Personally, I'm fascinated by law enforcement (not that I'd actually want to do it) and would appreciate an Ask A Cop thread. Anyone else?
The only issue is you're only talking to one cop. There are MANY kinds of cops. Have you ever heard a vice cop tell stories about the people he gets to meet? "Corrosive" is a good word to describe it. Then you have Joint Task Force, where you get to throw people without shirts on through plate-glass windows. Or there's platoon (most uniform cops) who stand in between two people shouting at each other while shaking their head and writing things down.
D26, my friend is 32, she's been teaching for 10 years. She teaches at a suburb just out of Chicago. She started off at 60k, then got 4 masters degrees, which caused the school to pay her an additional 10k per year. She's also certified to be a principal. So when that happens, all of that carries over with the new pay raise. I honestly think you need to club your wife and move unless she's making bank. Indiana is a soulless, desolate, barren wasteland that no one deserves to live in. Gary, Indiana is one of the worst places in the country, there is no color there, just a smoggy grey that removes all hope and joy. You know what the opposite of Indiana is? These.
That is totally true. However, keep in mind that New York City is not just what you see on Gossip Girls, and few from those social circles are becoming cops. New York City is also Queens, outer Brooklyn (not the hipstery parts), Staten Island, and the Bronx. Given reasonable habits, one is still pretty comfy on that $50-100K here. The median per capita income in the city is in the ballpark of $35K, and median household income is about $48K.
You guys don't all live in Manhattan, wear nothing but Gucci, Loubitoun, and Dior, and sip on $20 martinis every night? Well, there goes my dream of moving to NYC.
On another note and then we can get back to the topic at hand, so I did some leg work last night (squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc) for the first time in quite a long time after hurting my knee. I thought I was going pretty light to ease myself back into things but holey moley am I sore today. Would it be better to just lay off anything today to let my obviously underused muscles recover, or to loosen myself up with some light cardio like a brisk walk or elliptical machine?
Fixed, and that doesn't happen until he gets him back to the precinct. When the flashlight is held in the cop's mouth.
Suit shopping with the boyfriend. We have about five flamboyant "gentleman's assistants" helping us. One of them just turned to me and said "are you sure he's straight? Because he is dreeeeeeeamy".
It would have been, except for the part where they told you they had to measure it with their tongues. And doubley so when they followed this with "measure twice, cut once."