Motherfucking rave: REK is coming to Fort Worth. I'm there. I may not make it through without sobbing my face off but goddammit I'm going.
Rant: Fuck me. I knew it has been raining like a bastard this year. But we have already surpassed the wettest year on record, and it isn't even October, which is our wettest month. 3000mm of rain and counting.
Rave: My weekend is about 10 minutes away and that's great because I mentally checked out hours ago. I'd say there's a 0% chance that I'll do anything productive before my shift ends. That would explain why I'm typing this post.
Rant: Fuck, I really need to find a new job. I hate waking up every morning coming to this place. I feel like every day I'm here I die a little inside. I'm not meant to code for 9 hours a day, I need more interaction. Rave: At least I have TiB to rant to. Oh, and it's almost the weekend!
RAVE: First Auburn game tomorrow! Can't wait to experience SEC ball. Something tells me that my time at Rutgers and their could-barely-win-games in the early 00's team is nothing compared to what I'm about to experience.
RAVE: Harvest time bitches. And it's all just for little ol' me. It's not even cured properly yet and it's actually better than the last batch. RAVE: Had a really nice day today got a lot accomplished.
Rave: Great game between Mizzou & ASU. Friday night games have been amazing so far. Rave: ASU fans are throwing up the shocker? Awesome.
Rave: I'm working all weekend, so I'll be making SO much money this weekend! Yay! Rant: I'm working all weekend.
Rant: I've been getting worked up this week about the general failure of the police to give anything resembling a shit about the streak of sexual assaults - both attempted and fully carried out - that have been happening in Park Slope in the past few months that seem to be picking up speed. My best friend here lives in Park Slope, and I'm freaked out for her. You would think that in Park Slope, the Yuppie/family capital of the city, there would be cops swarming the neighborhood from dawn till dusk after the first sign of a pattern forming. In my old neighborhood, whenever there would be a crime wave of phone snatchings or car break-ins (or stabbings or shootings) there would be cops all over the fucking place. And now, regardless of the actual motives (because who knows unless you're a cop, I guess), it's all sending the message that "just because" they're sexual assaults, it doesn't matter enough to show up when you get a call or increase patrolling, at least. And you would think they would be trying to patch up their image regarding sexual assault cases after everything blowing up about the cop charged of raping someone and tons of people thinking he got away with it when he was found innocent. Coincidentally, I've heard a half dozen stories this week about girls who called in varying levels of assault and harassment, and their response has overall been "Meh, whatcha gonna do?" I'm starting to think that if, god forbid, anything like that happens to me here, I'm going to report it as a robbery - if that's not illegal - just so I feel like I'll be guaranteed seeing a cop in person in less than a couple of hours. And you wonder why girls are always so hesitant to report shit like this, or never do. Way to make me feel safe, NYPD.
Rant: If there is a worse job than changing transmission lines on an Expedition, I'd hate to see it. Rave: Got it done in time to watch Alabama - Penn State.
Rave: So, I was driving up the road on my way home from the liquor store when I spotted a 5.0 'Stang for sale on the side of the road. Now I'm way too tight to buy a car I don't really need, but I always look around just for fun. My wife tried to talk me into going back and looking at that 5.0 in hopes of buying it and bringing it home. Her logic: "well, you sold your motorcycle, so why not have something else that's a fun toy?" I love this woman. Rant: No way in hell will I ever justify having a V8 sports car when I already have a V8 4x4 truck (that I really don't need).
Rant: Family was calling me all day to do them favors. Everything from "watch my kids" to "help me close the pool." These are the same people that were constantly giving me shit for being 'lazy' while I worked 10 hours a week over the summer (while I was babysitting and helping them with everything). Now that I'm working 60 hours a week, and not constantly available anymore, all I get is "where are you!? Why can't you help me? Well NOW what am I supposed to do?" Rave: Fuck it, finally getting a night out with the wife for the first time in a month.
Rant: No I don't mind taking your kid deer hunting, this fall. No, I don't mind driving 35 minutes, to your home, to teach him firearms safety and how to shoot. What I do mind is being asked to be there at a certain time and you aren't there. I also hate having my phone calls/texts go unasnwered. Then looking at your facebook, because you post everything you do, to your wall, and seeing that you took the wife and kids out to eat... yeah that really pissed me off. Oh well, your loss.
Rant: I am a helluva dumbass when I am black out drunk. Apparently I like to pass out, even when standing up. Rave: I didn't commit any crimes, drive or cheat on anyone. I like to look for the silver lining. Rave: I have the next two days off, aside from a hair appointment with a friend. That's not really work but I will get paid, so I think it qualifies.
Rave: Was out boozing on Friday night and 2 very cute girls hit on me. (I was being very friendly, but they instigated) one tried to kiss me the other asked if I would like to go back to her place because she had lots of duty free booze. Rant: Would be nice to be able to have a free pass just once a year. I was very tempted. Rant: I was still hungover on Sunday.... Getting old is a bastard. But far better than the alternative... RIP Andy Whitfield.
Rave Unless God breaks Brady's back, I think I just won 60 bucks in my local bank's football win-pick pool. Is it wrong to gamble with the same people that handle your finances? Still feels good... Rant This means my descent into fantasy football is probably concrete. Thankfully I don't have any skin in that game.
Rave/Rant: I spent today entirely on the couch, only getting up to make food and piss because I wanted to watch football/fantasy. I made two graphs for one project in school. Literally the worst productivity day to date this year. Rave: I destroyed my opponent in fantasy. Thank you 49ers D, and Tavaris Jackson. Rant: This week is gonna suck because I didn't do anything today. I guess I deserved it.