Vent: Buried my father today. I've been doing pretty good the past few days, but my father's military burial today hit me really hard. I never thought I'd see the day where I'd have to bury him. He had a long, fulfilling life. I'll always miss him. I wish I could have had one last conversation with him. *Sigh
Rave: I had never seen it before tonight, but The Shawshank Redemption was fantastic. I haven't seen a movie that good in a while. Kind of a lame rave, but whatever. If you haven't seen the movie yet, do yourself the favor.
Rave: after waking up at 8:30am on Sunday to drink beer and watch UFC (awesome card incidentally, every fight was very entertaining), I had a couple of mates round to watch Bellator. We (I) didn't want to miss fights while BBQing, so we did this: (Yes, my TV is probably older than some board members. Fuckers.)
MOTHER FUCKING RAVE: FIRST TAILGATE OF THE YEAR IN LESS THAN SIX DAYS! If you do not live in a place where you can tailgate conveniently move. RAVE: The Irish have a decent preseason ranking that they can actually back up, and Mizzou seems poised to continue the upswing they have been on in the Gary Pinkle era. (BCS bowl for both schools? One can only hope!) RANT: Thanks to my cock sucking douche nozzle of a former boss, I filed unemployment for the first time in my 28 years of life! It sucked, I really didn't want to do it, and of course I don't know if I'm approved yet. But I am FINALLY caught up, and even a little ahead of my child support, and I flat out refuse to get behind again. It's not fair to my little heathens, and I want to be able to get full time custody of them some day, and with Indiana family law being more man hating than an Alanis Morrisette album, if I want to have a chance I have to be able to prove that I am a better more stable choice for them, by a WIDE FUCKING MARGIN.
RAVE: Rifle training. I've done a fair amount of handgun work in the last two years, but I finally got a chance to do some combat rifle stuff!
Rant: Brother in-law found dead in a hotel room all by himself. Further Rant: No official COD for 12 weeks Rant: Turns out every male in my wife's immediate family has problems with alcohol Rant: Can't remember being this sad for another person in my life.
Rave: The feeling of relief when you wake up, roll over, check the time and realize that because it's only 4:30 AM, you don't need to get up yet. Rant: How quickly said feeling of relief disappears when the building's fire alarm goes off 2 fucking minutes later.
Rant: Monday mornings at 525 a.m. can suck dirty goat ass. Rave: I have a job and I'm pretty decently paid to do it. Rant: FUCK YOU Facebook. It would be super awesome if one of your super awesome team people CALL ME BACK.
Rave: After a week of insomnia, I slept for nine hours last night! All it took was a pot cookie. Screw Ambien. Rave: The ex has calmed down some about the child support. He also agreed that it would be more stable for the kids for me to keep them more, as he has no license and is currently living with a friend an hours drive from here and the kids' school. He can see them on weekends, I still want him to see them. This is a huge relief to me, I am tired of them being shuffled around when they are with him. Last year they would miss school because he couldn't get them there. I'm not fucking around with that this year. I don't want my kids stressing over that. Rave: Looks like my FAFSA went through, now waiting for the school to accept me...
Rant: I made Rice Krispy treats last night and somehow messed them up. The only covered about 1/3 of the pan. Perhaps I made them too thick. Rave: Still delicious.
RANT: Who the hell uses a party bus on a Sunday night. The only way that is acceptable is if you have been partying in it since Saturday. RAVE: It was a pretty damn good weekend.
Rave: Just got back last night from my buddy's bachelor party. I'm beginning to wonder why I didn't go to school at Appalachian State. The amount of hot girls up there is astounding. At any rate, I'm looking forward to a day of relaxing and being sober, after spending a 72-hour period of doing and being anything but.
Rant: Total value of ThinkGeek order: $64.93 American. DHL brokerage fee: $43.18 Canadian. Suck a dick, DHL. Suck a dick.
RANT: While talking to a fellow board member it came to my attention I haven't visited TiB in over a year... where did the time go??? RAVE: Lots of reading material for the next couple of days...
Rant & Rave Thread Rave: I just won a $2000 scholarship based on an essay I wrote in 15 minutes on my iPhone.
RANT: Holy fucking shit. I found out this morning that the hospital I work for is cutting 40 jobs and my department is one of those scheduled for cuts. I have no idea if I'm going to have a job by the end of the week. I'm scared shitless. There are NO other hospitals hiring at all in my field and they haven't been for several years. It was a miracle I got the job I'm in now. The one small ray of hope is that my department is small, I am the only one working weekends and nights, and we are heading into our busiest time of year.
RANT: Irene knocked out my power when it was still barely raining Saturday afternoon around 12:30 PM. Cue it being Monday at 3:00 PM and it still hasn't come back on. We also now have no hot water, so I am frantically scrambling for places to shower that have hot water every night. Last night was an hour and a half away on the U.S. Coast Guard base where The Boyfriend lives. Tonight...who the fuck knows. Rant? Rave?: Classes started last week. Two I enjoy, two...the material just doesn't interest me. But we'll see if that changes throughout the semester. RAVE: No more 14 hour days this week! Work didn't schedule me on the days I have class, so I get to do normal, 8 hour days of class or work. Thank god, because yawning through the last three hours of another shift is not what I want to be doing this week.
From the "Why didn't I ever think of this?" file: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... eep_1.html</a> Look at the smile on his face? You know the officers processing him were hi-fiving him.