You ever have one of those moments like 'Holy Fuck, I remember that album' for absolutely no reason at all. Last night, I'm playing Black Ops II, and all of a sudden thought "Man, I really want to hear 'Ride the Cliche.' And the beauty of iTunes is that within 5 minutes, I had it right on my iPhone.
Hump days are so much more fun when you play hooky from work. What to do with an entire day to myself?...
Jerk off (chick style) Eat McDonalds Go Christmas shopping (that is if you godless Canadians celebrate holidays) Take a nap Have a post-nap jerk off sesh Watch Netflix
I've checked three of those off the list and it's only 9:15. Even on my sick days, I am super productive.
My morning, so meticulously laid out yesterday afternoon, survived according to plan until about 8:05. Can you yell at truck drivers? Because that would help.
Sometimes I love Facebook. This is a psychology student specializing in couples counseling because she thinks she can help people. *gun in mouth*
Facebook: Exposing the stupidity of humanity since 2004. That said, people like this on Facebook just provide me with so much joy and entertainment.
You guys are playing this one wrong. That's incredible. So raw and real. Any chick who refers to herself as "this bitch" is A-OK in my book. As an aside, I'm already dreading the moment where I have to defend my generation to my kids and grandkids for Gangnam style.
That should be easy. "Back in 2012, a Korean pop star wrote a scathing commentary of materialistic and superficial Korean culture, but put it over a catchy beat and chorus, with a satire video that was so over the top, it overshadowed his message. It also had a ridiculous dance. People who didn't speak Korean completely missed the point, loved the video cause it had dancing, explosions and a man yelling at a yoga chick's ass, and we know how much people love dumb dances, and now its the most watched video on YouTube." You'll have more trouble explaining Bieber.
Really? I feel like Gangnam Style is the least of our worries. What about all the shit people take seriously?
"I know it's entirely in Korean, other than 'hey sexy laid-aye', and that hideous yellow suit, in the video that gave millions the courage to horse dance in public, was ridiculous, but you'll have to believe me that it was really something. We used to call it 'going viral', and boy did it. 900 million views on this video sharing website called..." and my voice is lost in sarcastic laughter of tomorrow's youth. Also, how did a sporting goods store from a guy named Dick become an international corporation? Underdog story of our lifetime.
When I was visiting home last weekend, I discovered that my hometown has a new hot dog place called Dick's and I could not stop laughing.
Please tell me their slogan is "Take a bite out of Dick's!" "Nothing like Dick's in your mouth!" "Swallow my Dick's!" The exclamation point is key; makes it so happy.
I haven't seen this show since it first came out so I had no idea what the 1/2 man turned into This guy should be sucking Chuck's dick every day for making him filthy rich. Without Chuck this kid would firmly be in the "virgin until 35, breaks down and pays a Thai hooker to fuck him. Hooker turns out to be a 15 y/o boy. Kid kills himself" club
I woke up and for no real reason said "Fuck it, I'm staying home." Used in my built in excuse I establish within the first week of employment, "I get migraines about 4 times a year." I do a few work things, but I get to watch ESPN, roll out of bed at 10:30 and not give a fuck. Not to mention I'm working a total of 8 days in December.
So apparently there's a website called and its exactly what you think it is. NSFW EDIT: GTE informed me this is from 2008...