Rave: Front row seats to my favorite musician at a venue a mile from my house on my 40th birthday. Talk about luck.
Rant: Husband & I have been renting out our old condo and our current tenant is the worst. She moved in Sept 1 and is somehow already over 2 months behind. Every time we try to talk to her about a payment plan to get her caught up, she gets more hostile. She's also dumb as a box of rocks and complained that the refrigerator door was broken (she wasn't closing the drawer all the way so the door would pop open at times from the pressure) and she's running the heat at 79* because she's anemic (?!). And despite her not paying rent, breaking a window, yelling at me, and violating the lease in a handful of other ways, the prospect of actually evicting someone is very yucky to me. I know this isn't a moment to have sympathy for landlords but we're renting it below market value to cover the cost of keeping it so my husband's grandma and aunt can move in if (when) their current situation becomes unaffordable. I just want it all settled before the new baby shows up in March. Not to mention the whole unexpectedly paying 2 mortgages during the holidays bit. Ugh. I think we're not rich or callous enough to be landlords.
Rave: A neighbor cleared some trees off their property and opened up a giant view of the lake right where the sun rises over it much of the year. I could literally sit in my favorite seat and watch the light sparkle and dance on the calm water of our cove, as I drink my first cup of coffee everyday. They probably did more to add value to our home than anything I've done over the years, because people love a good view.... Rant: Except, about four months ago, I bought a shed and plopped that motherfucker right in the damn way, so I see the sun rise over an Amish-built storage building. I think I may have it moved to the other side of the yard.
Rant: We had to let one of our dogs go last week, and today we are picking up her ashes. This past week has just sucked and I'm not looking forward to it. I miss my pup.
Rant: I'm sick for the first time in at least 5 years from either Norovirus or food poisoning. I hate being sick, damn it.