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Rant & Rave Thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Joel Raymond, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Rant: There's no headache like a caffeine headache. Luckily it is a quick fix. 4 ibuprofen and a cup of coffee and I'm right as rain.

    Rant Deux: However, this pain in my shoulder is not so easy to wish away. I always seem to injure myself with some form of exercise. I was doing pushups with those grip assist things on the floor and I think I overextended my shoulder while I was going it. Then because I sleep on my side, I proceeded to sleep on it repeatedly and doing so probably reduce blood flow to the area. I can't even get my bras off without help. I am doing a lot of things to make it better, but it pisses me off because I originally hurt it about 6 weeks ago. I feel like a freaking cripple.

    Edit: After some googling similar products, turns out what I experienced wasn't that unusual.

    "This product can cause you serious harm. Be careful. I hurt my right shoulder, probably rotator-cuff, fooling with this device. Do your homework on the internet. Go to youtube and look at WDSUTV's review of the perfect push-up. Dr. Corey Hebert says a traditional pushup does a better job of distributing weight throughout your body and lessens pressure on wrist and hands. He recommends that you not use this product if you have a pre-exisiting joint or rotator-cuff injury. You can find other information on the web. A lot of people experience shoulder pain from using this device. It's not worth the risk"
  2. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: England and Paris were fantastic. Great weather, Brexit, Wimbledon, Euro 2016, met up with some friends- just a great, great time.

    Rant: back to work, in the abandoned building my office is in. And the AC is out again. 87 degrees, humid, and not a wisp of a breeze today.
  3. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Rant: Have you ever had 3 job interviews in one day, and then didn't get an offer from any of them? Because I am pretty sure that that is just what happened to me. That now makes 7 interviews that I have had since the start of the year without an offer, and probably close to 20 failed interviews since the start of 2014 (almost all of which have come during times that I was employed full time). For one of the recent interviews one of my references even said that I was "probably the best person on our team when we worked together," and I still did not get the job. I have come to the conclusion that the only way that I will ever be successful is if I somehow start my own business.

    Rant: My roommate informed me that she just renewed the lease and her rent went up, thus she has to raise mine on me by $60 per month. On top of that I will have to start repaying my student loans again before the end of the year. The situation keeps looking grimmer for me.

    Rant: As usual, my social life is just as depressing as my finances. I thought that I hit it off with a shot girl the weekend before last when she gave me her phone number, but she didn't respond to my text. I entered the phone number into Facebook and it actually belongs to some guy, though I can't say for sure that that is accurate (no, I didn't give her some huge tip in order to get the number, which is what makes it a little bizarre to me).

    Rave: At least I have some good concerts planned in the next few months: Blink 182, Jenny Lewis, Alice in Chains (at the worst venue ever and will probably sound like shit, but at least I finally get to see them live), and TORRES (she's opening for Tegan and Sara, but I am indifferent about seeing them).
    #20603 Czechvodkabaron, Jul 12, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  4. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario

    Holy cow, I was contacted out of the blue by a local company that almost hired me years ago, asking if I was in the area still. I sent an email saying the standard, "Nice to hear from you, would love to grab a coffee." I got an phone call today and when I suggested I would be through the company's town sometime next week, the guy was like, "What are you doing right now? I'll drive to where you are."

    After lunch he told me that he'd hire me on the spot if I wanted and to call him this week with my decision. We didn't talk salary, but he knows the range I'm in and he made sure to imply that money was no option.

    Cons - I'd be designing for production again, rather than quoting. Designing for production is way more stressful. Also it's a 40 minute drive door-to-door.

    Pros - I may be able to keep my present job part time. Working with people, rather than in my own basement. Also I could probably get a nice wage bump.

    My present company has been a dream; but I know that I"m in a rut. But this is a lateral move, rather than a career change.

    What to do? It's certainly nice to have options.
  5. Nothingdoing

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    London, UK (Previously Auckland, NZ)
    Rant: Just when I think things couldn't get worse this country gives the job of foreign secretary to a fucking retarded clown.

    Rave: My offer on a house was accepted so hopefully will be a home owner soon.
  6. toddamus

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Rant: When I leave Denver I'll have to leave someone behind I care about deeply, and because of some peculiar circumstances, I won't be able to communicate with them in Minnesota.
  7. Gravy

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 25, 2012
    The void.
    Rant: 4 months + of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome issues. My cheek has some movement, but I still can't blink or close my eye. The tinnitus is 24/7, and there is still a good bit of facial pain. I'm doubtful of full recovery and am pretty sure I will be wearing an eye patch the rest of my life. As much as I want to make me think it looks cool, I'm not a cool guy. I can't pull it off.

    Rant: Strangers like to talk to me about it. A clerk at a gas station early on asked me what was wrong with it and I told him. He now brings it up every time I go in.

    A blood vessel just about popped in my other eye at that point.

    Rant: All the above is the least of my worries. My life has moved from dumpster fire to dumpster fire rolling towards a cliff, below which exists a strange amalgam of TNT and sewage. And I'm the one who can't stop pushing the damn thing.
  8. voltronman

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Spokane, WA
    Rave: 35th birthday today. Watching minor league baseball with my twin bro and all our family here in Spokane. Good times.
  9. Bundy Bear

    Bundy Bear
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 16, 2009
    Blue Mountains, Australia
    Rave: Brazil has so far been awesome although if I knew now what I did then I wouldn't do organised tours but just wander about on my own.

    Rant: I was meant to be catching up with a friend in NY this coming weekend but he has had to cancel because of work out of town. Now I need to find something to do for the weekend and a couch to sleep on. The only offer I've had on couch surfing so far is from a nudist which isn't really my thing.

    Rave: Beer is super cheap here from the little shops they have everywhere. Bought a dozen of 470ml cans at an average of under $1 a can. Tastes OK as well.
  10. sharkhead nachos

    sharkhead nachos
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    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 27, 2010
    God DAMN IT.

    The Alton Sterling incident happened only blocks away from the places me and my wife work and now this latest bullshit is also not that far away (the main camera angle being shown is from Airline Hwy. pointing North - the place my wife works is 6-8 minutes further down Airline in that direction).

    What the fuck is wrong with people?
  11. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Rant: I'm a ball of nerves today. My heart is racing. I texted the owner to let him know what was going on, and that I'd be reducing availability or putting in my 2 weeks tomorrow (because tomorrow will be exactly 2 weeks from the August 1st start date, and we've worked well in the past so I don't want to 100% blindside him), and he did not answer. The people at the new job called me back Friday, asked me if I was still interested, told me a start date, and requested a paper copy resume when we talk again Monday. I know two people who work there quite well, have some pertinent healthcare related job experience (for an entry level job noless), and I think the panel of ladies really liked me during the interview. So....this means I got it, right? Right?

    If I don't, I am going to look like a fucking tool.

    Excuse me while I throw up now.
  12. Mexicutioner

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Las Vegas
    Rant: Ever since I've gotten back from my six music festivals in six weeks trip, I've been complacent (and a bit broke lol). I've been lounging in the pool in the backyard a lot of days. I thought I was gonna start up my old gig at the NFL at the end of the month but that's been pushed back to next month. Haven't been as amped up to freelance as much lately, mostly because the pitch process is a pain in the ass. I need to start writing down some of my stories from my trip before they get lost in the ether, because there was definitely a lot of funny and interesting things that happened along the way. Just gotta find the motivation.

    Rave: Pulled my roommate's record player out of the garage about a month ago after I came home from my trip with a Jenny Lewis record I got at Jack White's record store in Nashville. Got it all hooked up to the Sonos speakers that I have throughout the house and I've already got about a dozen records. Only a few new ones, but mostly bargain bin pulls at the Amoeba in Hollywood.

    Rant: Now I know where most of my free cash will be going: records. I've gone full hipster. Fuck.
  13. TX.

    Expand Collapse
    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Rant: Someone punched me in the face today.

    Rant 2: Nobody said a damn word afterwards. Fuck you, you self-entitled, selfish white trash.

    Rant 3: I have the joy of dealing with this for a while yet.
  14. bewildered

    Expand Collapse
    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Rave: I got the job!
  15. zzr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rave: You know how you're in your seat on a plane while everyone is still boarding, and you're watching people as they come by, hoping for the hot chick to sit by you? Well, it finally fucking happened Saturday. We ended up talking the entire time and both of us said we wished the flight was longer.

    Rave: She's 11 years older than me, and looks younger. Tall, thin, blonde, beautiful, intelligent.

    Rave: She gave me her number.

    Rant: I'm still married, so I won't call her yet. But my wife lives in another state right now - we'll see what happens.

    Rave: I was completely honest with her about my situation, and she told me to call when everything was settled.
  16. taste_my_rainbow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Rave: I have an interview Monday morning. It's a brand new vet clinic a mile from my house - perfect since I love all the animals, it's close to home, and I have more than enough experience. I have a part time job that I really enjoy and is paying the bills. My boss told me when she hired me that full time was a possibility down the road but she understood that I may need to look for something FT before then.

    Rant: Granted the interview goes well, I'll have to go into negotiation mode. The PT gig has lots of room for advancement (real estate and land development) and the other, little to none. I don't even know for sure if the vet job is FT, but I assume so, and if they offer it to me, that may be my bargaining chip to get more/FT hours and stay where I'm at.

    Rave: Cysts on my ovaries seem to be gone. Today is the first day without pain in over three weeks!
  17. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Rave: I just played the best round of golf I've ever played in my life. While my score wasn't impressive (91), I legitimately hit the ball better than I ever have. My best score to date is an 88. Most amateurs never break 90, something like 80%. And I am brutally honest about my score, I count everything.

    But what was so great about today is I really hit well. Too well. I can probably chalk 8 strokes up to club selection. Previously, I would hit a Gap Wedge about 100 yards. Today? 120, easy. I found a mantra that worked really well. Every time I walked up to the ball I would say (out loud, yes I'm that guy) 'Chase Utley, slow down.' Why did I say this? Chase Utley has this great compact swing. Tight, in to the body, and quick. That's what I did, and I probably swung about 60% of what I could swing. I'm not bragging, but I'm a bigger guy (6'2" 210lbs) and when I want to hit something I unload on it. But today I hit free and easy, and just eased through each swing.

    I flew greens (which never happens). I spent time looking in the rough for balls, then my friend would say 'Dude, you're in the middle of the fairway' (how in the blue fuck did that happen?). It's been a long time since something went well for me, and yes, it's just golf, but goddamn, I feel great today.
  18. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Rant: In the last 48 hours I have found THREE ticks crawling on me. 1-2-fucking-3. Twice they were crawling on my leg when I was sleeping and I awoke from a dead sleep from it. Southern Ontario never had ticks when I was a kid; I don't recall ever finding one as a child or any of our parents checking for them. Now not only do we have them, but we also have them late in the season in the blinding heat of summer? FUCK TICKS.
  19. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Rant: My twin has been sick for a while, looks like his immune system is compromised for whatever reasons. I'm going back to SD tomorrow and the problem I'm having is all he wants to talk about is how sick he is. When I visited Minneapolis he had the flu (fair enough), a month ago he had a cough that he wouldn't stop talking about, and now he got a test back indicating he has low ANC levels. All he ever talks about is his health and is its driving me nuts. He's such a negative Nancy I'm dreading seeing him because I know what we'll talk about.

    Anyone got any advice on how to handle him because the only thing I can think of is not indulge these conversations anymore and that kind of pisses him off.
  20. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
    Expand Collapse
    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Rant: I posted a couple of months ago about how I really was missing going down on chick. That feeling has returned full force today. Being celibate (involuntarily) really sucks.

    Pun fully intended.