Rant: My guy friend won't let me sleep with his very hot brother. He is being a terrible brother/friend right now.
Raaaave: one of the big bosses here is remarkably incompetent. Just a total nightmare to deal with, and generally bad. She just got axed, and is currently imploding. Sending out mass emails to our 2000 staff trying to drum up support to overturn the decision, lodging Freedom of Information requests to find out what her subordinates said about her in the review process, etc. Yesterday she came in bawling her eyes out, then called the 5 managers into her office one by one to find out who was interviewed and what they said about her. 2 of them came out bawling also. I've currently got Flight of the Conchords' "I'm Not Crying" playing in my office. (No, I'm not a nice person).
Rant: Ugh. 3 hours sleep. UGH UGH. Hate. Thiiissss. I'm trying to avoid drinking as much as I have been, and definitely to avoid sleeping pills. This shit is for the goddamn birds. Really. Rave: Four people have signed up in the past 18 hours. That's. Awesome.
Rant: Bell Aliant can fucking go to hell. Got a new iPhone 4 last Saturday. Did not work from the second I got it home (there's something actually rattling around inside the phone). Took it back Monday, expecting them to just swap the SIM card out into a new phone. Fucking bitch told me I had to go through Apple for any repair work. The fucking phone still had the plastic on it. I had not made one call with it. Had only plugged it into itunes to sync it. Fuck them. If I could burn the building down without getting caught I think i would. after I locked the staff inside.
Rave: The power is back on in my apartment after three days of not having any. Rant: The power was out for three days. Wait, not out, shut off. Why? Because the idiot landlord let a previous tenant rack up an electric bill of over a grand, did nothing about it, and let us reap the benefits (that being, no power). The fact that this even happened is supremely stupid, and had better not fucking mess with this new job I'm trying to get, as I couldn't get to my shit to send to the guy earlier in the week.
We'll see: I just started music school, and today will be my second "ensemble" class. We're put in groups (bands) and each group/band performs a couple songs for the rest of the program at some point in the semester. We have a metal drummer, a metal guitar player, a shitty guitar player, a good guitar player, a country singer, and myself on bass. Oh, and our instructor plays mostly soft rock/folk kind of stuff, which she has us playing. Watching a metal drummer and a country singer figure out a super slow song with french lyrics is pretty funny. I'm pretty sure they hate the fuck out of it. I think it's a nice song.
Rant: My cell phone had decided that it will no longer work in my house. Was fine for over a year and now people will call me and it won't even ring, if it rings it drops them after 10 seconds and I have to go outside to send a text. What the fuck. This is really annoying, any ideas? Rant: I am going to go nuts if I see that Jennifer Lopez Fiat commercial one more time. It was on every single commercial break watching football on Sunday.
I'm bitchier than Tennessee trailer trash on PMS and my family is sorely fucked; world's smallest violin and a tissue for my tears, etc, etc. Spoiler RANT: After several medications and operations, my grandmother just has a shitty heart. Literally. Her at rest BPM is insanely high, and she can't even wlak up a flight of stairs without getting lightheaded and out of breath. Her attitude isn't helping anything - she's signed a DNR and goes out of her way to make her children feel guilty every fucking day - and honestly, she's ready to go. She's tired of dealing with the medical stuff and she's lived a long life. Doesn't make it any fucking easier, especially knowing that once she goes my mother's tenuous grip on sanity is likely to follow. Seriously, what the FUCK happened to dying peacefully in your sleep? Oh no, now it has to be a slow decline with a failing heart, or Alzheimer's disease, or some other twisted complication that has to torture it's victim before it finishes the job. Further RANT: I took my brother out for dinner last night. I noticed (save the gay jokes) that he's looking more adult - seriously, at 16 that kid already has the looks to break a lot of hearts before he settles down. He has the personality too, and tons of girls chasing him around. Of course, this is all wasted when he's literally terrified of dating. He imagines dating a girl, and everything is dark to him in these imaginations - he feels trapped and overwhelmed. That's all he can explain, because "I can think in my mind how to explain this stuff, and it makes sense to me, but I can't explain it to you. I just don't know the words". So hey, great to know that my brother is just as fucked as I am, and I can't do a goddamn thing but listen. Fuck this shit.
Rant: A good friend of mine (female) just found out she has herpes. Sucks to see the extreme consequences of a minor error in judgment. It was a guy she had known for a while and had been tested recently, and she has to live with it permanently now. Not Total Rant: She's taking it pretty well.
Rant What makes it necessary for an intro to chemistry class to require hours upon hours of work outside of class every day? I spent 6 hours yesterday on it, and have much more to do today. It doesn't make sense and pisses me off; especially considering I've already taken chemistry, it just didn't transfer. What the fuck. Rant On top of chemistry there are all kinds of tests and projects due this week. I'm missing my full time job and full time pay check more and more. . . it gets very tough to keep telling myself it will all pay off in the end. Rant I haven't been climbing in almost two weeks. I've barely had time to run these days, too. God damn, I sound like a whiny bitch.
Rant: Had to put our border collie down today. He was 14. He went down hill quickly... Two weeks ago, he was running around with Tonka like normal, and last night, he couldn't even stand up to pee. We took him to the vet last week and we got him on some medication, but we knew it probably wasn't going to work. We buried him next to Mayhem in our yard. The kids took it ok, not nearly as bad as when Mayhem died last October. My wife was a wreck though... I hate it when my wife cries, it's the worst feeling in the world for me.
RAVE: Going 16 for 17 straight post-season appearances. It's been a great season to be a Yankees fan. I don't even need 28...I'm just thrilled with all the records broken and a couple of "core four" who are old but still get it done. Baseball is just the best. RAVE: Plans for New Years are already booked and I didn't have to lift a finger to organize the tickets, hotel, trip, or anything. This is a real first. It's always me who turns into Julie McCoy, your Cruise Director for the big trips. This time, I was just told what was going on...it's a fantastic feeling. I guess the whatever really wants me to hang with him that night. After this past weekend, I'm in.
Rant: So when I brought up that 1 in 6 individuals in the US has herpes in the WDT I was just doing it to demonstrate how common STDs are. I did not however realize that HERPES IS FOR LIFE. Not cool herpes. Not cool. I'm never having sex again.
Rant: Roommate with fucking heroin. Seriously? I feel like a need a drink. Took the piece of shit to the emergency room and waited 4 hours as I tried to contact his one relative. At the very least, his dad said I handled it exactly as he would have, so I guess that makes me a good person, or whatever. He's not coming back. It's already been arranged that his stuff will be moved out in the next couple of days. Thank the fuck Christ...
Rant: My neighbourhood is full of old people. Seriously. The neighbours on both sides and directly behind me have lived in their houses since the 50s. Across the street, two lots down is a church. Beside that is a Masonic temple. One of the buildings across the street - the church, the temple or a house- is having a FUCKING HOUSE PARTY ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT. First time I've ever heard a noise on this street, and it's bass that's rattling my windows and making my dogs nervous. At 10pm on a worknight. GET OFF MY LAWN. Ravt: Started speaking to an old acquaintance out of the blue yesterday. Haven't seen, spoken to or thought of him in almost four years and BOOM. Just like that. He and I have...hmm. Unresolved tensions, let's just say. Thank god (or dammit?) he lives two provinces away.