C'mon, man. It's either suspended disbelief or it's real. In either case, it's still cool. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/shoot-fire-out-crotch-103-guide-atlanta" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/shoot-fi ... de-atlanta</a> Everyone knows I can't see. Have a drink.
For that Somalian shit, I've never seen anything that bad and been in a situation to do anything about it, and it's a haunting experience. However, the kids are the ones pimped out in poor places to beg for money. I used to catch an Indonesian mother of the year smearing dirt on her kid's clothes on the corner before sending them out to beg for change, while she sat in the shade and supervised. Same thing in Honduras, the kids would beg for money and got so used to foreigners giving them cash, that they just started reaching in women's purses, which almost got some little cunt decapitated. With that said, you're damn right that 9 times out of 10, I'm walking past the fucked-up looking kid because in all likelihood it's a scam. However, given the "photo journalism", paparazzi, and Instagram gallery of twats, I hope most people who earn a living with a camera die in a shower of shit-covered fire ants crawling up their urethra. The bottom line is that if you encounter something so terrible, you might not be able to do much about it, but you should respect the utter shit lot in life that the kid drew and not try to profit from it.
A random thought... "Just tell me your personal issue, and, with the power of your collective I will crush every value and principle that you ever even thought existed to resolve that for you."
In case anyone missed Nitwit's post, I wanted to highlight this glorious sentence. Then again, unless you have a strong stomach you may want to stay away from his tabs.
I find it weird how Brubeck dies, and suddenly the whole world is acting like they pay attention to / know jazz. Sure, "Take Five" is good, but last week, 95% of people wouldn't have even recognized his name.
I will bow to no man in my complete and utter ignorance of jazz. Also, before Angel's post, I couldn't have named another piece by Dave Brubeck if you put a gun to my head. I do however, really like Take Five.
To just kind of take it back to the post JWags made in the death thread, I don't care that people are jumping on the jazz bandwagon at this point. Brubeck had a sense of timing and rhythm that was astonishing (and fucking frustrating at times) and if his death means that someone somewhere looks him up on Youtube and finds an appreciation of his work, all the better. And just in case Take Five (and now Unsquare Dance) is all you know of the man, I give you another tasty out-of-time morsel. 9/8 time. 2+2+2+3. Or, as one quote on Youtube reads, "taco taco taco burrito".
It's not so much that. It's that people who literally didn't know who he was are suddenly posting OMG BRUBECK YOU WILL BE MISSED A TRUE LEGEND on Facebook, etc. I don't mean this about you, since it's fairly well establishing that you have a pretty strong and broad musical background. But there are people posting as if this is a huge personal blow to them who I know, if asked without access to Google, wouldn't be able to tell you who Charlie Parker was.
I'd rather have half-hearted condolences than read useless Facebook privacy posts or hear about people's babies. On the subject of jazz, my high school jazz band once played a song by Victor Lopez called Puffy Taco. I just tried to google it to remember how it sounded. Let's just say that my first few hits were not jazzy AT ALL.
Exactly this. On top of the fact they've probably never heard the full song as its been used in commercials 100 times. It took me a solid week to learn the song on my saxophone and still didn't even know the guy's name. Its bullshit that people who didn't even do that much are "freaking out" that he's dead.