If you've ever wanted to see what a meth addict sheep looks like while it's being tasered for scientific purposes, here you go. For the illiterate or lazy... PS: I love you, internet. Don't ever change.
If anyone's looking for a movie that not only has a ton of news in regards to movies in production, but is also pretty damn funny then I suggest checking out Film Drunk. It's part of a collection of blogs actually, so some of the others are worth checking out too. (Warming Glow is pretty good for TV news) Talking about new clips from the movie Kick Ass that were released: And the comments from each post are worth reading through as well. There are some hilarious people who read that site. Comment from a story about Will Smith thinking about doing a movie in which Manhattan floats across the Atlantic to England: **** The guy who writes the blog loves not only referencing Jason Statham as Da Stafe, and has written blog entries in his voice.
Max Roper, a concert photographer I follow, took some absolutely stunning shots of JayZ at Coachella: http://maxroper.com/photos/jay-z-coachella/ His Muse Coachella shots are awesome, too.
http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/blog/bi...nd-Western-Kentucky-get-dramat?urn=mlb,235466 Who says rain delays can't be fun?
I found an amazingly fun musical flash toy. It works a lot like a monome, which is something I've always wanted to play with.
Redhead Massacre ..... taking ginger hating to a new level. British musician M.I.A. has sparked controversy with a nine-minute long video depicting redheads being rounded up by police and brutally murdered. The musician scored a worldwide pop hit with her song "Paper Planes" in 2008, but her latest song "Born Free" is less radio-friendly. In the clip, directed by Romain Gavras, police wearing ski masks and armed with submachine guns storm an apartment block, interrupting an elderly couple having sex, before grabbing a red-headed young man and forcing him into the back of a truck. The truck is driven into the desert where a group of redheaded men are lined up in a row before a young boy is shot in the head. Later in the clip, another redheaded man is depicted being blown up by a landmine, with the explosion showing his severed arm flying through the air. The explicit and violent nature of the video clip has seen it censored on YouTube in the US, prompting M.I.A. to attack her record company Universal Music Group (UMG). You can see it here: http://vimeo.com/11219730
Noah's Ark , found ......... again I call Shenanigans ! http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/04/27/noahs-ark-found-turkey-ararat/
Little man - The way girls are (NSFW) A story about a boy and his homework, and his attempt to understand girls.
Hey Australia, even though we're knocking you up and everything, don't think that you can call us for money. That's not how we roll.
Got this from some dude who works at Staples. From what ive seen its a pretty decent streaming site. I just got done watching shes out of my league and date night. http://www.rootforum1.com
Anyone who watched the latest episode of South Park probably knows about this website: http://www.restorestephenbaldwin.org/ It's quite hilarious and I'm surprised it hasn't become a thread topic yet.
http://www.playedonline.com/game/598161/super-mario-crossover.html Play Super Mario Bros. as Link, Mega Man, Samus Aran, Simon Belmont and Contra's Bill. It's surprisingly fun.
Interesting article on Gizmodo today: Top 10 reasons you should quit facebook. There is a reason why my facebook profile is completely devoid of any personal info.
In addition: How to delete apps if you've installed them because, yes, they are sharing/selling your private data How Facebook silently data harvests