I will join the parade of posting music that no one will click on. edit: Fucks wit dat youtube embedding?
There is something mildly unsettling about this hostel staffer always wearing a rubber glove on his left hand.
I love you Pimptress, but this is horrid without the softcore porn video. Listen again when you wake up. Just listen, no watchy. Regarding teachers...I'd suggest you ask an active, long term teacher like Chirpy. Oh wait, she booked it out of here because she got called out for drinking on a Tuesday (now that this place is holier than thou) and calling a spade a spade. Nevermind.
I miss Chirpy. I love when Atmosphere has their North Face sale at the beginning of the season. A new NF ski jacket with waterproof breathable zipout for $240 all in? SOLD.
I need to point husband in that direction then. He was wanting to buy me a jacket like that. Josh Abbott is one of my favorite Texas bands. Great fun guys too.
Oh haha you silly white person with your being patently wrong and unintentional racism. Please tell me more about how O.J. being declared innocent is still "the biggest failing of the American justice system in your lifetime." Twitter needs more brilliance like that.
Chirpy got extremely aggressive with me in pm to the point that it was mildly creepy. I wasn't getting holier than thou about her drinking on a tues but about calling other people pathetic when she should prob take a look at herself and her life
She was walking a definition of "damaged." I got a red dot from her because I posted how I was going on a dinner/movie date with my girlfriend instead of getting shitfaced or something like that. Oh yeah, and I think she was also pissed that were not all assholes to each other or something.
Damaged is a good word for it. I almost felt a little bad for what I posted about her because she just seems like a walking open wound. However the fact that she sees it as being run off because we are all holier than thou about weeknight drinking just shows that she just may be a bit delusional about why people responded to her in that manner. Hopefully she doesn't pass on her self esteem issues to the developing minds that she is teaching.
I don't know her that well, and honestly, I haven't engaged with everyone on the same level you guys have, but if she's that damaged, it's unavoidable that the kiddos would notice. Unfortunately, crazy is contagious.
Can't sing for shit but goddamn I love his lyrics. This is my favorite of his mainstream songs. Which reminds me...I need to get to drawing my cactus flowers. I feel the urge for another tattoo within the year.
That's....weird. Odd negativity, really. She was complaining about how tired downhill this place was going and that it was no funnier than Freak Safari. That's why everybody fired back at her, but anybody posting that would get a few snarky comments returned to them. I don't think she posted again after that. Here it is: ...she posted that on a tuesday, hence the "tuesday" thing. Now, HERE'S southern music I can really get in to. This shit is bone-chilling:
You have three times the kids I do. Have you not learned that you can't defend yourself in your sleep?
awww. You guys and your younglings. Mine are 10, 12, and 16. They're independent and can feed themselves. This is awesome. The Husband wants to have one of his (our) own...I don't know that he really understands that hey...you're effectively held HOSTAGE for a decade by a being smaller, lighter, less experienced than yourself who - for the first two years of its life - shits itself and makes you clean up after it. I mean, I love my kids, and I love the idea of procreating with The Husband, but...I also love being able to call or text them and say "Hey, Mom's gonna be late getting home, feed yourselves" and it not being the end of the world.
I am so jealous of you I just grew a heart so it can feel pain. I love them, but that stage where your kids are to cool to even admit they have parents let alone hang out with you...well that sounds so beautiful I've got a tear running down my left cheek just thinking about it.
My roommate is a bartender and likes to wake me up when she gets home at 2 in the morning by snuggling up to me and talking until I get up and have a drink with her. She's lucky she's cute. I got her back by getting up at 7 and cuddling her and poking her to get her to run with me. She didn't run with me but I think I made my point. She's taking me out for a beer brunch to make up for it. Going for my run is probably all I will accomplish today.