Rant: "You want the first draft for the ENTIRE online course I'm creating by THIS FRIDAY?" Rave: "You'll get the introduction and chapter 1, AND LIKE IT!" Both: Semester starts today. Classes Mon.-Wed. evenings, full days of work Mondays and Thursdays plus half day on Tuesdays, and practicum hours half day on Tuesdays and all day on Wednesdays. Oh, and certification exam in October which means study group meetings each week as well. At least I managed to keep Fridays off, but it's going to be a busy semester.
Rave: Picking up my best friend from the airport in a few hours. The bitch has been in Rome for four months. I have missed getting into trouble with her. I'm so happy she's back tonight.
Rant: I just sold a textbook online, when I saw that the person lived in the same college town as me I decided to shoot over and deliver the book (within a hour of them placing the order). Low and behold two hours later I get an e-mail from the buyer asking me to refund the the 3.99 shipping fee (set by the site, not me) on a $100 book, since it didn't "cost" me anything to deliver the book. I'm baffled about to how to respond to this amount of stupidity.
RAVE Munich is by far my favourite city. Hallways full of people drinking beer, salty delicious food, and experiencing it all with a great bunch of people I met at the hostel. Travelling alone for the week away from my friends has been a great decision - it adds a whole lot of awesome and exciting elements when you're by yourself RAVE Hooked up with a couple of hot girls over the weekend RAVE One was conveniently my roommate. Makes things simple
Rave: Roy Rogers' movies! My dad introduced them to me when I was a kid. I have just found out that Netflix has tons of them. Yes, I adore them. I always wanted a Palomino named Trigger. Shut up.
Rant: My sister. Wednesday I am driving my mother 3 hours to see an eye specialist. My sister is kind of along the way, just an hour off the way, and we don't see her too often we talked about meeting her for dinner. Her kids will be with their dad so it'd be nice for us all to enjoy an adult dinner together. Now she's saying how we'd have to work around her schedule b/c she has an exercise class after work that she is going to. It's offered 3 days a week and she is only able to attend 2 of those, so she doesn't want to miss it. Seriously? You can't skip a fucking exercise class to have dinner w/ your family, including your mom who is probably nervous about having to drive 3 hours to see a specialist? After I heard this I told my mom just to cancel. Even if my sister was gracious enough to work us in, I'm pissed at her and don't want to dine w/ her now.
Rave: Taking an 8-9 hour roadtrip this weekend to see some friends. It's been over two years since I have seen any of my friends. So even though it will be a pretty short trip and I can't really afford it I absolutely must go. Rant: Holy shit am I lonely.
Rant: First day of student teaching was nothing but meetings and the other stuff I already know I am going to dislike about teaching (i.e. the political/bureaucratic bullshit). Rave: I take over the class in two weeks, and it is mine until mid November. I have four classes to teach (some government and some economics). I have 50 school days to cover about 7 chapters in the books. Plus, I am starting a week after most other student teachers, and finishing two weeks before them. Things are condensed, which I prefer, but there is still a good chance that it will be very overwhelming if I'm not on top of everything. Rant: I really need to take a weekend before I start (which means this weekend or next), sit down, and just crank out unit and lesson plans for the entire semester just to get it finished and organized, but due to the fact that I am still working during student teaching, I know free weekends to do anything are a thing of the past. I really, really want to quit my other job, but at the same time, with a kid on the way, I know that putting away as much money as possible while we can is important. Fuck. Rant: First paper is due Friday. Then I have a paper due every two weeks after that. Plus, the thought of grading papers for 140 students is really daunting, but something I should get used to. Rave: Of all the things I'm worried about, getting in front of the class is the last of those worries. That is where I have fun, and I can't wait for that part of it. Mega Rant: Wife and I had a scare when she was bleeding a bit and had some cramps. She went to the doctor today, but I couldn't go with her because of the student teaching gig. I really, really wanted to be with her and know what was going on. Rave: Her mom was able to go with her (we finally told our parents about her pregnancy) so she had someone there, and everything is fine, but my wife does need some bedrest for the next couple of days. Hopefully this isn't the first sign of a really difficult pregnancy.
Rave:Power is finally back on after the hurricane. Rave:I am having a great time here at my dad's. I haven't been here since 2004, and it is the first time here with my wife, so showing here where I grew up has been awesome. We have covered so much stuff it has been great. Not to mention my step mother's new car is amazing to drive. Also, it is nothing like being at my mothers. We are treated as adults, and can do what we want, and most importantly we are left alone. My stepmother can be intense at time, but she is a much better fit for my dad than my mom ever was.
RAVT???? So, you remember how all the TiBette's were talking about synching our cycles, oh, about 6 weeks or so ago. I don't keep close track, but feel like I am pretty regular. I was getting to the point where I thought it had been longer than normal (only because I am on vacation next week and was feeling fortunate that the weeks wouldn't coincide), so checked to see when I made that post. Yep, I am kind of late. So, as far as I see it there are pretty much two options. My body hates me so is holding off to do it's best to ruin my vacation, or the alternative that shall not be mentioned. Not sure how I feel about this. We sort of half heartedly "tried" a while back and then kind of talked ourselves into the fact that it probably just wasn't really for us.
Rant: Fuck you Mya. It was weird enough that all of our cycles were in sync. If you've just gone and jinxed us by getting knocked up, it could mean that the rest of us will go like dominoes. YOU SHUT UP WITH THAT CRAP. Rant: I was at the grocery store today, and the woman ahead of me was asked by the cashier if she needed help to her car with her groceries. She said yes. Normally this would not bug me, because who knows if she has an illness or something, but for this: she carried the groceries to the till in a basket. Seriously lady? You want someone to carry a bag and a half of groceries to the car, even though you've been carrying them for 20 minutes and when you get home you'll have to carry them again? Honest to god, people deserve to be fat. Rave: I bought cupcakes. Everything is better with cupcakes.
Rave This should be a great fall, with my plants coming in nice (as long as nobody steals them again), my house is going to look crazy for Halloween, and then I get to go to Florida for a week right after. Rant The next guy that advertises how many inches over six feet tall he is on here wins a toaster.
RAVE: Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations is showcasing Cajun food. RANT: Bed time is not a good time to be watching it.
Rave: Just checked the local shows coming to town. I get to see Manchester Orchestra with The Dear Hunter in November. This is after Thrice and a couple other bands come through as well. Me so excited. Rave: Been on the ball with keeping a schedule for myself, as well as working out regularly. It's going to be difficult the longer into the semester I go, but as of right now I am on the dot with everything. Rave: I've put on 5-8 pounds since I started working out in June. I'm 170 (fluctuate from 168-173) now, up from 165ish. Hit 225x6 today squatting, felt great. Rant: I am taking the GRE next Tuesday, so this Labor day weekend (i.e. the weekend of excessive drinking at college) will consist of me heading home on Saturday to study vocab. I aced the two math sections on the practice test, so I'm really not worried at all about whatever they could throw at me there, but I have the vocabulary of a smart 8th grader. RantiestRant: On top of the vocab issue, I have to write essays again. I haven't written a formal essay really since 11th grade, which is almost absurd seeing I'm a senior in college now. I am tempted just to do nothing, head into the test and wing it... but then again the test costs $160 and I really don't want to pay for it again. Rant: Payroll fuck up may leave me out of $350 that should be mine. I really need it, so I'm going to have to do some digging and bitching, which isn't my forte. Edit Rave: Laptop magically came back to life. I'm changing to Windows 7 from Vista 32 bit as soon as I can give my laptop up for a few days to IT&S.
Rant: The final renovations to my house (master bedroom) have filled the whole house with dust. Rant: I have to paint the walk-in robe tonight so the joiner can put in the units the day after. I refuse to pay someone to do my painting. Rave: This is the last big job in a 2 year reno. After this weekend a couple of days worth of light work should see and end to it.
Rave: This boat was worth every penny; in it's wildest dreams, my friend's M3 still couldn't corner like this thing does. RANT: My dad drove the boat last weekend, so I had a chance to go waterskiing and wakeboarding for the first time this summer...those muscles haven't been used in a while, and now I can't lift my arms above my head.
?Seriously!?:http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/world/52469658-68/garrity-card-court-lawsuit.html.csp Rave: My first day home alone in....forever. Mr.P is working and the boys are at school. I have plans to go for a really long bike ride, paint my nails and dye my highlights purple. Double Rave: My zombie story concept is ready to begin committing to paper. I am so excited to start research and character development. It's going to be good, scientifically and historically researched. And it's about ZOMBIES! Hooray! Rave: Karma makes me smile...http://www.sltrib.com/cat/polygamy
Rave Semester is off to a good start, everything seems manageable and fun. Rave Got paid to fly yesterday. Rave Getting closer to finishing my pilots license. Rant Where has Dr. Fry been with his thread bumpage? I worry.
RAVE: I'm 2 inches over 6' MEGA-RAVE: FREE Toaster!! mini-rant: Still short of the 6'8" TiB average. I don't play rugby either. Rant: Had a hot dog eating constest over the weekend and came in 2nd place. Also learned the average guy doesn't chew very fast. All the results were pretty pathetic. RAVE: Bacholer party weekend in Tahoe this weekend RAVE: Three day weekend!