Rant: This cold is kicking my ass. Lame. Rant: My son is all in a tizzy because the school sent out their little PTO catalogue scam to raise money with free child(parent) labor. He seems to think he is going to win a ride in a stretch hummer limo. I don't have $15 for a box of chocolates. I don't have time to try to sell a trillion of them. He somehow thinks he doesn't have Christmas unless he "does good." Christ.
Rant: My uncle was almost killed in a farm accident last night. Rave: Almost. He's going home from the hospital in a day or two with a bunch of broken ribs and some fractured vertebrae but it could have obviously been worse.
RAVE I got to watch a really cool nature program last night. It was two bald eagles attacking a peregrine falcon who had probably tried to raid their nest or called them pussies or something. At first, they showed it off in the distance but then the dogfight got closer and closer. As they swooped and weaved across the sky, the eagles were taking stabs at the falcon with their talons. Eventually, one of the eagles soared up higher and started on a dive bombing run. Just before it got there, the other eagle broke off as if it was coordinated and the dive bomber scored a direct hit on the falcon. The falcon tumbled to the water and floated there stunned and probably scared for almost a minute while the eagles circled above. Eventually, the falcon shook it off and got the hell out of Dodge and the eagles went back to their business of killing rabbits and defending America. Did any of you guys see the same program? Oh wait, that wasn't on tv. That all happened on the river last night ONLY 20 YARDS FROM MY FUCKING BOAT! We also caught a few sturgeon, but the bird fight was definitely the highlight of the night and one of the coolest things I've seen in my entire life.
RAVE: The Blink 182 concert last night was amazing! RAVE: I got one shoe! RANT: I got home at 4:00am, got to work today at 9:00am. RAVE: Foo Fighters next Wednesday.
Rant: How did I forget to put on deoderant this morning? I'm trapped at work and have an outdoor lab in 2 hours.
Rant Dear Mailman Randall, You're a fucking cocksucker. I'm sorry I offended your delicate sensibilities when I pressed you as to why you didn't deliver my package when you said you would for the 3rd day in a row. I'm not going to call your supervisor, so dont throw his number at me and act like a non-chalant prick whenever I ask you something. I've been very cordial with you hence your attitude is not warranted. Go fuck a hot furnace. Sincerely, This guy.
RANT: Took off early today to run some errands. Five miles from work, I go to slow down, and my brake pedal goes all the way to the floor. I'm on a 2 lane road in the middle of nowhere, so I carefully drive it the last 10 miles to the garage. Well, my brake line is busted. Basically rusted through at the left front tire. Have to replace quite a bit of line. Ugh. Won't be done tomorrow, probably not until Monday, although they said they'd try to get it done if they had time tomorrow (after telling me how packed their schedule is). A weekend with no vehicle, and not sure how I'm getting to & from work tomorrow. Plus the $350-450 to replace the lines.
Rave: Sometimes, the sheer ambition and appetite for risk of the human race just astounds me. "While a practicable diving suit was still centuries away, it is clear that by the late sixteenth century the principle and practice of diving bells had been established in much of Europe, with their use being described in Spain, France, and Italy... The discovery of oxygen would not follow for 100 years, but this did not hold up the progress of the diving bell." Frothing lips of the sweet un-fucked mother of Christ! Can you imagine how this would go down? "Good day to you sir! I would be much obliged if you would stand inside this bell constructed of either poorly made glass or overlapping sheaths of metal. Sealant has not yet been discovered, so the bell is regrettably not particularly waterproof. We won't discover the relationship between pressure and depth for another 40 years, so at some point your bell may begin leaking for unknown reasons. If it does, you drown, as there are no safety valves to let water out. Even if it doesn't leak, at some point even though the same amount of air is still there, you will die, and we won't know why.The experiments that demonstrate that air 'loses its vivifying spirit' are still decades away, and the best minds of the time are submerging ducks in water and wondering why they can't live for more than a few minutes despite apparently being well adapted to the sea Oh, and the air you breathe will get progressively hotter until the top of the bell surrounding your head feels like an oven. Your bell may be supplied with air from the surface, through a pipe made of sown leather and cat intestine. If this tube tears, snags, or pops a seam, you drown. Air is pumped from either handheld bellows or weak air pumps. If the bladder or leather comprising the bellows or the pump split, you die. Experience this in mostly blackness, as there are no underwater lights. Oh, and should you make it back to the surface alive, your lungs may collapse for no reason we can determine. Tally ho old fellow, there's a good chap!"
Rave: Spent the day at the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, absorbing some history and identifying all the things I saw in Fallout. It's a hell of a lot smaller than I thought it was, though. Rave: A friend just offered me free tickets and board for the Pendleton Round-Up! I wanted to go forever, but never had the time/money/friends interested in rodeos, and now all three just fell in my goddamn lap. Life is so good sometimes.
Rant: Where's the drunk thread??? I just discovered the joys of wine and I'd like to share with my fellow drunkards. Boo. Rave: GO PACK GO!! Rant: Cris Collinsworth.
Rave: Got a job!! Woo! Rant: Have to do an online induction thing which means I have to go out to use an Internet kiosk cause we don't have real Internet at home. It's pouring down with rain and now I currently look like a drowned rat and haven't even got on the bus yet. Rave: New clothes!! Clothes shopping!! Hooray. Rant: Men suck. Lesson learnt: Never date your tattooist. Especially if you have an unholy fear of needles and need to get to know someone before you let them near you with a tattoo gun. Extra rant: Just realized my smokes are drenched. Bugger.
Rave: Early knock off, Rugby World Cup starts tonight, Cricket season luanch and heaps of free beer. Then a house warming at 10am tomorrow and hockey grand finals. I'm going to obliterate myself.
Rant: Lady Gaga and Pauly D were just on tv remembering 9/11. Rant: I don't think a movie has made me want to murder everyone involved more than Bucky Larson. Rave: I'd still fuck Winnona Ryder. You're almost forty, always look like a crazed deer trapped in the headlights. But, I still wanna bang you. Your craziness turns me on. Spoiler
RANT: Yep, still can't sleep. Trying to kick this with no pills. Yay for me trying to be a good girl, but fuck me for still being up. RAVE: Incubus. Pit. Saturday. Ahhhhh...Brandon Boyd sweating on me. Old fuckbuddy-turned-friend singing "Dig" to me. Fabulous.
Rant: I accidently kicked my dog in the face putting on my pants this morning. She gets super excited when I get out of bed because she knows she's going outside to play. The way she shows excitement is by running through your legs like a cat. She chose to do this as I was lifting my leg to put into said pants. The back of my heal hit her jaw and it heard it smack shut. I feel like the worst person in the world.
Rant: Relationshippy shit that shouldn't even concern me. As per usual, I blame beer as for why I can't keep my mouth shut. My friend from the Navel Academy came down and while he was here made out with one of his friends from high school. I barely know her. Good for him though, since he doesn't get much play at all (not the prettiest, and being from the military doesn't get as many girls as you'd think.). Two weeks later I ran into that girl's ex-boyfriend at a bar, he introduced himself to me, and I mentioned that a friend of mine made out with his ex like two weeks ago. (They had been broken up like 3 months already, so I thought it wasn't a big deal.) Her ex then told me that the girl had been dating someone for like 2 months already (sign #1, he still cares about her. I chose to drunkenly ignore this fact) , and that that was fucked up, because the reason he and her weren't together right now was because she cheated on him (sign #2). He felt bad for the guy, so did I, blahblahblah we moved on with the conversation. That was like 5 weeks ago, and the only person I ever spoke to about it because it really didn't concern me. Today I get a facebook message from her boyfriend asking me why I'm going around claiming that she was "whoring herself out" and "fucking mad dudes," asking me "who the fuck am I?" Since the only person I've told about this was the ex-boyfriend, he must have told the guy that his girlfriend was cheating on him because he still wants to get back together with the girl, even including my name in this. I haven't responded, because it's such bullshit. I barely know this girl, and got sucked into drama now because I casually mentioned that a friend of mine made out with another guys ex. I'm really not sure of the best option here. The guy she is dating now is ex-military, and looks like a straight scary mother fucker. His facebook profile is him hunting with a rifle. I don't want anything to do with this. This feels like middle school drama, but in a larger fucking setting. Rave: Friday, I guess. Still got egregious amounts of HW to do before 3 and don't want to deal with above mentioned bullshit.