Rant: Groups of Asians ruin art galleries. I could barely get through Uffizi without them pushing their bumbling selves through every room. Do they even know what theyre looking at? Does it even matter to them? I'm sorry Chairman Mao or whoevers in power now doesn't let you have art, but don't ruin it for everyone else. If there's no Anime, they probably don't give a shit anyway.
Rant: I feel like I was punched in the neck because the guy I smooched last night never grew out of the making out you do at parties in your friends' finished basement in 8th grade.
Rave: Managed to land the niece for a day. We are watching Disney movies all morning, then going to the zoo in the afternoon to see the tigers.
Rave: Just organized a hog hunt. those motherfuckers are crazy up there at my parents' place. My CrossFit people actually want to camp and kill hogs. Crazy.
Rant: I had a toilet start running this morning. I called maintenance and asked them to flush my drains while they are at it. I went for a long workout and upon my return there was a note that my apartment had been serviced. Walking through my place, I noticed a small pile of white flakes on the floor. It looked a bit like glass, so I touched it, trying to place what was broken... and my fingers were on fire. Apparently some of the drain cleaner ended up on my living room floor. Rave: At least the kids didn't find it first. Rave: Great workout. Rawr.
RANT: Why does my probationer feel the need to come report when he's battling an active stomach virus? Guess what, dumbass? Getting your probation officer sick DOESN'T DO YOU ANY FAVORS. Guess who's been crying, carrying on and generally feels like her insides are being shredded while puking everything up? Yes, that would be me.
RAVE: It's my sister's wedding this weekend and just found out I've got a free room organised at the hotel its being held at. rant: The only people I know at this wedding are my sister, my brother (who I haven't seen for 15 years), my dad and his wife who doesn't like me much.. and chances are, I'm probably going to be the youngest person at the wedding by about 10 years (I'm 26, sister is 39) RAVE: I don't care, I've got a swanky hotel room which I'm not paying for, a tab I will abuse and a legitimate and acceptable reason to get shithoused. I can't wait.
Rave: I'm hanging out with my mom tonight. When I mentioned I was making myself a drink, she replied, "I'll have one too, I'd hate for you to drink alone." I love that woman. Rant: I'm drinking because I wish I could quit my job. I love my actual job, but my boss is a fucking cunt. Rave: There's another job opportunity on the horizon.
Rant: I'm so sick of my job and my director. It's retarded how I can present a solution, have it shot down, then five days later they come back and say they want to do that. Rave: I have started applying for new jobs. RAVE: I received an email back today for one position; I have a phone interview set up for Thursday afternoon. This position would be an Sr. Implementation Engineer and would involve some travel, which I would love. Hours later, I received a call back for another position. Not the position I applied for, instead they said, "Hello Kratos, we know you applied for the BA team lead position and that is being sorted out, but another hiring manager for a Senior BA/Analyst SCM position saw your resume and would really like to have you come in. How does Thursday or Friday sound?" I have a face-to-face setup for Monday. RAVE: I haven't even heard back from the job that I had a Chief Compliance Officer forwarding my resume along. I can almost guarantee I'll hear back from them. I could be switching jobs very soon. Rave: Bringing beer to the dog park with me so the pup can play for a while and I can enjoy myself. I'm in a great mood.
RANT: Banks and telephone companies. Can't get payment transaction history worked out between them, so same disconnection bullshit as two weeks ago is happening again. RAVE: Seems that the Van Halen II CD is their hold music. Works for me, and I'll take what raves I can at this point. RANT: I've had to listen to most of it so far.
Rant: Spritzing myself with phenol and dead people juice for 4 hours. Slice, spritz. Cut, spritz. All over my face. It was like a non-stop cadaver roper. FUCK. I just got out of the shower and I can still feel and smell it.
Rant: Getting OC sprayed tomorrow night, any tips other than baby shampoo and dont let shower water hit your junk would be greatly appreciated
RANT: Got a fucking spinal tap. Fuck that shit. RANT: Had to have a 40 minute MRI. RANT: Brain lesions. RANT: 90% blind in my right eye from optical neuritis. RANT: Been in this bitch since Sunday and stuck here till Friday. RANT: Blame it on smoking that fake weed too many times. RAVE: Buffalo 41-KC 7 RAVE: FFB team won it's season opener with authority. RANT: Sitting in the ER during the game. RAVE: My dad brought in my CPU. RAVE: Back on the Idiot Board. RANT: Ever try typing with an IV? RAVE: Loritabs. All-you-can-eat.
Rave: Weather pulled a "Calgary" temperature swing today. Yesterday it almost hit 40*C, tonight you needed pants, boots, a jacket and you still almost froze your ass off. I purposely left the windows open and the house is now a balmy 14*C (57*F, for you Yanks). Fuck. Yes. I am going to sleep like the dead tonight. I'm tempted to leave them open overnight, but I don't want it going into single digits. I don't think. But we'll see. Raver: It was fucking windy. If these winds keep up, we won't be able to deliver anything at work. We NEED this. Even my boss - who stands to gain financially when productivity is high - said tonight that he'd even take snow instead of all this dry, nice weather. Personally I'm hoping for torrential rain that shuts down everything, but that's just me. We need a break.
Rant My company is being audited tomorrow in order to keep their accreditation with this multinational board of blah blah blah....Guess who gets to be audited first? Ranter I've been there a month and a half. What the fuck do they expect to get out of me? "Well, I only do about 20 minutes of actual work a day because I've been here a month and a half and I'm not entirely trained yet." Rave Said company gave out their yearly bonuses last week. I didn't expect shit because of the obvious, but they gave me a $500 bonus because they "didn't want me to feel left out". This is a really nice place to work.
Rave: Just tasted my first batch of homemade kombucha (hippie name for fermented tea). It tastes like the child a rainbow would have after a threesome with swedish twin gymast unicorns.
RANT: Doing well can make you complacent and keep you from keeping on doing well. RAVE: I'm doing well.