Looking at the picture of the Korean guy about to get owned by the train you have to ask the question, how little upper body strength did the dude have? That should have been no harder than getting out of a pool, and he had at least 20 seconds and the threat of being pasted for motivation.
Anyone ever wanted to see a dog getting raped by a horse? Well today's your lucky day: NSFW *Stolen from Reddit*
For real. I hoisted myself up a brick wall in the garage to hide a cat trap this past weekend with no issues. All I can think is that maybe he was paralyzed with fear?
Funny. All I can think of is the cunt taking the photo should have tried to help. Certain instances of photo journalism are nothing shy of disgusting. NSFW The above photo was taken in Somalia. Story behind it, no one in the street, kid was alone trying to get to the feeding center, guy walked past and snapped the photo. Didn't. Do. Shit. When he came back to this area later, the kid was gone. The only solace I find about that is the photographer ended up eating his own gun.
Yeah and ill bet $10 you tough guys also don't believe in Monday morning quarterbacking, either. You weren't there, but oh, you know exactly what should have been done and if you were there you'd be national fucking heroes. You want to know the truth of it? If you actually had been there, you'd have reacted no differently, because you're just regular human beings with no special powers. Same goes for every one of your masturbatory fantasies about how you'd have totally stopped the latest tragedy if only god had been so awesome as to put you there. If you guys care to read, on any decent news site you can read sime of the photographer's statements about the event.
Obviously I've never gotten trapped in a subway. But, that being said, I've heard that apparently that hoist is a lot more difficult than you'd imagine, and that if the train is close they don't even recommend trying. Instead, they suggest lying down, since apparently there is enough clearance room under the train.
Couldn't he have just stepped to the right, to an empty track? In the picture it doesn't look like there is platforms on both sides there.
Sources say there were people that were much closer than the photographer. The photographer claims they were shooting while running for the victim, and the zoom lense makes them look closer. Apparently. I imagine the whole thing happening so fast. Those trains don't move slow, but I'm sure witnesses were worried about getting pulled down or hit by the train or snagging the third rail while helping him up, there could be so many factors. It's still a horrible thing. I'm mad at the asshole who green-lighted that front page with the disgusting It Bleeds It Leads heading. Even on tabloid levels it's over the line.
Whenever I watch the Austin Powers movie, there's that scene where he is trying to turn around in the transport thing and it's like the perfect fit. That scene reminds me of when I was 16 and the door on our garage broke and I couldn't get the car out. So I decided I could turn the car around inside the garage. Come on, I eyeballed it, I was 16 and I had plans. Plus my parents weren't home. Anyway, it took me like 45 minutes, just going forward/backward/forward/backward, etc. My siblings thought it was hysterical at first but they eventually got bored and left. And I just want to say that I was successful....with just a teeny-tiny scratch on the driver's side door. But the car was a piece of crap, so my parents didn't even care. Also, anyone here ever heard of an Austin Martina? I think that's the kind of car it was but the ignition was on the left and you turned the key towards you. I googled it, but nothing. Just curious. Also, who wants some cheese? And finally, I went food shopping today and saw the most beautiful man while there. And he was so nice. I said, "Excuse me" and he said, "Sure, no problem." See, nice!
I picture that land monster making that sound The Simpsons make when they eat dinner. I mean, that's a block of fucking cheese that she's mowing through like a flycutter. Suicide on wheels.
God I hope I feel human tomorrow. Not only is my group presentation due, but losing an entire day to sleeping and shitting is no fun.