Hooray, I'm home! Funny the things you leave lying around when you have less than 48 hours to sort out your life before moving away for 4 months.
I'm still pissed that they bought Galyan's, which was a far superior sporting goods store. One of the first changes they made was to stop selling handguns. As a protest I still call our local store "Galyan's." I bought my first sleeping bag in the original Galyan's in Plainfield, IN, so I may be unreasonably sentimental.
No dead hookers, I hope. Welcome back. If we're going to bump threads from spambots, I'd go with homoiothermism topically pinenes jewel, simply because user Hotloyaddywax sounds like she knows how to party. Over 29,000 users registered here now - I guess about 2000 are "real." I blame Nettdata. If he ever gets freed from captivity, I'll bet he'd kick some spambot ass.
I heart my Uggs. Especially when running through the airport. And when my feet are cold. And when I'm coaching and don't want to put on lifting shoes.
Wait... you KNOW this girl in some way? I she aware-- with all psychey-wikey training-- what Dude Who's In Lock-Up is going to DO to her and her date when he gets out, no matter HOW long he's in there? Right now while he's staying in Hell On Earth he is absolutely FEEDING off his absolute hatred for her. I have no doubt in my mind it's all that he's thinking about, and I would be scared shitless if I was her.
No, but there's a half-drunk bottle of beer and some bacon on a frying pan on the stove. Jesus, I really am a bachelor, aren't I.
We had the same friend group for a long time. Long story short she stuck her tongue in my mouth one New Years and I found out she had already fucked two other people. That night. Very rich girl with many, many daddy issues. And 8 felony counts of MDMA Possession that mysteriously vanished. She also has herpes. She must be off her meds because she just keeps giving gifts today after months not posting: That's why you date a felon. Commitment and intimacy.
I think DCC said he was doing some sort of cross-country Jeep trek and his car blew up in the Prairies. I think. Apologies, but I am loosely paraphrasing here. I want the guy back to, but I have no clue where he is.
Where. The Fuck. Do these people come from? And by "Daddy Issues" do you mean he was still her first and best lay and she's never had better? I don't know her, have never heard of her, and already I wish she was dead. Do you think her new date knows she carries The Best Friend For Life? I don't know if it would be better to see her on fire or let hobos run a thirty-man train on her. EDIT: I bolded the parts that nearly gave me black eyes from face-palming so hard. A "simple, healthy" relationship? What part of have scabby, cratered pus-festooned gentials your entire life registers as "healthy?"
I remember we had to evacuate the building for 30 minutes because the fire alarm went off in the middle of a A&PII exam. I was never happier about a fire alarm going off than at that moment. Text extension, what whaaaat?
You may have heard this already, but WHAT THE HELL: So, if fragments of rock the size of British Columbia were to fall out of orbit and kill us all, at least we would have known who "The Winner" was. Don't forget all the werewolves, astronomers, cheese enthusiasts and surfers you would also piss off.
In college I had a biopsych test I was dreading. It was on a Thursday and the night before we had a party for one of the organizations I was in. I procrastinated and didn't prepare half as much as I should have. I could have studied that Wed night and been fine, but like hell was I missing that party. Well about an hour before the party, an ice storm came through and ended up knocking out power to the campus and most of the off campus housing. Our house had a generator for some reason, so we still had limited power. The party got cancelled but a girl I was sort of dating at the time came over with a friend and the 3 of us, plus my roommate, proceeded to drive to a sports bar in a neighboring town and get food and drinks. The rest of the night involved booze, sex stuff, and anything but studying. I went to class the next morning, fingers crossed, and my wacky professor proceeded to tell a 10 min tale of how annoying the blackout was for him. He then told us that if we were prepared and wanted to get it done, we could take it, otherwise, feel free to leave and take it on Tues, our next class. I've never seen more random high fives given. TL;DR....I had an exam I wasn't prepared for and a party to attend instead of studying, power went out the night before, still didn't study, test got postponed, we all won.
We're from the same city, so... he just doesn't like us anymore, then? Maybe if I go hit up Call The Office (local legendary dive bar) every night of the week I'll see him. Actually, I won't, because I don't know what he looks like.
Just look for the guy dragging a bear carcass and a trampoline around town. There can't be that many guys that meet that description.