Rave: 4 weekends in a row of awesomeness coming up: engagement party for a good friend, house party, TX-OU, Vegas. Rant: Just found upwards of $200k per year in additional value in one of our contracts. Too bad I won't see a dime of this.
Superman 3?! Rant: I've applied for what seems like 300 jobs in the past month. Why put up job listings if you don't call/email/carrier pigeon people back. A simple, "We think your resume sucks balls and you would cost us money if we hired you" would be sufficient. Rave: The Diablo 3 beta has been keeping me busy. It's ridiculous.
Rant x2. Especially the companies with the automated application process where you upload your resume, and still have to retype every damn thing into. They can't set those up to send out an email when the position is filled? Job hunting sucks. Too many places don't list any contact info when all I want to do is give them a call and discuss the position for like 5-10 minutes to see if it's a good fit for both me and the company. Instead we have to do this monkey dance trying to bullshit our way through arbitrary pre-screening processes just to get the chance to talk to their HR person. Just let me talk to an engineer and save all of us the hassle and wasted time. Fuck. Rave: phone interview set up next week, and another company's recruiter submitted my app for two other positions so hopefully I get an interview out of that as well.
RAVE: Just was offered the "Senior Portfolio Analyst/Data Analyst - SCM" position at a healthcare provider nearby. I'm fucking pumped. A lot of drinks are going down this weekend! RAVE: No more of this shitty office, its furniture, and half of the people who seem quite trailer trashy.
Rant: Was cutting my hair and the guard inexplicably popped off of my clippers. Perhaps I can convince people that the big bald spot on the side of my head is there on purpose.
Rave: She was born at 8:05 Monday morning (ignore the date stamp, my mom's camera was set wrong.) She weighed 6 lbs 12 ozs and was 18.75 in long. She's pretty much awesome!
Rave: Participated in my first Muay Thai tournament today and took first place. It was only point sparring, but hey, gotta start somewhere.
Rant: How am I still hung over? How? I drank like 8 beers last night. 2 weeks ago I was drinking enough to kill some people and didn't get hang overs like this. What the fuck?
Rave: 'Bama game. Rant: My daughter turned 9 today. And she likes Justin Bieber. Rant: I seriously need some new music. I have about 100GB of music, and I'm sick of all of it. Rant: Tonka has been here almost a year, and still can't just leave the cat alone. It was ok when he was small, but now that he's big and goofy, he ends up slamming into shit and makes enough noise to wake the dead.
Rant: I got demoted from masters 4s in starcraft 2 today. This bothers me more than it should. I don't think I'll play on random anymore. Obviously 4s is the least important format, but it's annoying how when you're top 5 masters blizzard just puts a bunch of fucking idiots on your team and calls the match even. Whatever though, I'll be masters again soon. I'm just going to play with people who don't suck ass. I don't get how some people have played 1000s of games, way more than me, and are still that bad. Edit: Damnit people, I'm 24. That's not that old. At least to me. I didn't get a hangover because I'm an old man. Why does everyone think I'm old? I don't even act mature.
Spoilers for game results. Spoiler Rant: I know that a win is a win, but Jesus Fucking Christ did ND play like ass. I know that at least they found a way to pull it out, and I should be excited by that, but fuck stop playing to the level of your competition that shit got old in the Weis era! Rant: I know that Mizzou was supposed to loose to OU, but for fucks sake! Go out there and play some fucking ball. Don't back down. Cover! Make those mother fuckers earn those catches. AND FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY WRAP A MOTHER FUCKER UP! GOD DAMN! The only reason we weren't in that game is because we got scared, and stopped taking it to them. And by the time we found our spine in the fourth quarter, it was much to late.
RAVE: Gigs went well. RANT: Miles to go before I sleep. RANT: My friend's got his eye on this Latina girl. She's definitely more into me. RANT: Dry spell.
RAVE: I'm down 55lbs now. Started drinking a little more again but still getting less fat. Still no fast food save for a single Taco Johns taco. I'd like to take another 30lbs or so off. This all started in May.
Rant: Spent all of yesterday at a shitty-ish music festival, but that isn't the rant. The ringing in my ears must stop! Ahhhhhh. Any time I do this to myself at a concert I remember this line from the movie Children of Men: On the flip side, if I am lucky maybe I'll have nailed the pitch the TV makes when people leave it on. I hate that noise and there are so many people in my life that can't hear it.
Rave: 10k completed. This was a big deal for me and I felt better after this run than I did after the 5k that I ran in March or whenever. It's amazing what a little weight loss and training can do. Rant: I unfortunately did not come out of this unscathed. I pronate on my left side, so I'm feeling that today. Foot's quite sore, but it's a small price to pay.
Whoa. Weird. Juxtapoz just put a feature on my wire sculptures up on their front page. I didn't expect it at all and am kind of blown away by it. RAVE RAVE RAVE.
Rant: Hypocrisy. At an AA meeting, a guy said that he was a minister, and when his drinking got out of hand, his wife threw him out. He went and spent a few months in an another state on a farm owned by someone in the same religious faith as him and started working the AA program. He's been back in TX a little over 2 years now, his wife still refuses to allow him in the house, and the board of his church not only stripped him of his ministerial duties, but kicked him off the board of their church entirely. He is the second member of the clergy I have met that this has happened to, both of Christian denominations. These zealots are awfully good at quoting the Gospel, but fall far short in living it. So much for practicing what they preach. I wonder if they refer to him as "The Prodigal Son of a Bitch".
Rave: Weed. It just gets better. Gets stronger for cheaper! Unlike gasoline. Gas is the bad guy, people. Jesus, too. Rant: The ex has pushed too hard. Have an appointment to initiate the event of excricating the mucous containing his nuts after I pummel his figurative groin on Tuesday. Rave: Certain Victory tastes sweet and sassy.