Rant: A month or so ago I gave my recommendation to one of my customers on an old friend of mine that was looking for a job. I hadn't seen this person in a few years but knew them as a stand up type. He told me he had all the required certs, qualifications, etc for a quality control manager position they were advertising. He's been unemployed for over 6 months so I made a couple calls on his behalf. What a mistake. He apparently knows zilch about quality control and certainly doesn't have any of the ISO training he said he did. The job isn't one you can "fake till you make" either. Got a nice earful today from the guy I deal with who helped push this guy through. No good deed...
Rave Tomorrow I'm going to the Tampa Lightning training camp. I'm going to see one of the best teams in the NHL skate, for free, in a small setting, and I get to see the goalies practice. I am a goalie, so getting to see how these guys train is going to be fascinating for me.
I have no idea: I got offered a borderline dream job, but it's a substantial cut in pay, and I'd have to move five hours out which is hardly cheap. I'm very conflicted right now
Rave: The cover of my upcoming book, and I am super excited! Rant: I am incredibly stressed about how well the book will do, even with all the marketing i've done thus far. (and yes, I do plan on sending it out to agents) double rant: I also realize how annoying I am with promoting the book, here and everywhere else, but it is something I have worked VERY hard on and am very proud of triple rant: if it doesn't do well... I'm not sure how I will cope.
Rant/Rave: I can't decide which one. If the Braves are going to suck this bad to the finish line, would I rather they just falter and miss the playoffs? Or would it be better if they squeak in, and then exit in the first round like the last few times? Dammit. I have a feeling I'm going to be out my ticket handling fee . . .
RAVE: My first Widespread Panic in Brooklyn tomorrow. In fact, a whole weekend in the city complete with a midnight booze cruise and a Sunday Funday surrounded by Yankees fans...finally! So nice to see my favorite team with people who actually like them, who I don't have to defend myself to. And I can't wait to hang out with two of my best guy friends and get the hell out of here for a little while. I really need it. RANT: Girls. Seriously. I am just about through with all of my friends who are female. One didn't speak to me all summer because I thought her boyfriend with the tattoos on his face (not that tattos that I objected to but the reasoning that he got only out of spite, as his story went, I found to be terribly immature and stupid) was a douchebag (which he was...they broke up in August). One tried to hook up with my whatever during a music festival. One can't seem to grasp that the reason why I haven't been out with her in two weeks is because I've been working my ass off to pay for this trip, my car, my insurance, my oil change, etc, my cell, my xm, and tons of other little bills that seemed to have come up all at once. Nooooo, instead she finds it totally appropriate to send me nasty texts about me "avoiding her." These texts are compounded in intensity since the last round of nastiness that came because I didn't want to get a beer the minute I came home from vacation with a next-day apology that she had a "really bad week." So really, all she wanted to do was have someone to listen to her bitch. All. About. Her. Fuck that. Girls just suck. And while I'm female, I'd more deem myself a broad or a chick because I just don't get caught up in this kind of petty ass drama. Why the fuck is my approval/time/energy so important? Focus on yourself, ladies, and life will be much easier. I tell ya, gentlemen, I feel your pain sometimes. Hanging with girls is exhausting. /tipsy rant RAVE: Did I mention a weekend in NYC with my best guy friends? The flask is full of gm, the car full of gas, and I'm ready to go! 10 am can't come fast enough!!!
RAVE: Got prescriptions yesterday for trazodone and celexa. Apparently I need two antidepressants...one of which could cause complete sexual dysfunctions.* Here's hoping to no side effects, and a much more happy outlook. *Not like I'm using it for much of anything anyway...
RANT!!!! WellsFargo may have just sunk me. Yesterday I had my student loans transfered. I was happy. That is until some rogue WF agent decided to cancel my account. She called me at 5:15, I called her back 10 minutes later. I didn't leave a message she didn't call me back. I figured it was no big deal. Apparently she deemed the book of checks I ordered suspicious. When she called me and left a message she didn't inform me of this, or of the fact that she was going to freeze my account and cancel all transactions from yesterday, my financial aid included. I went from a fairly good positive number to negative forty-nine cents. Fuck that bitch. I'm launching a formal complaint against her, Adrianna you're going down. I was fucking wrong. That bitch decided to freeze my account and cancel all transactions from the last day. Which btw included my financial aid. I am now back to negative money in my account and am sunk until I get that money. I now have to ask financial aid to re-release that money into my account. I'm going to assume thats going to suck and not be easy. I've cursed so much at WF over the phone they've threatened to end the phone call. but fuck them, they screwed me good. I'm transferring all my money out of that bank into another. I need that money, getting it back won't be easy. God Fucking Dammit.
Rave: Absolutely baller training at survival school. Fucking money. Rant: Missed my 7 am flight, so I'm sitting at Boston Intl for the day waiting on standby. Rave: Still feeling last night.
RANT: Got rejected by a girl i really liked... RANT: Had a breakdown after said rejection, ended up taking my ass to the hospital to get help. RANT: The Nurse was a bitch, and the doctor was a moron. He didn't say anything helpful, and his idea was to "prescribe me one of those medications you see on TV", to top it off i am on Adderall for my ADD, and taking SSRI medications can lead to Serotonin syndrome which is exactly what he wanted to give me. I politely told them to get bent. RAVE: Ended up making an appointment with my doctor the next day. He was extremely understanding and helpful. After discussing my problems and my concerns over SSRI medications he recommended an SNRI, Effexor. While Effexor does have withdrawal problems it has a less likely occurrence of Serotonin Syndrome. He also gave me recommendations for local therapists to deal with my shit. RAVE: Finally dealing with all this crap feels great. *EDIT* Since it isn't mentioned in the post I linked to at the end of the first rave, I have a paralyzing fear of rejection which usually stops me from approaching people. When I do ask someone out and they say no, its devastating, so much so that its beyond explanation.
Rave: I was trying to Rep someone on the Halloween thread, but I couldn't remember the name of the main movie character. So I typed this into Google - "meteor fall try to find parents mullet" and bam mother fucking JOE DIRT (IMDB) came up as the second search item. Google is awesome. I was then able to finish my rep to Dixie Bandit.
Rave: Two-day workweek. Fuck yeah. Rant: Just found out that thanks to my (awesome) crew chief going to Sergeant's Course, someone else is going to be doing my proficiency / conduct evaluations. That "someone else" hates me with a burning passion. My promotion prospects just went from "You're going on the next meritorious board that gets set up" to "You're lucky I haven't found a way to rip the rank off your collar." Rave: Girl from my home town is getting stationed here. She's pretty cute. We've been talking, and we're probably going to meet up when she gets here. Rant: She's fucking stupid. She's also damaged goods and is probably batshit insane. Emo Rant: I'm desperate enough that I don't care. I didn't realize how bitter I was until I started talking to her. I think I've taken too much from the sex gurus on this board; their message seems to be, "It's okay that you're not attracted to anyone right now and that no one's attracted to you for who you are. You'll find someone eventually. Cause women deserve honesty 'n' stuff." I just did an about-face and am coldly manipulating this girl into getting her to make another shitty decision that will probably leave her even more broken. All this so I can get my dick wet. Is this what my friends mean when they tell me, "You've gotta start being more of an asshole?" Because yep, I definitely feel like an asshole. Nice guy? Nope, it's just Chuck Testa.
Rave: Free meet and greet and pictures with Stan Lee. Rave: Free Batman sketch from Neal Adams. Rant/Rave?: I am a huge dork.
Rant: my girlfriend, who is a smart girl, knows nothing about automobiles. I was an idiot to give her my highly, highly modified Maxima for a daily driver instead of just buying her something else. Or giving her the Tahoe. But she wanted a 5 speed transmission, and so I obliged. Of course, she never really sees warning signs that tend to pop up with a modified car, and so I'm hoping to see if the car isn't totally fucked right now. She drove it 500 miles with a low oil pressure light. Rave: after pulling the oil pan, I don't see any obvious metal shavings that would indicate something like a spun rod bearing. Rant: I'm still waiting for the Permatex to dry so I can fill her up with oil. And it was probably the stupid oil cooler I installed that caused the problem. The poor oil pump in the Maxima just couldn't keep up after a while. Rave: Maybe, MAYBE the engine isn't fucked. I'm planning on selling the car anyways (I now have four and need to get rid of at least one) but I'll make a lot more money if it doesn't need a new engine (obviously). They are cheap used (like $400) but I still don't want to have to spend a whole damned weekend swapping a fresh motor in.
Rave: HAHAHAHAH!!! It worked! Stupid fucking oil cooler. The blower was obviously starved for oil (and was recently rebuilt) and I didn't know it, because it is about 10 times quieter now. The whole car runs better than it has in a long, long time. Selfish Rave: Thank goodness I'm not a no-nothing putz who can't work on the things that I own.
Rant: My Grandmother was just diagnosed with Stage four lung cancer. She is so strong, but obviously the family is stressed about it. Rant: My 'regional manager' is a fucking idiot. I had to go over his head to deal with some completely inappropriate things he said about a co-worker. This is not the first time he has been a complete dick. I hope his ass gets canned. Rave: I have a few days off to go visit her. Rave/Rant: My girlfriend just left after being here for a few days. I hadn't seen her in 3 and a half weeks. I miss her.
Rant: Another fucking kidney stone. Spent 6 hours in the hospital. They didn't give me regular morphine this time, instead it was Dilaudid. I found out that Dilaudid makes me throw up a lot. It made the already horrible time of having a kidney stone even worse. Rave: Percocet, however, is fantastic and is keeping the pain away without the other problem since I've been home. Spending the next couple days doped up and recovering.
Rant: Mother fucker. Driving home from my parents house for dinner last night when a goddamn deer runs out into the middle of the road while I'm doing 70 mph. Totally fucked that deer up with my car. Hood, bumper, headlight, and passenger quarter panel are fucked. Rave: I hit it with my car and not the GTI that I just bought two weeks ago for my fiancee, who was following behind me. That was a huge relief. Rave: Deductible for my car is $200. That ain't to shabby... I can swing 200 bones to get my car fixed.