Orgasms are fun. Illicit orgasms are more fun. Illicit orgasms while you're on a webinar with the EPA are the best. Man, I really enjoy the "locking door and blinds on the windows" part of my office.
Re: Re: Pre-Thanksgiving WDT... Hey what the fuck, I am a Thunderbird man, step off. Watching your pussy friends puke Mad Dog 20/20 all over brand new white carpet while your drinking the finest wine made was a weekend staple growing up. That is until I went to a college party at my cousins and discovered Jager and drunk sorority girls.
It's redwine, vodka made with grapes (not grape flavored vodka, not fortified wine), and orange juiced mixed up. He has some vineyard making all of this for him. The shipping cost probably won't hurt in a bigger buy, but we'll see how this tastes. I'm more curious than anything else. I'm not concerned about saving money, (I makes it rain on dem ho's). I'll be drinking it in less than two hours. If this shit was in stores it'd be better off since the shipping costs more than the bottle. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
What the fuck does that even mean? Should I only fuck American women that have an alligator chained up to a crystal meth trailer?
That still sounds awful, but I will give credit to Carolla for creating a career that consists entirely of him putting the word "Man" in front of things and then having every American male under the age of 30 throw money at him.
Mmmmmm, Canadian beer. How I've missed you. And it pairs particularly well with Trailer Park Boys. Secondarily, the first roasted squash soup of the season is simmering on the stove. I tried adding in roasted chestnut... I'm not sure the texture ever works out well but the flavour work together. And for the love of Jesus, the only acceptable stock to use is the kind you make yourself.
You didn't think I was going to leave YOU out of this mix did you, ya silly son of a bitch? Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk. I'm just getting warmed up here, bizzatches: This Christmas Parker will be laying nuts at one of his many pads scattered around the country. In this rare photo of the elusive Playboy, we meet up with him after banging five choice bitches (and seven of them are bikini models): Spoiler This is EXACTLY what I picture you looking like: Bewildered will reflect on quiet, tender moments with family: Spoiler Rush-O-Matic will be rockin' to the oldies: Spoiler Dixiebandit appeals and gets his DUI lifted: Spoiler The 'sack will do what the 'sack does best... Spoiler Angel_1756 will be tied up at work... Spoiler Ssycko will have a rough holiday, hospitized for multiple puncture wounds: Spoiler Toytoy will grow his hair out... Spoiler Kubla and KIMaster will settle their differences to team up and become playwrights: Spoiler
Boy, am I glad that DirectTV can't seem to find the signal for the NFL network. Pricks, I wanna watch football.
At work: "How can I become a member of the group? The special interest group." I'm crying. Edit: She wanted to know if she had to pay dues and if she'd automatically be enrolled since she's already a patient.
Crown, I'll have you know that I drive a Trans Am, not a Grand Marquis with Mexican plates. It would be more like this: Spoiler Anyway, last night I caught this little guy in my bathroom: Here's how he ended up: In other news, my new axle gears came in today! I'm gonna have a 3.42:1 ratio in my car now! I can't wait to install them.
What other message board out there has board members that proudly boast to people around the planet about their vermin?
This awful song is the result of my buddy eugene's rapping "talents" from a few years ago: BOI I GO HAM ...time to hit the barz
"Ever get one of those boners? You know, the kind of boner that you just wanna' write something down about"? Yea. Me too.
Work is slowly sucking the life out of me. And it has nothing to do with customers or sales numbers - it has to do with co-workers fighting over percentages of commission. Please, folks, if you're doing gift shopping at a specialty retail store, don't work with more than one salesguy.
So, from the NYU Replyallcalypse, we have the following thought-provoking question: Would you rather fight one hundred duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck? Assume that all combatants are vicious and willing to fight to the death.
This is a standard question on almost all reddit ask me anything posts. The president was asked this. And for the record, I vote small horses because kicking.