Rave: It’s been a hell of a year. The last time I was able to load up the trash cans in the back of the gator to take to the street like this was the second week of January. Before I got covid, before long covid, before I fucked up my leg. I was even able to jump down from the back of it. it might not seem like much, but all these injuries have been emotionally taxing, never mind physically. I’m finally able to do something “normal.” When I came back, my wife and I gave each other hugs. I’m actually gonna make it through all this bullshit. And damnit, it feels fucking great!!!
Rant: My son has figured out that he has a voice that he can use to get our attention. It’s actually less of a voice and more of a high-pitched shriek, like if someone cut off Gilbert Gottfried’s scrotum with a hatchet. I’m glad the kid is hitting his developmental milestones, but it is the most unpleasant sound I’ve ever heard.
RANT: Still wanting to buy a house - turns out the sellers were in forbearance and the sale as it stands won’t cover their TWO loans. So their listing agent is going to push for a short sale. At least that’s what I heard last week. Haven’t heard shit from him since. So…maybe we get a house sometime? Who the fuck knows.
Rant: Lawnmower hurled a rock thru one of our windows today. That's something that had never happened to me before.
RAVE: After months of trying, finally scored a PS5 from a non-scalper source. Showed up today. Played me some Ratchet and Clank. Life is good.
Rant: I was bummed about my toddlers pissy mood today due to teething but now I'm really bummed. An explosive shit is currently all over my living room carpet and the kid is in the shower.
CONTINUED RANT: I spent all morning crying because I knew our cat was gonna have to be put down. My wife remained stoic until we got to the vet and heard the recommendation. I always said I was ready for him to die, because of the myriad of health issues we were constantly trying to chase down to the source. But it hit me hard. Watching an pet deteriorate is torture on the owners. I’m gonna miss that little asshole a lot. I’m glad he isn’t in pain anymore.
Dude, not a R&R, but keep your head up. You just did him your final kind act, and as much as it hurts you, he appreciated it.
Rave- Went duck hunting for the first time this morning. Friggin hooked and we didnt even come close to getting anything.
Rant: The person in my company who decided gsuite was a better thing to use than Microsoft 365 needs to be shot My productivity has taken a dive due to how annoying it is to relearn an entire set of programs, all slightly similar, yet different enough to fuck you up.
Rave: Almost four years ago, I quit where I was working and left to go to the competition. No fewer than five of us quit in the same fortnight. The owner of that company turned around and sued me for leaving, and also tried to get my professional license removed. I was unable to dispute the complaint against my license, because the evidence I needed to do it was part of the civil court proceedings. Ergo my professional license has been on ice for almost four years, and because the courts are so slow this has been hanging around my neck like an albatross. I live in a close-knit community, and the rumours and stories this asshole has spread around town - all untrue - have really taken a toll. I'm fortunate to work for a great company now, and thanks to my current boss' standing, my career has been allowed to proceed (albeit blemished). My lawyer was contacted today: the previous boss wants to drop the case, and is asking that I forgo my counter suit and not seek costs. Conditional to this would be his also removing the professional complaint against me. On the one hand, I feel like 10,000lbs has been lifted from me. I can breath. I did nothing fucking wrong. On the other...how do you get back four years of stress and turmoil? Never mind court costs upwards of $20k. I guess this is a rave/rant, because what the fuck was the point? Why go through all this? I'm grateful that it's almost over, but wish it had never happened.
He has shown his belly; now is the time to go for the kill. He's only willing to drop the case because he knows he can't pursue it any longer and is trying to buy favors with something he knows he has to do anyway. Counter-sue and drive him into the dirt.
RANT: Still haven't closed on our house. The long story (apologies if I posted it already, but here it is again): The listing agent is an idiot and will heretofore be referred to as such. The sellers are getting divorced and trying to unload the house. It was listed way too high, we offered, they countered, we said "we'll accept that offer if you do these things," and they accept. THEY ACCEPTED OUR OFFER. PAPERS WERE SIGNED. It took a while for papers to be signed, because the couple getting divorced has to be contacted separately each time. Normal house stuff is done, inspections, resolutions, all that. Two hours before we're supposed to close, we learn from the Idiot that the sellers have been in forbearance for a year (they owned it for a little over a year). Closing would still leave them with almost $8,000 owed to their bank. So they can't close because they have absolutely no money. Idiot tells our agent, "we'll apply for a short sale, I've done this many times, we'll be fine." I read up on short sales, and brace for a longer wait than what is being pitched to us by Idiot - but, I have hope since he seems confident. Idiot sucks at returning calls. He is one of those people that thinks that no updates means no reason to contact, and I HATE THAT SHIT. At least call my agent, or text, and say "hey, haven't heard anything yet, but I'm still working on it." There's a reason hold music has intermittent "your call is very important to us" messages. People need to know you care. My agent and my mortgage guy are both asking for updates, and Idiot finally responds and basically says "I haven't heard anything yet, and I'm ready to throw in the towel and put it back on the market." His email is written as if WE ARE INCONVENIENCING HIM because HE FAILED TO MANAGE EVERYONE'S EXPECTATIONS, FROM OUR AGENT, TO US, TO HIS OWN FUCKING CLIENTS. Anyway, we set up our rent for month-to-month. We're not in a rush. So Idiot asked "let me know what you want to do and how long you're willing to wait." I told my agent to reply and say "how long you got?" It helps that no other houses interest us. So we'll just wait it out and see what happens, because fuck that guy.
Rant: My daughter's school district can eat my whole ass. My wife and I have been fighting with these motherfuckers for one on one paraeducator support pretty much since she entered into the public school system. They have continually failed to keep to our IEP, to the point that we just put an attorney on retainer today. So now I get to pay for this until the district either unfucks themselves or we successfully sue them into insolvency. Sorry, not sorry, the rest of this district. Not our fault these fucking failures can't keep an autistic 6 year old from hurting herself when she gets overwhelmed. If only they had bothered to listen to us when we provided reams of information and tons of other help to try and help them support our daughter. Rant: In the past four days, my kids have driven me to the end of my rope. Last night while taking my daughter to her swim therapy, she managed to barf in her car seat not 10 minutes away from the pool. The best part of this was her insistence she was fine and didn't need to barf literally 30 seconds before she did. We were 10 feet away from entering gas station parking lot. I had to figure out how to strip her pants off, in public, during a rainstorm that would have given Noah the urge to build a fucking boat. Four days ago, my 2.5 year old son managed to nearly scalp himself when he tipped over backwards and hit the back of his head on the baseboard in his room. To give you some context, he's roughly 40 pounds and 3 feet tall. This absolute unit of a toddler opened up a 1 and a half inch pussy on the back of his head that required 5 staples to close. I got to spend that evening cleaning blood out of carpet fibers while my google searches undoubtedly put me on some kind of watch list. He didn't much like sleeping before his fall, so my anxiety filled wife has been checking up on him through his baby monitor because he's been staying up to 2-3 AM every night. Rave, I guess: He hasn't tried to rip the staples out himself. I'm guessing that we'll need to tranquilize him so he doesn't turn into a rampaging elephant and kill everybody in the hospital when they need to come out.
RAVE: Promotion came through, start the new gig on Monday. I basically get to head up a digital skunkworks group, with minimal oversight. This could very well be my dream job.
RANT/RAVE: Just got an e-mail from my (Now former) job with a description of today's events: On October 29th 2021, approximately 27 minutes into your shift, your supervisor XXXXXX, approached you to discuss the problems you were having logging into the system. During the conversation he was giving you suggestions and you stated: “Here’s a suggestion, how about I just quit” and then proceeded to gather your things and exit the building My actual words were "Here's another solution, how about I just quit?" A little backstory: For the past month I've been complaining to every supervisor I could find that my profile was corrupted. Every time I logged off, everything would be wiped to a fresh slate. All my bookmarks, logins, passwords, notes....gone. So, every morning it would take me about 1/2 an hour to get my work environment re-created so I could do my job. It was a major pain in the ass. This morning my dumb ass supervisor started in on me not being completely set up to work, and I once again stated to him that my profile is corrupted as it has been for the past month. He had a wonderful solution to the issue of IT failing to fix my profile....I needed to start showing up to work half an hour early and, on my own time, set up my computer. I had an alternate solution.
Rant. The worst fucking kind. My 94 year old father had a massive stroke this morning and died. RIP father, unlike so many, I really did have a great father. Small rave. The hospital managed to keep him alive long enough to get all my siblings to the hospital to say goodbye. Going to go cry now.
RAVE; Just paid my final installment for my surgery from LAST Feb. RANT; Probably could've made a sizeable down payment on a house/car with what I've spent.