I'll answer that. Yes, you do. Now that I'm back from the bar I need to drink away the two bottles in the freezer. I need more room in there. Also...
Also I just have to say...I met a girl from The LA[So Cal?] area tonight. What a fucking annoying accent. Soooo I went to this place aaand I waaas like whaaaat? Fucking stop it.
Well, I lost all the shit that I had typed, and I am both too lazy and too drunk to retype/rememeber what I had so eloquently said. Thus, I leave you with this: Spoiler A great song covered by a great band: and if you like that...this is sooo fucking good...according to me.
Spoiler This is a historic first for me, drunk or not: somebody referring to a Chicago song as "great". My dad used to play that song. I refer to it as "The Song That Triggers Patricide"
It's always been December 1st for me, and most people I know. Some even put it up in November, but that's just wrong. And since today is December 1st, here's some music to cheer you all:
I always liked Christmas. My dad passed on December 15, so it has been a while since I've been in the holiday spirit. This year, though, I'm very excited about Christmas. I have all the money I need saved for my wife's gifts. I'll decorate soon. I'm feeling very festive this year, so I'm really going to try to enjoy Christmas for the first time in many years.
My niece was in a car accident without insurance and there was some kind of program that offered her reduced rates after the fact. When my son cracked open his eyebrow and we took him to the ER for stitches, we kept getting calls that I was ignoring (didn't recognize the number so didn't answer). Well, it was the hospital and they sent us a letter saying we were running out of time to apply for something that would reduce our costs. I told them we had insurance and even showed them the card at the hospital. We even had to pay a $75 copay. I would call the hospital and tell them you heard there were programs available to help uninsured patients. It's a good starting point. There's got to be something available. Every little bit helps.
Seriously, fuck that song. If depression were a virus, that song would be a concentrated vial of it. I mean hey, at least it isn't country or Celine Dion, but fuck...
Hey goodlife, ask the hospital if they have some kind of financial aid program. I have the shittiest insurance in the world (hello, $10,000 deductible) so I may as well have no insurance. I just had to fill out a form and send copies of my bank account balances and last 6 months of paychecks to apply for it. Luckily, I qualified and it significantly lowered the bills.
Holy shitsnacks. What's the fucking point? There's snow all over the ground outside, the boyfriend got called in for a sixth day on set and my coffee is spiked. Time to put up some Christmas decorations. Too bad it's supposed to warm up to 14 on Monday and I'll probably have the roof off the car.
Yeah, I ask the same. That's with a $150/mo premium. No way I could afford a better plan right now. I really only go to the doc a handful of times a year so it works out unless there's some kind of emergency. My school requires us to have health insurance, otherwise I might think twice about it. And, the insurance plan my school offers is even shittier than mine, which I didn't know was possible.
You took the words right out of my mouth. That's one of the lousiest coverages I've ever heard. The one I have through my work I couldn't spend in a year if I wanted to: percriptions, doctor visits, physical therepy, massage therepists, optomitrists, nutritionists and dieticians, dental.... I pay nothing. Well, my family and I have to pay $2 for any perscription and for doctor's notes. And they wonder why we're healthier up here.
My second job is doing their yearly open enrollment. The manager in charge of assisting with it has been hounding everyone to sign up and looked slightly offended when I politely told her I couldn't afford it. Most of these policies leave you better off saving the monthly payment unless you frequent the ER the way sorority girls frequent shady clubs.
My son woke me up literally at least once an hour last night. I swear to god I would skin a kitten just to makea baby cry right now.
Behold! The power of WHISKEY! <a class="postlink" href="http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10851152" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/artic ... d=10851152</a>
Especially for someone in the healthcare industry, that's insane. My sister had a $975,000 stem cell transplant and our co-pay was $65. That's it. I would shop around...
First things first, how long ago did you leave your last job? If it was within the past three months you still may be in the window to sign up for COBRA. I forget exactly what the laws were but I think your COBRA administrator has 30 days to notify you about your eligibility to continue and you have 60 days to elect to continue. If you elect to continue, your coverage is retroactive back to your last day of employment, so if you're still in that window it'll be as if you never dropped coverage and you can submit the claim, but you will have to pay premiums back to your last day of work (which should still be WAY less than than paying out of pocket). I would call your COBRA administrator/old employer fucking ASAP to see if you're still in the window. Failing that, as already has been mentioned, see if you can work something out with the hospital. Do whatever you can to hide assets first though.
That's ridiculous, the GF is on a much better plan* than you ($1,000 deductible, $2,000 OOP) and pays less than that. Does your plan have maternity benefits or something? *This is an individual policy for a 29 year old female, no subsidy from work or school.
I did not just spend the last half hour watching the many, many, slingshot orgasm clips on YouTube. Anyway, in regards to holiday spirit. It is getting earlier and earlier. The only way its going to stop is if people don't buy anything earlier, advertising agencies are pushing it earlier. I experienced this with my client this year. In the holiday planning meetings which happen in June/July we basically suggest to the them that we start building awareness earlier. The problem is, over the years, they've been trying earlier and getting sales. If we didn't have Thanksgiving or Halloween, we'll be fucked. Actually not, this shit is going to come and go. Eventually there will be a backlash, there will be a backlash to the backlash and it'll balance out. I personally am surrounded by a large group of Grinchs and Scrooges. I have this weird personality disorder my friends like to call "being an asshole" where if they are not excited about something, I get SUPER excited about it. So we're going to the movies and they're like "Eh, I heard okay things, it should be a decent time" I flip on the "THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BESTEST MOVIE EVARRRRRR!" That happens with Christmas. I have Mariah Carey's Christmas I and II ready to play in about two weeks.