. The problem with the US education system is apathy: everyone thinks it sucks, so the students in that system think it's a waste of time and treat it accordingly. No one bitches about the quality at the cram schools, private prep schools or "gifted" governor's schools, because those kids come at the work with an attitude that they caught from a group of people saying: this will get you what you want, instead of "get through this as quickly as you can". It's also over-regulated: teachers don't have any freedom to develop a curriculum that will be useful to students or adapt to the circumstances. I would happily sign up to teach a personal finance course along with econ and government to high school kids if I could develop my own curriculum and teach what I think they should know as opposed to what some legislator (who likely hasn't been in a classroom since the 1970s) thought would be cool.
Sorry for the political rant. I need to calm down, after this adorable little bastard just peed on my laptop.
People who undervalue public service are assholes. How can you say that a group should be collectively better at their jobs and be paid and funded less in the same breath with no shame? There is a direct and obvious correlation between how shitty a job teaching is, and how many shitty teachers there are. You know where there are good teachers? In districts that pay their teachers a reasonable wage and offer a good working environment (the latter, of course, would be much harder to ensure). I grew up in a public school district where it was absolutely within the realm of possibility for a teacher to make a six-figure salary by the end of their career. The people in the district valued education, and fortunately local government collected the property tax revenue to pay for it. I had many great teachers growing up who made a huge, positive impact on my life that took years of drinking and drug abuse to erase.
Columbine changed the way police respond to active shooters nation wide. The first guys on scene at Columbine had little training in how to respond to an active shooter in a large building. Furthermore, at that point in time, protocol for such a thing was to wait for SWAT. Breaking protocol (SOP) when you are a cop will have you fired and possibly pursued criminally. If you violate procedure, the department will not back you in anything you do. Crown, I don't know where you live exactly, but what cops make 6 figures? Maybe some high ranking brass? For clarification I'm a cop and clear about 25k after taxes. And where I live thats competitive.
My friend, out of the academy a second-class (cadet) constable makes I think 67 or $67,000 a year. A first class constable make $78,000 a year, one out of every five who carry a budge make six digits. London, Ontario. The police make shitloads in this town, and yet most of them couldn't find their own taint if it had a neon sign attached to it.
I do know a couple guys who make six figures as prison guards. They're also workaholics who make most of it with overtime. The stress is horrible, and they usually drink themselves into a stupor after their shifts. I imagine the same is true for police officers. A middle-ranking officer who puts in for as much overtime as he possibly can might make six figures.
I know a Sgt. for Phoenix PD, he makes about 100k a year and works 4 days a week as an instructor and has 18 year of service, I also have a client who is an ICE agent who makes 140k a year after 9 years of service.
NYPD makes $45K out of academy, and $76.5K in after 5.5 years, in base salary alone. Add overtime and additional seniority into that, and there's plenty making over $100K. With a retirement age of 48, good benefits, and an average expected pension of $69K per year. In many districts, pensions are calculated as some absurdly high percentage of last salary, so if seniority, overtime, etc. push them above $100K you're often on the hook to continue paying them $60K or more until the day they die. Which is especially absurd since many retired policemen take on jobs, so that's $60K + a second income. It's not an easy or especially safe job, but being a cop is generally pretty good pay, especially given its average education level.
But that is New York, one of the more expensive places to live, so I imagine that is reflected in the pay somewhat. 45K there can't be compared to 45K in Kansas City. What is the national average? edit - ok I know how to google. Looks like it is about $50K. That seems completely reasonable to me. Personally, if I have to work 60+ hours per week to get me to 100K, well, let's just say that I would be enjoying my 50K and time off.
I can't comment on the NYPD or other places, as I have never worked there. I'm not looking to start an argument about how much cops should be paid, I'm only offering the point of view of a cop working in rural IN. Base pay here is about 38k, which when taken in context with cost of living is a very decent wage. As with any job the benefits can vary greatly between locations. My pension plan is 93% funded through our salaries. TV has pretty much shaped a picture for most people of what police work is. I can assure you that it's nothing like CSI. Again I'm not arguing anything just providing a look at my personal experience. If anyone has any questions about law enforcement feel free to ask. Disclaimer any question I answer about legal stuff will be based on IN criminal code.