So I was watching the Hip Hop digital cable channel with some friends, and suddenly up popped some rapper named Schwayze. I was like, What the fuck, that is Aaron Smith. I went to High School with him, and ran track with that dude. No one belived me, until I pulled up his wiki.
Also drinking Svedka but just with cranberry. My favorite weed movie would probably be the directors cut of Dances with Wolves . Kevin Costner can be forgiven for any piece of shit he made with just this movie even if he didn't make Field of Dreams.
So where the drunks at? I'm not so miuch drunk, as I am holding a nice, pleasant buzzzz. All warm and fuzzy like. And caffienated. Made myself a special coffee to warm up... double espresso (WTF am I thinking!?), Baileys, Fragellico, and a wee bit of some nut liquor from south afrtica I can't remember. Tasty. Warmed the cockles of my heart even. Switched to Crown and Gingers, short, about half an hour ago. Minimal ice, more crown than ginger. My go-to for more than 20 years. Went outside to listen to the coyotes off in the distance, only to be scared shitless after about 15 miutes when one started up right beside me. Sounded like it was 10 feet away, just in the treeline of my place. I know it's only a small dog-like thing, but still... Came back inside to find I had a text from some chick I met last night. I'm leery, because I met her at the peeler bar. Still, we'll see how this goes. Etnertaining at the least.
Just came back from the gym and decided to reacquaint myself with that case of Budvars I bought a while back that hadn't been touched and discovered that... they had been fucking ravaged by my old man. I need to figure out an alternative which will allow me to get absolutely hosed, by myself, on my couch, on a Saturday night. I'm a winner.
threw a party.. hillarious fight took place in my hallway... its good to live with a boxer. viva america.
its currently 7pm Aussie Eastern standard time and i've been drinking since 3, and up since 5am for a circuit class. been watching dodgy movies (though "fired up" was suprisingly funny) and listening to music with mates. ready to head out to what passes for a night out in my fairly small town.
Well, I am currently reading this thread one-eyed from about a foot away from my screen because I am drunk and I can't find my glasses. My roommate just went to bed, but we have spent the past few hours drinking our last few beers and chatting about the nature of space and our little corner in it. (which involved waking up our female roommate to see if she understood the most important image ever taken) I love space man...and it blows my mind thinking about how insignificant we are in the greater scheme of things. PS. You people start and finish drinking way too early PPS. Have a nice day!
Agreed, its 4:54AM here, and I've been at it for a while. Vodka and grape Gatorade. Thank the gods my girlfriend is planning on spending all day tomorrow shopping so I won't have to listen to, "All that yakkin' "(an old VW MyFast commercial) Guess its about time for old DVR'd episodes of Supernatural.
Oh, how I wish I could mock you for that. But you're right. Eric Christian Olsen is just a really funny dude.
It's been said many times by many people, but fuck it; I really wish I could refrain from drunk texting certain people. I always wake up afraid to check my convos from the night before. Today is no different. Sigh.
I dont think Im going to make it past 3 without dying today. Kegs and Eggs was a brilliant move. Some friends are over to watch this game and we're already down a bottle of whiskey and a case of beer. Best Saturday of 2009.
Went to a club/bar last night. I saw the fattest midget ever. Plus Jagerette made out with one of my ex fuckbuddies. Nice night.
Jesus, and I thought I was starting too early.. Just counted my empties and I have 23 cases. I should be able to get about $50 for that. Truth be told though, I haven't done an "empties run" since early august.
We should have a "Jesus Christ, I feel like shit, I am such an asshole for drinking the better part of a bottle of whiskey by myself for no good reason last night" thread. Then I could make a post about what a fucking nightmare it is to go to the zoo with three children and ride a merry-go-round with the world's worst hangover.
There are several things wrong with this post. Drinking the better part of anything by yourself does not an asshole make. It makes you a drunk or an alcoholic. You decide. Also change "asshole" to "retard" if you knew beforehand that there was going to be a zoo and three children involved in today's proceedings.. I'm sorry kind Sir but I have no sympathy for your plight - especially if you didn't think enough ahead to have a bottle of Hangover Go Away at the ready. Care for a beer?
I was going to be clever in my response, but decided against it. So, in response, to you, I say, "Fuck you."
Good weekend so far. Blue Angels Homecoming show yesterday. Followed by a hazy night between a buddies place, the bar, and the strip club. Strippers are so funny. Asked one how many kids she had and her reply was none, obviously. Then I asked her what the tattoo was on her tittay and she whispered in my ear that it was the name of her son. Oh the things these girls say... Get to go to a sweet dinner party kinda thing tonight. $50/person but I and my friends get to go free because we're 'helping out'. Plus we get to wear our ever so sexy Dress Blues. The place is gonna be full of rich, divorced, hot cougars. Like shooting fish in a barrel, but with dynamite.