RANT Just found out the ex has started seeing someone. Although I'm in Europe having a great time and have hooked up with a few girls, it's still a little upsetting to hear it. I guess now I can properly put her and everything behind me and move on.
RANT: So, guess who just got laid off? Permanent staff reduction. From a HOSPITAL. Thanks healthcare law from me and the 40 other people who are losing their jobs. And make no mistake, this is a direct result of the healthcare law and the changes to medicaid.
Rave: Back from me two week long excursion around the country. Saw some cool stuff, some cool friends, met some awesome people, and had an all around great time. Now I have a bunch of shit to do in the next few days so I can get out of here and off to NC in a reasonable manner. Rant: It's still hot as fuck here.
Rant: Fucking coward. Own up to your shit instead of passing it off to other people, especially when it's blatantly your fault and everyone knows it. Now, because of your negligence, I've got people barking at me for shit I was never even involved in, and because I'm not a pussy, I took control of everything for you. When you're old enough to be my father, I shouldn't have to do this shit for you. Fucker...
Rave: One of my friends just got back from Ireland with the news that he's going to be an extra on The Game of motherfucking Thrones as one of Lord Renley's soldiers. I'm going to make him try and kidnap Shae or Tyrion [/b]Rant:[/b] So green with envy I just had a shit that looked like kermit
rant: posting from my phone. we lost power on sunday morning from Irene. we have no water, no power, and i have to drive 15 miles to get signal on my phone. had to boil water on the bbq this morning to have water for a sponge bath. rant: they are predicting our power to be back on at the end of the week. four more days. motherfucker.
Rant: My partner's and my cadaver is literally a blimp. We spent over two hours cleaning up adipose tissue from the back. I've never seen a cadaver with this much fat. I'll never eat scrambled eggs again. This is the first time I've come home from a lab and had no appetite. Fuck it. Want a diet that works? Bring the overweight and obese in to see this dude. They'll never touch a doughnut or McDonald's again.
RAVE: Southern boy officially announced that he's running for city council. I get an up close and personal look at how a local election is run and how to campaign. RANT: He's going to be wicked busy. RAVE: But he wants me included in all this. I think First Lady Pink is appropriate.
RAVE: After a couple of bowls of the latest weed I'm currently growing, a Jack and Coke, and a Sam Adams, I've decided; fuck it. I'm getting a nice severance package, can collect unemployment for quite a while, and I still have plenty of opportunity to get another job. I also have downloaded a shit load of music I've been looking for, for a long time. It's all good.
RANT: Fuck crickets. Especially giant black ones that sneak through the window and lurk silently not two feet from your face.
Rave: I shot my new bow last night for over an hour. It was amazing. The draw is super smooth. The setup is extremely light weight. I was getting the arrows inside a pie plate every single time at 30 yards. I had so much fun. I had alot of doubts, but now I feel so much better.
I just peed on a stick. Guess it is option #1. You TiBettes are safe, so carry on. Yeah, I think I remember why we decided that it wasn't for us.
Rave:Off to Iceland, our last stop on the move to Sweden. Rave My dad handed us a card today and said: "My wife and I forgot your wife's anniversary, and her birthday, so here you go" and there was a check for several thousand dollars. Rave: He also gave me a telephoto lens for my camera. He has become really generous in his old age.
RANT! <a class="postlink" href="http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2011/08/now-vader-screams-nooooooo-once-every-fi.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2011/08/now- ... ery-fi.php</a> If this is real, I hope George Lucas has a stroke before he can fuck up Star Wars any further.
Rave: Never lost power at home during the storm. Rant: Office lost power for three days, I have a lot of catch up to do. Rant: I had leftover Chinese food in the work fridge. Rant: I work for a tiny company and we don't have people to clean stuff. Rant: I'm the only one that uses the fridge so I can't pawn clean up duty off on someone else. Rant: No hazmat suits available.
Rave: T-minus one hour until I'm on vacation. Not back until September 12th. Building with Habitat for Humanity all day tomorrow, and then I'm off camping until Tuesday. Rant: Back in the city for a few days of stay-cation, next week. Rave: I leave again Thursday night for the cottage. There will be good times, good friends and a lot of fucking alcohol. Rant: Sometimes people just flat out fucking suck.
Rant I haven't been climbing since Saturday. This whole busy school and work schedule isn't making me smile. Rant I got nine hours of sleep last night. That's more than normal, why am I still tired?
Rant: -Had a subsidiary's CEO yell at me on the phone for an hour due to the rating I gave his risk management program? Check -Had my boss yell at my for how poorly my current audit is going because shes too scared to yell at the dumbfuck whose running it and fucking it up? Check Have my car die on the highway on the way home? Check My roommate ate my left over pizza, which is all I had for dinner? Check Girlfriend is blowing me off so she can go "like omg babe, Im gonna go hang out with Rebecca tonight. She just got a cute new puppy! Sorry your day went poorly." Check and 'mate.