According to last time I was out in public (2 hours ago), I would say every single female on Earth.\ As for the Fat kid from the utterly unfunny sitcom, he can go to hell. Oh, you were giving lip service to America for 8 years while you starred on a show with an actor knowing for dating porn stars that smell like ammonia and punching women in the face? Fuck you, you fat little fuck. You were made rich and famous and you shun it because of your worship toward your imaginary friends. You couldn't look more stupid if you wanted to.
If he were to donate all of the money he made off that show to charity and get a job working at Burger King like his contemporaries, I would greatly respect him and his commitment to his religion. Unless he does that, he's a fucking hypocrite, like the Mafia bosses who were devout Christians on Sunday and then plotted to kill people the rest of the days of the week. One of the things that was greatly impressed upon me growing up was that to redeem yourself from sin, you have to reject all benefits you got from that sin and face the consequences of your actions. You don't get to steal an XBox from a store and then go into church and say, "Sorry God, I stole an XBox. Please forgive me." To repent and actually show that you're truly sorry, you go back to the store and confess that you stole it. Until you've done that, you aren't actually sorry for what you did. So finding Jebus and saying, "The show I starred in was sinful and wrong, don't watch it, it's bad" just makes you a hypocrite. If you feel the show is morally wrong, then give up all of the money you made from it. Otherwise, it's an empty gesture; anyone can SAY that he's sorry for what he did. It takes a true Christian to turn his back on his sin and actually show that he's sorry with actions.
*using deep, black guy-style voice*: Works.....EVERY time. ....actually no, it doesn't. I do agree with pretty much your whole post, but that shit has to exist in the first place, and when it comes to Christians that are also celebrities, it does NOT. That never happens except for that weird, stupid-looking guitar player from Korn. Oral Roberts made a living off welching money from the poor, old and sick. He has a university named after him (to be fair, it's not a real university, one that would teach things like facts). Did he regret he made himself rich off of lies and bullshit a.k.a Faith Healing on his deathbed, even with the thought that Hell is real? Nope. And the decendants of his followers still thinks that he da man. And then we have Mr. America below: ...apologized for his sin, yes. Because doing meth with a gay hustler and ass-fucking him with a reacharound isn't gay. It's just a straight man sinning. A lot of football players can also vouch for this. And yet, he's as Christian as it gets. Many of his former followers are still behind him, about ten thousdand of them. The rest of us, the "reality-based" as I like to call us see a guy who railed against gay marriage and just homosexuality in general for nearly three decades while being a closet bisexual. ...which brings me back to Little Baby Huey from the world's most overrated sitcom. Two days from now, we will get some half-assed, pre-written apology that will be rasped stilted and fake into a microphone about how he was under stress, going through a stressful time or just plain didn't know what he was thinking when he said those "off-coloured" remarks, and is proud to be part of such a great success that entertains millions of homes across America every week. He will say this because he (like every single entertainer in Hollywood) is a good little slave, and they do whatever their owner-- the producers-- fucking tell them to do. ...tell me that's NOT going to fucking happen.
I wonder how many people, never having heard of the show/only know the name of it, are now checking it out to see "what's so bad about it?"
And hey I just won a dollar by not buying a ticket! And apparently Little People Big World: Wedding Farm is a thing. And Im watching a it.
To anybody out there who thinks that PG-13 dreck is sex-laced filth, I will mail them a DVD of the cancelled HBO show Tell Me You Love Me. Then you will see how to do the real deal is like.
I've noticed that there has been pee in the toilet, seat is down and there is no used toilet paper involved when I go into the bathroom lately. I finally asked my roommate tonight if she knew where to find the t.p. in the heat of the moment. She replied "I just don't want to waste paper." I am never going down on her.
Okay...gross. I'm glad you're postponing mouth-rape potential for the sake of hygiene, but what about anybody ELSE that applies for membership at her Y? Are you going to warn anybody she brings home so the next morning their mouth doesn't look like ten miles of Death Valley firetrail?
She doesn't flush because...that wastes water? Ask her if she washes her hands or if that wastes too much soap and water.