RAVE: Brothers bday party this weekend. I got him a bottle of Crown Reserve (He's not the worth the Crown Cask) and an Ashton ESG cigar. Rave/Rant?: He's going to have a Nathan's 4th of July style hotdog eating contest at the party. I've been chugging water to stretch my stomach out. I come to WIN damn it!!
Rant: Clothes shopping. Fuck it. Rave: I've officially lost 50 lbs and 6 inches off my waist this summer. Can't complain about that. Now I just need to keep it off. Rave: First fantasy football draft is Sunday, first day of student teaching is Monday, and I'm actually excited. I think I am the only person I know who loves this time of year for more than just football.
Rant- Have almost completely fallen off my exercise and diet program. It was so hot out a month ago that my nightly dog walks stopped as well. I started up P90X again to compensate and it was helping along with keeping up with Insanity. Then the "rest" week last week went to shit and I started this week with a poor showing Monday. Drank heavy the next day for Jimmy Buffet and was in no mood to work out the next day. Fuuuuuuuuck My diet has been less of a fuck up but I started losing track of my day to day shit on my fancy Ipod app. I only go over board on the weekend when Ill drink beer all night and each the shitty easy to make foods the whole next hangover day. FUUUuuuuuUUUUCK..... Rant- My sleep schedule is messed up and I feel like shit, over compensate with quite a lot of caffeine (adding to the problem). Rant-- I don't know if you can grow a tolerance to Claritin but I seem to have. I have to take a claritin, psuedoephedrine, and two fucking behnadryl( at night) to stay un itchy and un clogged nose wise....
Rave: UConn just got the #1 basketball recruit in the country, Andre Drummond, to commit for this year. Let's go back to back.
Rave: Had a friend move in who can't afford to pay rent so they're going to cook, clean and be a general house bitch. Mega Rave: One month until I'm home in New Zealand for the 2011 Rugby World Cup. Go the All Blacks.
Rant: I just reviewed my retirement account and I'm both angry and depressed. How the fuck does anyone actually retire on a 401k style plan? I'm barely breaking even as it is and the current market fluxuations aren't fucking helping. I know I'm fortunate enough to be able to save for retirement in the first place but it just feels like I'm throwing my money away. I'm actually in a position to where I can contribute more than I do but why the fuck bother? It'd just disappear like everything else I've ever invested. I'd literally be better off stuffing cash into a fucking mattress. Financial advisors my fucking ass. I could to a goddamn better fucking job than the job that's been done with my money. I suppose that means I should put my money where my mouth is but what the fuck, aren't these fuckers supposed to know more than me? Maybe I should just take my money out of my retirement account and go on an epic binge of coke and hookers. At least I'd get a memorable experience out of it instead of watching my retirement wither away to nothing because "that's the way the market goes."
Rave: Just took 2 10mg tabs of Ambien and damn this shit is whackky. Perception to reality is tenuous at best. Characters from Boardwalkk arguing over hwo I make my frozen pizza. Focker out. Just to remphasiaze this is prescriped dosage followed accordingly. Hopes that maybe there are all ways to sleep with consistancy. Stephen King's Insomnia incidicates that all it iwll take are for subnormal aliens to teach me to see auras...I will get right on that. Peace.
Rave: Weekend is here! Rave: Labor Day Weekend is coming! Rant: I wasn't planning on making any C's, but in my program anything below an 80 is failing. If fail something once you have an opportunity to try again. If you fail again during the next 3 years, you're out of the program. Bah.
Rave: Had an amazing day yesterday. Took a road trip to Ohio where I visited the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Then I went to Cleveland and saw my first Indians game at Progressive (Jacobs) Field. That stadium is awesome. Rave: I took mostly small state roads to Canton and saw some nice scenery. At one point I slammed on my brakes and made a U-turn so I could go back and pet this mini pony. Rant: My only activity today is mowing the lawn. I hate mowing the lawn. I feel like I'm in the minority when I say I have no satisfaction or accomplishment from having a perfectly manicured lawn. I'd rather pay someone to do it for me every 1-2 weeks.
RANT: If I could find a man who bit, sucked, and molested me the way mosquitoes do, I'd marry him in a heartbeat. I spent two hours outside last night surrounded by citronella candles, tiki torches, and bug spray and I still have tons of bites from my toes to the crack of my ass. Pervy little fuckers. The only silver lining is when I think about that little fucker kicking the bucket about ten minutes after he assaulted me--there's no way it didn't suffer from alcohol poisoning after sucking my polluted blood last night. Impossible.
Rave: I am so proud of myself, and disgusted with myself in a funny way. A girl I know was going to come hang out after I was done work, and was talking about how she wanted to go for a walk etc since she only had a few hours that she was in town. I obviously just wanted to fuck, so when I got back home, I moved a big rock out to the edge of the sidewalk. Then, when she got here, I made sure I was sitting there with ice on my foot. I claimed I had tripped over the rock while next her and had twisted my ankle, so I would be unable to go for a walk so maybe we could just hang out here instead. 45 minutes later, we are both laying naked and out of breath in my bed, and I am proud of myself. I said to her that we could go out for a walk or something another day, and her response was: ``Walking is stupid anyway.`` Victory!
RAVE: People keeping that shit spoilered until after the rest of us have a chance to pirate the fuck out of it.
Rant: Who has two thumbs and made 250lbs of dog food today? This kid. Rave: It will last almost four months, and cost me roughly $30/dog, per month. It's 100% organic with no preservatives and fully balanced. Rant: I need someone to force me to eat as healthy as I make my dogs eat. Rantiest: My Abraham stepped on a bee (I think). He's clingy, and obsessively licking his paw. It's all red and raw between his (totally webbed) toes. Thank god I don't think he's allergic. I slathered it in toothpaste and it seems to have calmed it down. Poor guy.
RANT: I was in bed about to miraculously fall asleep before 3AM, when I heard acoustic guitar and singing. My first half-awake thought was that I had my Ipod on, but no. I look out my window, and sitting on a brick wall twenty feet away, are two guys my age, one of them going to town on guitar and singing his drunken head off while his buddy sips on a beer. I slammed my window and they took that as a hint to go back inside, since apparently it's not obvious enough that you shouldn't be drunkenly singing and playing the acoustic fucking gutiar outside someone's window after midnight anyway. This is twenty minutes after a gaggle of loud, obnoxious cunts goes tearing out the building door, howling and giggling about partying at apartment # right next fucking door before taking off in a loud ass car. This is the same group of girls who do this every fucking weekend night. Now I'm pissed, tired but awake, and out of smokes, which means I have to go past the assholes who are now back outside to get to my truck, which is a problem because they are drunk and big, and I'm fucking short-fused. Confrontation tonight or not, tomorrow I'm calling the landlord about this shit. If I had to get threatened with eviction for playing beer pong with three other people in my unit, this shit should be addressed.
Rave: Two long years(ish) ago, I was in a serious wreck in Mexico. I came back, broken bones and surprised I lived, and kicked out the sperm donor who was making me miserable. I then found out that I was in BIG trouble, he hadn't paid the rent, I needed to buy a car, and my bank account had been overdrawn while I was at the beach, courtesy of him. So, I swallowed my pride and got help from the state. Tucked into the paperwork was a form for child support. I filled it out and signed, knowing the dad would be hard to track with his penchant for failure. He owed over $20,000 to his ex in support! I then forgot about it. Yesterday, I got an angry phone call filled with obscenities. He had just found out that the state was garnishing him. For current and the last two years. They then send it all to me. He is PISSED. I am so damn happy! Kids are pricey little fuckers! response to rep: No, Dixie is NOT the father. He would be an improvement.
Rave: All I have left to do is take a broom and wet/dry vac to my old house and I'm DONE with it! Then there's the security deposit I get back! Rant: I need to practically wear a haz-mat suit for cleaning the basement. It's gonna get disgusting in a hurry. Rave: My great grandmother is 98 today and still remembers me! Woohoo!
My truck got broken into last night. Seriously. I need things to start going right - I can't keep taking it on the chin like this. The worst part is that you can't claim contents through the vehicle insurance, and the deductible on the house insurance is too high to make it worthwhile. Plus, with the flood I had this time last year it would mean two claims in one year which is not what I want on my record. I hope the snot-nosed kids or the drunken natives or the gang members who did it die in a fire.