Rant: I’ve lived in the Denver area for 25 years. It has fucking exploded the last 10 years, there are far too many people and the cost of living is absurd. I’ve been ready to find more affordable pastures for awhile, but husband was very committed to the boys staying in the same school for their high school experience. Rave: The decision to online school has created an opportunity for him to see this differently. Sure, we are making it here. But we can’t really get ahead like we should be, we were both late to the fiscal responsibility and planning party and this is what it is. We have decided to look at moving to Idaho or Wisconsin where large homes are only 200k. I’m so excited for a change!
And 2020 continues to deliver kicks to the dick. On Monday my grandmother went to the hospital due to shortness of breathe and other things. Today they sent her back home and said there isn't much they can do. She passed about an hour later. Silver lining is that she wanted to pass at home and my grandfather got to see her one last time. Fuck 2020
Rant: So I was given less than an hour's notice near the end of my shift yesterday to pack my bags and switch border locations seven hours down the road to hurry up and wait to relieve other guys.
RANT: Fuck you UPS. Nine fucking thirty at night? How did you "Attempt" delivery? You sure as shit didn't leave any notice. Now I have to figure out where the fuck my package is. Assholes.
Rant: While the Accutane has done a great job on our son's acne issue, unfortunately the "rare" side effect of it affecting patients mentally has manifested in him. He's okay, not suicidal, but having "crazy thoughts" as he told us. He's been a real asshole, completely not himself, the past week or so and he realized last night it's been since they upped his dosage. He's done with it, and will be fine in a couple days when it's out of his system. But we had no idea. So I guess my reason for sharing this is, if you decide to start your kid on this stuff, keep a close eye on them. It can effect them even if there's no history of depression or whatever.
Rave: Got to paddle board, hang out and bbq on the beach with a few of my favorite people yesterday. Most everyone drank too much tequila and became a shit show while hubby and I, wise in the ways of partying in the sun, drank a couple beers and smoked joints and had no rough evening/morning like they all did. Yes, I’m pleased at my obvious superiority. Rave: Creativity is my life right now. I’m writing a story that’s an enormous project, I’m working on a painting that will also take forever due to detail work and I’m also learning a little woodwork, I enjoy restoring furniture. I just alternate what I’m focused on and I’m feeling good about it all. Rant: Might not be moving out of state as soon as I’d hoped but might play out better for hubby’s career. Still in discussion but if his opportunity is real and he wants it, I support him.
Rave: I have wanted a pick up truck in the worst way for more than 10 years now. Unfortunately they're typically really expensive and I can't justify a 500-600 dollar car payment. So I've never gotten one. However my brother, who works for a local dealer, tipped me off to a really nice 2019 Ford Ranger for under $30k. I asked what's wrong with it, but he said nothing, and showed me the Carfax report. This is a ridiculous deal and they let me take it for an overnight test drive and since it wouldn't last long once it hits the lot. Pretty sure I'm gonna FINALLY have me a pick up truck.
Rave: Karma be damned, for the first time in my life I toasted the death of someone. Not in the “I’m glad his suffering is over” way, more like goodbye, good riddance, it didn’t happen soon enough. Take my word, this was a bad person. His death is the best news I’ve had this year.
Rant: Got an email back last night in regards to my firefighter application. A big fat rejection is what it amounted to, I didn't even make it passed the first round which is rather disillusioning. Rant: Moving location for COVID Border things again on Monday, apparently due to finish the rotation on 4th September and back to the unit straight on exercise but who knows.
RANT: Wife's car got hit by a forklift at work. RAVE: Insurance estimate is $4200. After finding recycled parts and paying my techs cash, I'll be into it about $1000-1200 so I'll be pocketing ~$3000. Owning a body shop has it perks.
Rant: really hoping this new med for the baby works. Infant reflux is so bad that baby isnt gaining weight. We have tried every conservative measure to alleviate symptoms and nothing helps. First med worked really well for a week before it stopped. Dr wasn't clear on what the next course of action sould be if this med fails except more testing. Baby should eventually outgrow it, and solid foods will help, but we gotta get to that age.
Our son has reflux really bad and it took way more work than it should have to get the docs to put him on meds. He's on the baby pepcid famotidine and it works well, weight gain is on track, etc. Unfortunately, even with solid food he's at 13 months and hasn't outgrown it yet. You can easily tell if he needs his next dose.
RANT: Yesterday afternoon I ate a sandwich that didn't sit right with me, and I've been pissing Yoo-Hoo out of my ass ever since.
RANT? RAVE? I'm not sure yet. My company is launching an app. They finally figured out they need to support it when it's released. I have a strong tech background, I just haven't worked in tech in almost 20 years. I realize a lot has changed, but it's still just software interfacing with an OS, right? I'm pretty sure I can figure it out quickly. Maybe. Anyways....I (Possibly stupidly) volunteered to help set up training, troubleshooting, and implementing procedures. In a way it would be fun exercising sectors of my brain that haven't been used in a while, in another....I got out of IT for a reason. We'll see.
Rant: I just found out I lost my route at work. Whether temporarily or permanently I have no idea. But I’m technically back to being a substitute driver, although the dispatchers are trying to put me in something long term but things are so screwed up with Covid there’s no telling if that’ll happen. I fucking HATED being a sub driver, never knowing where I was going from day to day. I cannot tell you how badly this sucks. And our washing machine shit the bed too. EDIT: 2020 offered a little lube, as it turns out that the change is not permanent according to dispatch. This is happening to several drivers because there's not enough kids to warrant all the buses running. When everything settles back down, the route is still mine.
Rant: Nerves got the best of me meaning I just got rejected for a role which I really wanted and was perfect for me due to coming across as being nervous in the interview. They ended up going with someone who apparently was more relaxed