This is a friend of mines twitter. Before you shoot it down, he is collecting the hilarious nasty shit that his roommate says and putting it online without him knowing. I know the guy who says all these so they might be a bit funnier to me, but I feel like I should share this obscure twitter account. Enjoy [hopefully?]
Want to play a little game? How about concentration? NSFW Match the Snatch
Just a couple links I've delicious'd in the past couple of days.... Deer headbutts 650 lb lawn ornament. Guess who wins? This may belong in the newly christened invention thread These school dress codes are out of hand! Unbridled Awesomnimity Bill Dawes' blog that I found. I don't know if this is an old blog of his (even though its been updated multiple times since the Rudius fallout) or a new one..... But its got funny shit in it that I haven't read before. qwerty warriors. Its quite addicting. You type the word on top of the enemy to shoot them. Save the detonate and life points until you are overwhelmed. Play on the hardest or it gets boring really fast as its too easy in the beginning. I think this is the best work Hunter S. Thompson ever did. ... /frontpage This has to be the most unintentionally hilarious newspaper in the United States. The comments, Christ. The stupid-fu is strong. This website is a must for anyone from Seattle over the age of thirty-five. This is my favorite television show of all time.
Saw this on Digg, apparently this Project Gutenberg shit has like 30k ebooks you can read for free.
How do you make a U2 concert suck even more than it already does? Is it even possible? Why, yes. Yes it is.
This was on that old message board too, but this site was criminally overlooked by everyone. Honestly, just watch a few of the videos on this site. You won't be able to stop watching. It's to fucking DIE for.
Another: this credit goes to Blue Dog, since I found it off of his hilarious "Unicorn Wolf Lazers Fuck You" site, but it's all kinds of awesome on it's own. Fuck Yeah Vans? FUCK YEAH:
Hitman Monkey?: "Hitman Monkey is my power animal. He makes Macaque tingle." God I'm a sucker for the easy jokes. That shit cracks me up. Yeah, the blog this is from is part of the uproxx network of blogs. I spend most of my time-killing on Film Drunk, Warming Glow and now Gamma Squad. Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen a article with so much fail.