Rant: Called Comcast to downgrade service. Was told by a computer that the offices were closed and to call back during business hours. I called back right away but instead told the automated system I wanted to upgrade my service . I was instantly transferred to a sales rep. I told him I wanted to downgrade my service. He told me to call back during office hours.
Rant: Woke up in an unnecessarily foul mood and I'm not sure why. In any event... I don't have a good feeling about today. Rant: Holy shit. Fly, stop buzzing around my desk or I'm going to throw my goddamn monitor at you.
Rave: Just spent 12 days in Peru hiking. Epic. Rant: No longer hiking in Peru. Suck. Rave: Motherfucker, I just spent 12 days hiking in Peru. DID YOU NOT HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME?
Rant: I don't know where my head's at, but it's not in the game. Rave: I'm not happy, but life could be worse. And the goddamn weather is fucking amazing.
Rant: I'm quitting smoking today. I'm sick of it. I get winded at the gym, I smell like an ashtray, and I'm paying roughly 9 dollars a day to slowly commit suicide. It's fucking stupid. Rant: I'm going to abstain from alcohol for a while as well. Smoking and drinking go hand-in-hand in my brain, so I'm hoping this helps the above goal. Rave: Hump Day.
Rant: The entire drive to work this morning I kept hearing this awful grinding noise coming from the rear end of my truck. Weird Rave: I walk out into the parking lot to check out a car's windshield, and glance over at my truck. There is a god damn tree stuck under my truck. A TREE!!!! No, it is not a grandfather oak, and it is short enough to fit under there without me noticing, but what the hell? I haven't hit any damn trees.... However, I am hoping that is what the noise is!! Rant: Someone has some explaining to do...
Rave: Spent Labor Day Weekend in the Denver, Colorado area. Three night Phish concert at Dick's Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City. All three nights were fucking great and the place was completely packed. We stayed with an old friend of mine who lives in Boulder, so we spent our afternoon's hanging out in downtown Boulder. Rave: Boulder is a fucking awesome town. I know it's a pretty expensive place to live, but The Girlfriend and I have decided that we are moving there.
Rave: last day in rome before I leave for Germany having so much fun so glad I didn't cancel this trip because the orginal people I was going with left. Saw the pope today but not the popemobile Rant: walked completely around the vatican trying to get into to see the sistine chapel as the idiots with me wouldn't agree with me that we had already passed the entance Rave: can now say I walked around a country in under an hour and I didn't mind the walk felt good having a long walk as it killed some time we had until we had to join a tour. at least I was fit enough to make the walk without complaining
RANT: Continues to be a shit summer for hockey players,as an entire KHL team is killed in a plane crash Former NHLers onboard include Josef Vasicek, Pavol Demitra, Karel Rachunek, and Ruslan Salei
RAVE: Had a great time in Tahoe this weekend for my buddies bachelor party. Perfect weather, good friends and good times. RANT: Apparently I'm not very good at Texas Hold 'em.
Rant: It smells like a woman in my office put a dirty baby diaper in the microwave. I have no clue what she's eating for lunch that could smell this bad and still be considered food.
Rave: Tomorrow I'm off to London to catch DJ Shadow live. I'm so excited I could shit a kitten, and nearly did after watching this: NSFW [youtube][/youtube] rantish: Saw my ex for the first time since I left for india today as i was exiting the supermarket but it still bugged the hell out of me afterwards. Though I did take some solace as she was all windswept and soaked from the rain while I looked pretty fucking good if I must say. Ridiculously vain I know, but I'd much rather her see me at my best than anything approaching my worst.
Rant: Every time I see that WOOOOO FREEDOM! GOING OUT EVERY NIGHT! thread I think it's a drunk thread because it's all caps. I want random nonsense to get me through my day.
Bahaha. Rave: I just won again. But this time only "$50 towards taxi service". Whatever, I'll take it!
Rave: I put my boss in his place today and it felt fantastic. He called me into his office all set to yell at me about something and I told him immediately what he was going to say and why he was already incorrect because he hadnt heard my side of the story. I made my case, and he changed his attitude immediately and apologized. Boom goes the dynamite.
I've finally figured out that the only real difference in dealing with a 9, 7, and 3 old and the guys I deal with at work on a day to day basis is the frequency with which I hear the words motherfucker and cocksucker.
Rave: I have never sang solo at karaoke before. So the first time I did, I got a standing ovation at the karaoke bar and the DJ invited me back on stage to finish the night off because everyone liked me so much. Rave: I finally can tell my siblings to shut the fuck up when they say I am a terrible singer. Rave: I love Vegas.
Rave: Some chick was doing karaoke, her voice was like nails on a chalk board but she was hot and one of her boobs popped out. The crowd went wild and I'm pretty sure I heard the DJ tell someone he was taking her to the 'bone-zone' after her encore.
Ravt: My terrier totally lived up to his breed today. Something...god knows what, was living in a ditch at the park we walk at. He spent over 20 minutes burrowing a hole trying to get to it. When I finally gave up calling him and walked back to the ditch to put a leash on his collar he'd moved about 2' of earth. Little dude was PACKED full of mud. His eyes were running, he was sneezing and his entire mouth was coated in mud. Imagine taking a giant spoonful of peanut butter - his teeth and the roof of his gums were just...well, packed. He's going to smell like dirt for days. He had a chiropractor/acupuncture session yesterday, courtesy of that shithead hitting him with a bottle last week. I'm filing a police report tomorrow. People are assholes.