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Prince Charming, who is he, I want a Prince Albert!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bigtom0404, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    There does seem to be a lot of judgment in this thread, a lot of which I disagree with, but likening it to racism is also pretty extreme. People are not born tattooed/pierced, it is a choice they make. Now, maybe people should not judge them for that choice, but it is a far cry for judging someone based on what race they are born as.
  2. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Absentee Mod

    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana

    Skin color is not a choice. Body modification is. The discussion is about that choice, and whether or not it says something about that person.
  3. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    I don't have a tattoo nor any body modifications/piercings.

    As to the whole 'judging' aspect - it's an unavoidable aspect in most societies. People will continually judge based on meaningless criteria in an effort to make themselves feel superior.

    If I showed up in court and saw a Judge with those teardrop tattoos on his face, would I be worried? Yup. Could subsequent interactions prove me wrong? Yup.

    If I showed up to my doctor's office and he had two full sleeves and those ear thingies that make holes in them so the lobe gets bigger am I concerned? You betcha. Would subsequent interactions prove me wrong? Maybe.

    If I showed up at my lawyer's office, defending me for murder, and he had a pierced septum, the word 'badass' tattooed to his forehead, and fourteen earrings down the side of his left ear, am I concerned? Oh my, yes, I am. Could I change my mind based on subsequent interactions? Absolutely.

    Like it or not, first impressions are important, and there are certain professions where we expect that the people we are hiring or visiting 'will follow the rules.' When they don't, we get concerned, because if they are unwilling to follow societal norms in one context, it calls in to question their ability to 'follow the rules' in the context for which we have hired them.

    Is this to say that I think people with tattoos and piercings are bad people, or unworthy of the same considerations in social and work situations as me? No, but I am saying it's an uphill climb. For every action there are potential consequences.

    Just go ahead and ask me, because in many other settings I have made the wrong decisions (not to say that tattoos are the 'wrong decision') and paid a heavy price. And I still am paying.

    Latin Groove: Your analogy fails on its face. People don't choose race. They choose to modify their appearance. Except for say, Holocaust victims whom didn't choose to be tattooed, which is an entirely different ball of wax.
  4. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm speaking purely on aggregate, on a case by case basis having tattoos does not mean you are an idiot, insubordinate, a drug user or any bad traits some people choose to associate body modifications with. The smartest, most successful and pious of all my family members has a huge Harley tattoo on his arm (covered).

    However, if there was a group of 100 people lined up on a wall, half of them tatted up and the other half free of visible body modification and I asked you to pick which group you thought had more pot smokers, which one would you guess?

    I don't want to degrade into a discussion about pot or drugs affecting productivity, but I think we can agree most employers would turn you down outright if they found out you smoked half an eighth before work every day.

    This cut and dry example is not the exact line of logic used, but it's the fundamental logic used by HR when they interview you.
  5. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Every time there is a thread about things you hate the topic of fat people always comes up. There is a pretty common theme associated with this. People hate fat people because they are lazy, they don't have to be fat. If they weren't so lazy they would exercise and eat right, etc... This is the same damn thing. You chose to get that tattoo/giant hole in your ear/piercing through your junk (much like choosing to be lazy). I personally think it is retarded. It is human nature to judge. Asking "Who are you to judge?" Is a fucking retarded question, because we judge people every god damn day.

    If we were judging Holocaust survivors based on the tattoos they got in concentration camps, that would be one thing. But we aren’t. We are judging you based on what you think is “cool”. And what you did to your own body BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO.

    Furthermore I think it is funny how offended people get when the topic of circumcision comes up. People claim loss of sensitivity as one of the reasons it shouldn't be allowed. Yet here we have people claiming ramming a hole through your body increases sensitivity.
  6. LatinGroove

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 28, 2010
    Why do you think there is a difference if there is a choice involved or not? What IS the difference in your opinion?

    I was in the process of editing my original post because even though it may be a bit of a stretch, I still don't think it is entirely without merit.

    My question is WHY does having a choice or not in the matter make a difference in between why you are judged or not?
  7. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009

    Because the choices people make, generally speaking, are a reflection of their character or will or desires or other volitional imperatives. When there is no choice, it's just something that happens to them and does not reflect upon them. I don't judge people for being killed by tornados (outside force), though I might judge them for purposefully running into it for no good reason (stupid choice).

    Now, should someone who gets a tattoo be judged harshly? Generally speaking, I don't think so, but even if I did it would still be a judgment based on someone's decisions not the circumstances of their birth over which they have no control.
  8. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    If you are born retarded it is wrong to make fun of you. If you use so many drugs you fry your brain to the same state of a retarded person, it is just fine.

    If you are born with AIDS, it is wrong to make fun of you. If you get it because you are sharing needles it is just fine.

    If you are born a certain skin color it is wrong to make fun of you. If you tattoo your skin a certain color it is just fine.

    Is what I am trying to say is that you are judged by your actions. Body modification is your own damn choice. Therefor it is OK to judge.
  9. LatinGroove

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 28, 2010
    Maybe it's because I fall into both categories of being tattooed and being a certain skin color (in Texas no less) that I'm still failing to see a distinction because you're judged either way. I understand it on an intellectual level, but it still does not register with me is why I asked those questions.
  10. Primer

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    It's a perfect example of not using logic. HR rarely uses logic, the corporate world is a backwards and a dangerous representation of how society should act.

    You know what's funny, I would assume that the people without tattoos are just as likely to smoke drugs as the ones who have tattoos; in fact, of my friends, the ones without any mods smoke the most pot. The point I'm trying to make here is that you have no idea about those people and are just assuming based upon physical appearance alone. I would think that having a family member such as the one mentioned would make you think twice about tattoos and how you perceive them.

    I have a friend who works for Google who had interviews at both Research In Motion (Blackberry) and Apple. I asked him about the process and he explained in detail about the whole thing; at the end, he mentioned that I would enjoy working for that company if I ever went into that industry. Upon asking why, he noted that the guy interviewing him at Apple was covered in tattoos and "like this huge ring through his nose, it was nuts" (I assumed a septum piercing). You would think that at a company, which I consider one of the top places the world to work, that hires people looking like that would send a message to everyone else.

    As said above, every sub-culture has it's idiots and shit bags. You give me a profession, hobby or group and I can give you a negative perspective on them because it's easy to see the flaws. I can guarantee that there is always a group of people in those sub-cultures or professions that portrays that negative image and ruins it for everyone else. There have been movements to stop racism and homophobia for years, if people can't get past something as simple as tattoos and piercings, how are we supposed to stop something bigger?

    And do you judge people who are poor by thinking they're lazy? There is a line which gets crossed all the time. Do you discriminate against people who get sex changes? That would be in poor taste. Where does the line start and end? People make choices all the time, some good, some bad; how can you judge someone on that? Are you a perfect man, who doesn't do something stupid once in a while? I don't hate on my friends who have moved in with the girlfriends, even though I think it's a terrible choice. The world isn't so black and white. Yes, people judge others; it's a simple fact of life but it doesn't mean it has to happen. I'm not saying I'm innocent, I've done it before and I'll do it again but I'm working on it.
  11. whathasbeenseen

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 30, 2009
    The argument about being a particular skin color is without merit and ridiculous.

    To illustrate choice in this I'll venture my own story:

    I'm black. I have tattoos. Up until a little while ago I had dreadlocks that went down to my chest. Black? Shit I can't fix that, neither would I want to. It is what it is. But I work in corporate America. Choosing to have tattoos in a place that can be easily covered (my back) versus where I wanted them (arm sleeves) was a smart choice.

    I have enough trouble overcoming peoples fucked up notions based on my skin color as is. Why add anything? I could give a fuck about these people or their opinions but I like to eat and have money in my pocket, so I'll play their game.

    Dreadlocks - cut em. Why? I hate getting pulled over for no reason. I hate people assuming that I smoke weed and am a lazy fuck up based on nothing beyond my hair style. I can't raise my voice in surprise or anger because I'm a big black guy. So I'm quiet. Choice? Yup. Again because I like that these fucks keep paying me.

    Its all a game. Raging against the machine is great if you live with your mommy and daddy or own your ability to choose how you eat. I don't have that option at the moment. So I'll keep playing. I'll keep my tattoos hidden, keep my hair cut short and speak in low voices so I don't scare these small dicked white men whose insecurity complexes at anything different run their closed off realities, their wives run roughshod over them and keep playing into their dick hardening entitlement to lord it over me as long as they keep paying me.
  12. Noland

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    Can I judge you for being a Texan?

    Seriously though. If you see a guy in a seersucker suit, white shirt, yellow tie, and wingtips, what's your first impression?

    First impressions are judgments. We make them every day and we don't even think about them.

    The seersucker guy is a lawyer/banker/investment counselor. A guy with face tattoos is something else.

    Speaking of judging people.....Jesus Christ, dude. When that anger boils over, you're going to end up in a bell tower with a rifle.
  13. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Whether you want to accept it or not, there is a difference between the real world and the way the world should work.

    And I really do think 90% of poor people are lazy. When I see a poor person with tattoos I think they have bad financial management skills. I judge them. Just like you are judging us for our opinions.

    What the fuck is wrong with judging? If you dont want to be judged for your ultra cool mods, thats fine go work for Apple. But you certainly wont be working for me.
  14. whathasbeenseen

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 30, 2009
    I have to agree here and so does the Governator. People on welfare are no longer allowed to use their welfare debit cards in tattoo shops:
  15. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    HR is (well, was) the bane of my existence and probably the biggest tool preventing the workplace from actually being productive

    I can assure you your group of friends is the exception, not the rule.

    I don't have time to get to know everyone inside and out, if I need to interact with you briefly, I make assumptions about your behavior based on appearance and go on my merry way when I'm done.

    If I know I am going to engage in a long term relationship (business wise or other) with someone I will look past appearance and get to know the person.

    Roy Nelson is one of the best fighters in the world, doesn't make me think fat people on aggregate are just as athletic as average people.

    If he's a big wheel at Apple he probably has an elite skill set, companies don't care what you look like if they KNOW you can produce, the issue is that they only have 20 minutes to judge your ability to produce and appearance is something they use to make that judgment.
  16. whathasbeenseen

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 30, 2009
    I'm not angry you monkey spank. I'm just saying that I know how to play the game. When my side business is more successful, I'll grow my hair and tattoo my face until my cock is hard, but for now the need is to play with the rules of society.
  17. Primer

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    This is why threads like this fascinate me. It's like arguing religion or politics with other people; both parties think they're absolutely correct in every aspect and refuse to see any other options.
  18. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    So now that we agree we are both retarded for various reasons, perhaps we should look at the reasons these prejudices tattooed people exist. No ones opinion on this subject is changing any time soon, there has to be something else to discuss. Its been beaten to a pulp.

    Why do I think these prejudices exist? I associate tats with the following: prisoners, drug users, gang members, Nazis and freak shows. All of which are negative drains on society (I guess freak show is debatable). I know, not all people with tats fall into this category, and in reality I don't hate them like this thread makes it look. I do dislike them, but whatever. I even have good friends with tattoos. One has a dragon. Every time he takes his shirt off I make sure to remind him of how gay it is.
  19. whathasbeenseen

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 30, 2009
    I can see both sides of it. I see how someone wants to judge someone else because it helps them to box them up and make them understandable or dismissible. Them fuckers also rule large parts of the world. Thats okay for the moment. Do I agree with them? Fuck no. I will probably always be in the minority or the perceived minority.

    I think though that its important to see something, disagree with it and not need to impose that shit on anyone or anything else while retaining the ability to keep on stepping. I like [edit: giving]* sex in the butt. I know plenty of girls that don't. That doesn't mean we can't be friends. It just means we probably aren't sexually compatible. But we can definitely talk about what happened last week on Grey's Anatomy (Don't judge me you fucker. There are some hot bitches on that show.) and I'll find somebody else who'll let me diddle their balloon knot.

    Edit: Kubla propositioned me so I had to clarify.
  20. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Oh, Frebis. Really??

    90% of poor people are lazy? Did you graduate from the KIMaster school of Pulling Random Stereotypical Statements Out Of Your Ass And Passing Them Off As Verified Fact? You're smarter than that--don't be like that dude. Look, I'll be the first to admit that the class of financially destitute people you call "poor" may not have the money management skills that you or I have developed. This, however, has everything to do with their lack of exposure to a good financial education and the tendency of poverty to perpetuate itself, and absolutely nothing to do with supposed "laziness." Furthermore, there is absolutely NO way you can look at a poor person with a tattoo/multiple tattoos and decide that they should've spent money on something better. Really. You have no clue when they got the tattoo--were they more financially stable at that time? Plenty of people get tats while they have a stable, well-paying job but then years later find themselves victim of a recession and are forced to rely on public assistance programs. You don't know if it was even a tattoo they paid for--perhaps they received free ink in a sort of barter-exchange system that tends to be common in less affluent communities. Hell, you're ALL about some stereotypes--shouldn't you just automatically be assuming that all poor people got their ink in know, 'cause all poor people are horrible and it should be assumed that they steal/defraud from wealthy people as often as they breathe?

    I think there is a world of difference between the two types of judging going on in this thread. It's never okay to make snap judgements based on outdated and inaccurate stereotypes about appearances...doubly so when you use such vitriolic hyperbole in order to express your personal preferences. It's totally cool to admit that you simply find tattoos distasteful, but attributing negative characteristics to a large group of people based on their body modifications is ridiculous and stupid. On the other hand, I don't think it's entirely fair for everyone to pile onto you because you're expressing hateful and ignorant opinions. It's certainly your right to do so, and to be honest.....I think it's pretty much expected at this point.

    It all boils down to priorities. The board members who place priority on appearances will feel strongly one way, and the board members who place priority elsewhere will obviously disagree with that. As long as you think your priorities are in line, then judge away, dear Frebis.