RAVE: Got approval over this weekend from the rescue that Sadie Grace (wiemaraner rescue senior dog) adoption has been approved! RANT: When she was here, she had a little limp that had just started the day before. Rescue paying for all treatment to get it fixed (apparently just a strain), but means can't pick her up until all healed. RAVE: She's been a foster for seven months (no one wants to adopt senior dogs), and the people fostering her are freaking awesome. Literally have talked to them four times over the weekend on progress updates, food she's on (and no, Crown Royal, there was no peanut butter on the list, sorry), what she likes (and no, Crown Royal, I didn't even ask if she likes peanut butter, sorry) , toys she likes to play with, etc., a lot more info than was covered in the home visit.
Rant: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! My favorite site for watching movies online that are currently out in theaters in relatively high quality is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has a link to another site but it doesn't seem as good. My life is over.
Slightly less important rant: There is something really fishy going on with my job and I'm starting to worry very much about how long I will be keeping it.
rave: I got to watch MiniMe and Squishy play baseball together this weekend. This is the first time they've EVER been on the same team and it was joyous for me...they were so supportive of one another and had NO kind of rivalry happening, it was amazing. Squishy is two years and change younger than MiniMe and is playing with the big boys. We talked before the season and it told Squishy that since he's playing up...by two years...he really just needs to look to gain experience, and consider ANYTHING that happens a victory. Squishy drew a walk, stole second and third, and hit a triple. I'll take it. MiniMe didn't have as impressive a game offensively but his defense on the hot corner left me happy. I wish I could explain how soothing and truly...happy...it makes me to see them play and take joy in playing. Other rave: Sunday at the ballpark is pretty much my idea of perfection. Why anyone wouldn't find that amazing...I don't know. Except for the fat chicks behind us who kept eyefucking Other Guy and making him uncomfortable. He didn't enjoy that at all. Rant: For all the topsy turvy bullshit of the past few months, I've still got nothing to show for it. Fuck a duck.
Rant I know its gay but I just noticed that my brother who I'm feuding with has removed me as his brother on FB. What kind of passive aggressive bullshit is that? And why does it even matter to me? I don't know but it does. Rave Business website is up. Only thing stopping me now is me Rave I'm not stopping me. I'm actually not procrastinating and actually moving forward in spite of gigantic knots of fear Rave People that believe in you and make comments that they may view as casual but light fires. Good balance Universe. Good balance. Thanks.
Rant: Today is going to be an absolute grind at work. I'm low on sleep and the break room directly below my cubicle is currently being renovated, so I get to be entertained by masonry drills today. Rave: I don't have to make any calls today. I would be awful on the phone right now. Rave?: Picking up additional projects due to some reorganization here and some experience I've got that others don't. I'd rather be more valuable than not to a new employer but I don't want to over-extend myself like I have in the past.
Rant: Fuck me monday mornings. This is my sunday and my normal day off. I am currently sitting at work(fuck off #1). An alternator i had found, only one in BC, came in this morning and was damaged(fuck off #2). A started i sold, my boss, gave it to me and told me it was the right one. Well it turns out it turned the wrong way, and started the guys engine the wrong way, and fucked it. Now i have to go explain to the manager what happened(fuck off #3). Well bad shit comes in 3's, lets hope this is the end of it today, and all this shit happened with in the first 30 minutes of me showing up to work.
RANT: Steelers lost. Badly. RAVE: Cowboys lost. RAVE: This place. Just seems so much friendlier then the TMMB/RMMB boards use to be. Less red dots and some good conversations that started from a rep points.
RAVE Last night, for whatever reason, I dreamt (very vividly) that I was having sexy time with Adam Levine. It was nice. RANT I woke up.
(Cautiously Optimistic) Rave: Redskins victory over the Giants. They started out a little rocky, but they finished strong. I'll be the first to say that I was unsure about Rex, but if our O-line can keep him safe, he should do well.
<a class="postlink" href="http://espn.go.com/tennis/usopen11/story/_/id/6962108/serena-williams-fined-2000-outburst-us-open-women-final" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://espn.go.com/tennis/usopen11/stor ... omen-final</a> Rant: Fining somebody $2k when they just won $1.4million is a joke. Rave: "You're a hater, and you're just unattractive inside."
RANT/RAVE: Damn you woman you know how to drive me crazy. I will not break though because I think you're just messing with me.
Rant: I can't work because I broke my collarbone. I can't do any fun summer activities either. I've only been off work for a week and I'm going stir-crazy. This shit is old. Rant: I made out with a fattie this weekend while shitfaced. Rant: I can't workout or do any real physical activities, and I sit at home all day and snack. I will soon be the fattie. Rave: I am getting really good at playing video games.
Motherfucker. My gym is the cheapest in the area on BOTH GODDAMN SIDES. Don't fucking stand there and ask me to cut my profit even MORE because of your sense of entitlement.
Rave: If I was going to relocate I'd move to Asheville NC in a heartbeat. Badass town with so much craft brewing. Rave: Here for the week.
Rave Been really getting back into running. Feels good. Rant Climbed like shit today. Very frustrating. Rant Getting my ass kicked by MatLab, so much work is piling up. Rave Trying to get ahead in classes because I'm going to Vermont on Wednesday for a friends wedding!!!!!
Rant: On the way out the door this morning, I decided to take out the trash. When I exited the building, I had two things in my hands--a big bag of garbage and my lunch. Guess which one was tossed into the fucking dumpster first.