And for the love of all that is decent don't ever randomly drag up their past mistakes as means of leverage in an argument. My wife and I have disagreements once every eclipse but the issue is the issue and that's that.
It's weird seeing how much of this discussion has been about money issues. Boyfriend and I have been together for almost 4 years and have been living together for more than 3, and money has never been an issue in the relationship, outside of the fact that neither of us have any. We don't have any shared accounts, we split rent and utilities based on how broke we are, and we take turns or split paying for groceries, meals out, etc. The only thing we really own together is our bed (best money we've ever spent) and we both prefer to spend money on experiences/vacations rather than stuff. Point being, I didn't even think about money as an issue moving in together, so people obviously have hugely different expectations and priorities. By all means plan with your SO before moving in together, but I feel like trying to micromanage every expectation is asking for trouble. Things will happen, and the relationship will either work or not work, and it probably won't have anything to do with the agreement you made about who cleans the bath tub drain and how often.
I think the bold portion is the key. If members of a couple both have a lot of money, or both have nothing, you're right, not too much to discuss. The reality is that most couples have a differential in their incomes. Nettdata mentioned he made most of the money, in my relationship, my wife makes most of the money. When there is a differential, or there is likely to be (for instance, one of you is in school and looking to likely have a lucrative job while the other has a career that probably will never pay a lot), it is the biggest issue in most relationships. It's the number one thing couples fight about - and probably the reason a lot of relationships eventually end. Ultimately, I agree with the second bolded statement. My view is that relationships working out is largely a matter of luck. Things happen, people change, circumstances change, and you can't anticipate all of them, nor is it reasonable to hold someone to a hypothetical answer they made about a situation ten years ago when it was a distant, or non, possibility. I have seen many, many relationships break up. Most of the time, both people involved are good, hardworking people. They tried their best given their situation, and it didn't work. And that's just how it goes a lot of the time. The vast majority of relationships 'don't work out' if you define 'working out' as 'staying together.' You do your best, try not to hit the crack pipe too hard, and hope things work out. That's all you can do.
A question I just though of since I'm sitting here on the last weekend I have by myself for the forseeable future. Did any of you guys do anything special/crazy/interesting on your last day of mono-habitation life?
Yeah man, it was glorious. You should do the following because its not going to happen once youre shacked up with your lady: -Throw all your clothing on the floor, just because -Leave dishes in the sink and get to it later -Get naked (no socks either), dim the lights, light a special aromatic candle, get a bottle of Jergens, your laptop/ipad, find your very favorite porn film, and have a glorious beat off session. Seriously. Beat that thing until it almost falls off because your normal beat off schedule will evaporate. Keep in mind that youll have someone else there that you can beat off on or in (also known as sex), but if you ever want a little "you" time, youll be in the shower or catching a late night stealth stroke after shes gone to bed. Then when your done, throw your jizz rag on the floor, also just because.
Y'all need to have some better conversations with your partners if you can't jerk off without a gillie suit and overwatch team.
Its not about keeping it a secret, shes caught me and doesnt care whatsoever, but its still personal and private. We are pretty open about everything, but we still have some personal boundaries we like to maintain.
You... you shit the bed with her in it. How is beating it still in the realm of "personal and private" after your feces have been on her?
To be fair that was an accident because I had a tummy ache and thought it was going to be a hard fart. It's not like a scooped up a handful of diarrhea and used it as lube to pleasure myself. I'm not saying I didn't cum from my surprise and confusion, Im saying it wasn't intentional.
All jokes aside, if I'm at the beginning of a relationship with a guy, I like to watch him jerk off. It's the easiest way to figure out what he likes. It's like recon work.
The only time anybody has ever seen my twang my banjo was when my mom walked in on me when I was 14. The idea of my wife watching me really weirds me out. Yes, even though she and I have had conversations while one of us is sitting on a toilet. I think half the fun of a new relationship is finding out what your partner does and doesn't like.