Well I am retarded. Having to go to the laundromat with a wicked hangover isn't zoo merry-go-round bad but it's bad. It's worse when you have to go to the laundromat because you used the top drawer of your dresser as a toilet.
Anyone here have experience with Pinnacle vodka? I've never had it, but the guy working the counter said it's a bit better than Smirnoff vodka (which I normally drink), so I'm going to give it a try tonight. I'm deeply disturbed by the French flag on the front, but I've done worse things. And in the other corner, wearing the white trunks, weighing in at 750mL, is a bottle of Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey. Oh yeah, it's Go Time.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Pacquiao-Cotto tonight!!! This is the fight I have been anticipating ever since it was announced. If you told me two years ago that these two would eventually fight one another, I would have laughed in your face. The pay-per-view doesn't start until 6 but the full undercard begins at 5! I've been drinking for about an hour as Tecate had a promotion where if you bought any of their beer you got $25 off of the PPV. Going to my brother's to watch the fight so I got the Tecate to help chip in. Watching it with my brother and his friends, and bringing over the girl I have been dating who will get her first taste of me being a drunken moron doing what I love to do most, watch the sport that I love at its highest level surrounded by beer and great food. CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS FIGHT!!!! Going to be watching some of Pacquiao and Cotto's best and most awesome performances before the fight! I love having a vast library of fights on DVD. In the queue: Pacquiao vs. Juan ManuelMarquez II Cotto vs. Ricardo Torres Pacquiao vs. Marco Antonio Barrera I Cotto vs. Zab Judah Pacquiao vs. Erik Morales II Cotto vs. Shane Mosley Pacquiao vs. Ricky Hatton Cotto vs. Carlos Quintana Pacquiao vs. Oscar De La Hoya Not sure of the order but I'm starting with Pac-Marquez 2! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I sent a text to my mom asking what beer prices were back home, since I came from a military base and alcohol is generally a lot cheaper (another base sells 18-packs of Bud Light for $10, for example; yeah, it's Bud Light, but it's ten friggin dollars!). I was trying to decided whether I should be patient until I go back for Thanksgiving and then buy in bulk, being a poor college kid and all. A few texts later, she sends this: Thanks, mom.
The state run liquor monopoly has started to carry its Christmas gift packages. To celebrate, I cracked a beer with my new fridge-mounted Steamwhistle bottle opener/bucket combo, and poured it into my new half-litre wheat beer glass. I've wanted both of these for a while.
Spurs game, Shiner Bock variety pack. Not sure how far north Shiner is distributed, but damn, pretty much everything they brew is awesome.
Pinnacle isn't bad at all, about the same level as Smirnoff (I have X levels, pure shit (banks, jaquines, etc), entry level (Smirnoff), good (Titio's. Grey Goose), Exceptional (Any of the ultra high level vodkas that I refuse to try because they're so damn expensive!)
Congrats. I figured since it's a random weekend drinking thread I had to make an appearance. Currently I am alternating beer and vodka and playing Modern Warfare 2. I have two friends over and we have three TVs (all HD over 40 inches) setup next to eachother in my living room. I'm very surprised we all get laid on a regular basis. On a great note, I'm not spending any money this weekend. Apparently, I thought it was a good idea to buy the entire bar a round of carbombs last weekend after the Atreyu/Hollywood Undead concert. I'm playing catch up on my bank account. Oh, I hope you got pictures of jagerette making out with your ex too. Great momento.
Sometimes I forget how great it is being a bartender. Free drinks and basically carte Blanche to get away with anything in most of the clubs in my town..Gotta love the perks. However, I am not looking forward to waking up tomorrow to the inevitable hangover... But thats what sundays are for right?
Had the nasty shot olympics tonight. Go around the table and call the next person's shot. I won with lick chocolate syrup, shoot tequila, and bite a pickle. She puked immediately. Woot.
Bout to pass out. Wild day day. Wabash wins, fuck you DePauw. Ohio State wins in Overtime. I'm drained.
its 7am, I'm still far from sober and yet I'm still determined to cook some food. If I don't post here in a few days its probably safe to assume that I blew myself up attempting to cook bacon. Still, if there is a meat worth dying for, it'll be definitely be bacon.. or steak....
Bacardi Silver Strawberry bitch beer is delicoius. I am in love, and that is all. All of you manly men should have a sip or two, since I know that you would love it even though you would consider sipping such a beverage to be emasculatng. Basically this plus 'Bride Wars' means I am having the best Saturday night EVER. It also means my PMS this month is in overdrive and I have to avoid Animal Planet at ALL COSTS or else i will be crying until Tuesday. This means no puppiees and that makes me sad! Lets all post pics of cute animals. Here is a baby lllama in a scarf:
Went to a party where a couple lesbians made chili. It sucked. What do lesbians know about chili? Or penis for that matter? The upside is they had this 90 proof Parrot Bay coconut rum. Fuck you, it was the tastiest thing ever. 90 PROOOOOOOOOF. Mixed it with a couple splashes of coke, couple splashes of lime juice, then ate a tray of cornbread. Rum still tasted like sun tan lotion. One of the lezzies is Cuban. Her uncle came over . Her uncle is flaming gay. He was wearing a mesh t-shirt and just had his lips pumped full of collagen so he looked like a duck. Old, gay cuban bobbing around in the pool in his undies. Duck like.
I just got my first noise complaint since moving to Attleboro, MA...at 4am. The woman said she "had to get up early". I'm personally impressed it took her until 4am to complain since I assume "early" is before 8am. If I had to get up at 8am on a Sunday, I would have complained way before 4am. Either way, fuck her. She has been living across the hall from me for about 6 weeks now and she complained for the first time tonight. Sure, I was playing Rock Band somewhat loudly...but I was playing Rock Band until 4am last night. Bottom line: Why is tonight the first time this woman has complained? It's blowing my mind.
That's good and all, but I guess not having boobs and animals not liking me as much is a great trade off for not being clinically insane for 4-5 days out of the month. We can act completely irresponsible, and it's ok, and we can pee wherever we want. Your move. How are everyone's hangovers this morning? Luckily I didn't take any ambien last night so I'm feeling pretty good today.