RANT: Apparently two weeks before my insurance runs out is the perfect time for my TMJ to become extremely acute and painful. RAVE: It will be easy to lose weight.
Rave: Found a nice used car for the wench and painted myself in glory. Rant: It's now my responsibility to dispose of her old piece of shit. Rave: The net result is I won't get any crap about housework for a few months. Rant: She really likes the car and I got it for her $4-6k below the recommended price. She actually complained about the fact that the insurance company wouldn't let her insure it for the purchase price and instead would only insure it for $5k more than she paid. I explained this was a good thing and showed what a master of car sourceage & negotiation I am, she still thinks she’s getting shafted somehow. Rant: Never ceases to amaze me how she can combine smart and stupid so seamlessly.
Rave: Came home to new furniture! A neighbor was clearing out in a hurry and gave us her oak kitchen hutch (2x4x8'), an oak kitchen table and some BlueRay discs. I have too much furniture now, but I will not complain. Rave? Watching FarScape. I am high and not sure if it has any real potential.
RANT: My sink drain has been clogged for the year and a half we have owned this condo. RANT: My husband lived here by himself for the first three months while I was finishing up grad school. Said drain was on his to-do list. He swore to me up and down that multiple applications of Drano did jack shit. ...I am a procrastinator from way back... RAVE: Got a little curious and asked husband to pick up some deadly drain products on the way home from work. Put on some rubber gloves and tried not to hurl as I picked a year and a half of my hair out of the drain. One application of foaming Liquid Plumr. Hot water rinse. One application of Drano Max Gel. Hot water rinse. Badda-bing badda-fucking-BOOM!!! RANT: This is not the first household thing I have been lead to believe was impossible and was actually a failure of effort. When the blonde with pathetic hand-eye coordination and zero knowledge of home improvement owns the guy who is actually rather handy, you know said guy was being a lazy motherfucker. RAVE: Husband owes me. Muahahahahahaha!
Rant: Damn military and their flu mist crap. Rave: Out of this town for Airmen Leadership school in Tennessee in less than 2 weeks. Rant. My blues. My pants go up to my belly button and my PT shorts are so short I think if a high school girl worn them the teacher would tell her to go home and change
Rant: FUCK. I just saw a house centipede in my room. They are, I think, my least favorite bugs on the planet, at least out of the ones that tend to show up in your home. (I'd totally rather see a roach, even a big one.) I think the worst thing about them is their invisibility cloak. I swear to god, they appear out of absolutely nowhere, and then completely disappear. I keep seeing it out of the corner of my eye, I look to the spot on the floor, I see it for about three seconds, and then AS I'M LOOKING AT IT all of a sudden I can't see it anymore. Not being able to keep track of it is driving me crazy. (Not like I'd have the balls to try and kill it if I saw it, because what if it attacks back??) WHY IS MY NEW CAT NOT COMING UNTIL NEXT WEEK? I don't think I can go to sleep. Ever again. Edit: I am totally blaming this on talking about them so much around here a few weeks ago. It's like reading that made them come to me, or something. Right? Rant cont. It's been kind of a creepy night in general. I just heard my roommate talking in his sleep, and I keep hearing all these noises that I'm sure are just regular apartment noises I'm not used to yet but they're building in scariness. Also, last month I randomly couldn't fall asleep unless I wrote down what I had in mind to read at a memorial service for one of my greatest mentors and teachers. A few days ago I found out that she died and there was a memorial service on Sunday, and tonight I learned that she actually died only a couple days after that night.
Rant Somebody broke into our cars last night. Did they take my GPS and Ipod? NO. The fucking loose pocket change in the ashtray. Only pennies, nickels and dimes. Tossed everything everywhere, and took less than pocket change. Fucking drug addicts.
Super Bummed: After a week of looking, I'm pretty sure I've misplaced my lululemon shorts forever. I wore those suckers everywhere, and I change clothes about 6 times a day. They could be anywhere. I'm bummed because I absolutely love them, and they're so expensive I can't just run out and buy a new pair.
rave: Two classes down. Amazing work all around. I pulled a heavy deadlift. I'll take it. Rant: I'm tired of the rollercoaster ride. I want off.
Rave: Morning secks. I had a terrible day yesterday, and the prevailing thought was today was going to be as bad. Then I had the secks and I'm feeling better about today's prospects. Rave: Payday and expense check today. Woo!
Rave: 1-year wedding anniversary this Sunday. Holy shit did this year go fast. In the last 12 months, I've gotten married, changed jobs, and moved across the country. Been a good change. Marriage isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Rant: We got married out on the Oregon coast, and unfortunately, our "anniversary" slice of wedding cake didn't survive the move. We had really hoped to spend our anniversary out in Oregon, but just couldn't fit it in. The woman who did our wedding cake offered to bake a small cake and ship it to us instead. She said she would bake it free of charge, but that I would have to pay for shipping. Well, she waited too long to ship it, and the fucking overnight postage was going to be $170. I told her just to ground ship it, so now it's not going to be here until next Thursday. Rave: Having brunch in bed on Sunday, followed by a day full of napping and "nooners". Topping the night off with a tasty steak from the Capital Grille and some nasty shower sex.
Rant: Food poisoning from the eggs I made this morning? Who knows, but I threw them all up about 15 minutes after I ate them. Rave: Immediately felt better. Rave: Really good feelings about my chem exam I took a few hours ago. Rave: This weather is amazing. Outta no where, 60-75 degree temperatures? I'll take that, thank you! Rave: FRIDAY!!!
Rant Found out the ex started dating a new guy this week. She deletes me from Facebook, saying it would bother her to see me in a relationship again. I got into a heated exchange with her via text message, letting my anger get in the way. I'm going to have to squash this. I mean, it's only been a little over a month since we broke up... shes not wasting any time I see. Rant Getting screwed by the credit union that I'm financing my car through. They were having me pay an extra 100 bucks or so because they never had proof of my insurance, so they added collateral protection insurance themselves. Matter resolved though, and they gave me back everything they owed me that I used as credit to my loan. Rant Not ready for colder weather. Rave It's Friday...gotta get down on Friday.
Rave: Wombshifter, my new favorite word, courtesy of Mike Tyson talking about Sarah Palin getting railed by black dudes. The interview is as awesome as it sounds.
RAVE: Foo Fighters concert on Wednesday was EPIC! RANT: Concert is over and I'm back at work. RAVE: Middle Class Rutt tomorrow, and to top it off I won tickets to it.
RAVE: Just finished my first week of music school, and fuck is it awesome. I can't believe I thought I could get to where I want to be on my own... I mean lots of people are completely self taught, but taking lessons from a pro and doing things like ear training are sooo helpful. RAVE: It took me four nights to adjust to a normal person sleeping schedule (ie getting up before 1 pm and going to bed accordingly), but last night I passed out at 9 pm and got a good 11.5 hours in. Guess I was pretty worn out.
??:Well guys, you called it (not that I'm surprised)! The reunion didn't work out and I'm single again. Rant: Moving into parent's house tomorrow Rant: Turning 30 tomorrow Rave: Nowhere to go but up at this point. I hope. Where's the fucking Draino?
Rant: How do you apologize for something you did on purpose? You don't. You did it on purpose. You can't. apologize. for that. Stop trying.