ENTP - "Inventor". risk taker, easy going, outgoing, social, open, rule breaker, thrill seeker, life of the party, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, appreciates strangeness, disorganized, adventurous, talented at presentation, aggressive, attention seeking, experience junky, insensitive, adaptable, not easily offended, messy, carefree, dangerous, fearless, careless, emotionally stable, spontaneous, improviser, always joking, player, wild and crazy, dominant, acts without thinking, not into organized religion, pro-weed legalization
Extroverted (E) 62.5% Introverted (I) 37.5% Intuitive (N) 51.11% Sensing (S) 48.89% Thinking (T) 60% Feeling (F) 40% Perceiving (P) 66.67% Judging (J) 33.33% Your type is: ENTP ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.
Introverted (I) 62.86% Extroverted (E) 37.14% Sensing (S) 64.86% Intuitive (N) 35.14% Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50% Perceiving (P) 51.43% Judging (J) 48.57% Your type is: ISTP ISTP - "Engineer". Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population.