My God, the resemblance is uncanny! They could be twins! You need to set this guy up for a major office humiliation and take him down a few pegs. So, anyone following the Pope on twitter? Yeah, I didn't think so.
I can get behind that. Which reminds me, if these girls: were going to release photos they later thought better of, they should've been naked.
I wonder how long it will take for the neighbourhood kids to move that sword so it becomes a penis. (Or the neighbourhood 25 year olds, if they're anything like me.)
we are doing a photoshoot in the gym today with tires and a machete and a sledgehammer. I can't play with anything. I have a sad. Good news is, there's a LOT of good pics coming out of this. Bad news is...I can't play. Maybe something posed later. puppy mills are as bad as dog fighting. Hate.
My 14 month old is currently dancing around the living room in only a shirt and Mardi Gras beads (from a birthday party last weekend.) I'm going to be in trouble when she hits puberty, aren't I?
They'll probably try to drop-kick it instead and wreck it. DO what I do: turn the hose lightly on it or soak it good with cold water. That will turn it into a parking barrier, and makes for quite the visible show when the neighbourhood brat tries to body-check it.
I'd be more concerned why someone is giving out Mardi Gras beads at a child's birthday. Are you friends with Joe Francis' baby?
It was my cousin's 30th birthday party the other night. They also did shots of Malibu, it was a classy event.
If that numbskull fuckface summer-toothed open sore of a human being has a kid, then the Seventh Seal has been opened. I would be hard-pressed to think of another person I'd rather shove into an electric eel tank than that creep. Even his face just plain says "Punch me." The pope would change his stance on abortion to "Okay, but just this once."
This is by far the best snowman I have ever seen. Imagine waking up to that. Batman villain level genius. Spoiler Link in case no workie: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
WTF ever. Trophy wives don't bake. They have people who do that for them. ghetto, you can be a fine private chef.