Yes, and it's a goddamn simple one; have several thousand men tie ropes around the structure, then drag it on circular tree logs. (I don't think they had fully mastered the wheel in South America, so no wheel carriage) This is very similar to what the Greeks and Romans did to build their own monolothic structures, and which is chronicled at length in their written records. See, you don't have to believe in aliens or "mysterious ancient technology" if you know a little bit of history.
Yes, we do. KI is correct. But they also used to some extent sleds with water or other liquids under to pull through the sand. On top of that, they would pile up the sand to each level on the pyramid so that they didn't have to invent some sort of crane system to place the blocks higher. The problem is that the pyramids were simply built using simple methods on a grand scale. You are getting tripped up on the fact that it is on a grand scale, and therefor must not be simple.
Aliens? Who the fuck has been licking the electrical outlet? Look, builders don't make astonishing sculptures that reach to the sky anymore. Because they don't have to. You'd be surprised what the human spirit is capable of creating when somebody hands you 500,000 people to get the job done. Pyramids and the like were built to honour something that terrified them: Their so-called Gods. Nowadays, buildings dedicated to God usually come with a recreation centre attached to the side that can be rented out for white trash wedding receptions. Just because the Egyptians came up with things like giant pyramids, mummification and really hilarious looking scripture doesn't mean that E.T. showed up with his Speak n' Spell and showed them what's what. Look at the advancements our society has had in the last 100 or so years. I think structures from The Eiffel Tower to the Burj Dubai are extremely impressive. We've gone from automobiles to a device the size of your thumbnail that holds every single song you've ever heard in your entire life. And it's last year's garbage sitting in your junk drawer. I refuse to believe that the supporting cast of Independence Day had anything to do with this. Grow up.
Fact 1: Lifting heavy stuff is hard Fact 2: Every person I know doesn't like doing hard things Fact 3: Using the transitive property people would not build the pyramids without outside help (aliens, duh) KI- Maybe you should STFU until you can defeat this bullet proof stream of logic. Fact 4: I'm hammered
I realise you are trying to be funny but I felt compelled to address your points anyway. Life is hard, doing a hard day’s work for pay is better than starving. Using a pool of 3 degenerates is probably too small a sample group to use when forming a hypothesis. Or a vengeful Pharaoh with the power of life and death and an architect? Was it due to *aliens slipping you a mickey while anally probing you? Because this is the logical conclusion. *Dude in leather with a sweet moustache.
The plains were farmed after the floods receded, leaving behind fertile ground, not while the water was high.