Rant: Insurance totaled my car after my deer incident last weekend. Just my fucking luck, I go finance a new car for my fiancee since she's just moved here from Germany and obviously has no credit (shut up, she put 9 grand down on the car to help), and then a stupid deer runs out in front of my car. I've no idea what the hell I'm going to do, since the value of my car was only a few grand. I had put enough money into keeping that car running until it hit 200+ thousand miles. Shitshitshit.
You know something? I've never met an ugly Alexis. Or an ugly Lexie. Or an ugly Alexandra. I guess it's because those names sound hot, so parents who aren't supremely confident that the girl won't be a tragedy just steer clear and go with something safer. Like Jen. Or Doris. Or Shitty Fuckface.
Rant/Rave? A stunning burlesque dancer frequents my store. She goes by Satine. Which only makes me wonder how smooth she really is....
Rant: I smell like possum pee and still have two hours of work to go. I think customers have been edging away from me.
Bunch of basketball stuff you don't care about: Spoiler Rave: This season had been going well so far. In 3 leagues, putting up lines of 22-15-3, 23-16-5 and 23-16-7. Started with some ugly shooting, it's rounding into form. Passing is getting better, winning most of the games. Awesome. Rant: Had my worst game in a very long time tonight. No double-double. Nine turnovers. Lopsided loss. Couldn't get shit going on offense, was getting bodied on defense. Rave: At least I know what I have to do. It's still early in the season, and I have clear and defined goals.
Rant: Doesn't it make sense that if I filled out the FAFSA forms, got my loan, and attended your university for a year I would want the same deal for this year seeing as I have not received my degree? I got a bill in the mail today for this semester even though my loans took care of that last year. I am properly freaking the fuck out. I don't know what this means. Is there some step I have missed? What the fuck is going on.
Rave: My favourite sales guy at work, whom I'd consider almost a friend, had a cancer scare this week. He had to go in to have a biopsy done. I was actually pretty upset about it. This is a great guy and that fucking disease is horrible. All is well, though, as it's just a localized infection that caused a cyst. Woo-hoo! Here's to hoping that no one else has to contend with that hateful fucking disease.
Rant: Being observed tomorrow in class. I am not looking forward to it. The woman who observes student teachers for my school is notoriously difficult to deal with, and incredibly fickle. Tomorrow is going to be an epic pain in the ass. Rant: Also have to tape myself teaching for an assignment. Fuck. That. Noise. Rave: It is pretty much down hill after tomorrow, for the rest of the week. Hoping to get way, way ahead in my planning this week so that I can start relaxing and enjoying my weekends again. Rant: More observations and papers lurking around the corner just waiting to kick me in the balls. Student teaching is a series of hoops I have to jump through that grow increasingly small, and eventually are lit on fire. Seriously, it is insane the amount of work they make us do. Rave: Only about 7 more weeks to teach, then I get a small break. Rant: Have a lot of work to squeeze into 7 weeks. Rave: Wife is 13 weeks pregnant, and after a rough start, she is doing really well, and our families finally know. Much as school is stressing me the fuck out, home life is going excellent at the moment.
Rant: Sitting in airport waiting to get on the plane home from holidays Rant: Total air time almost 22hrs from start of flights to home Rave: These 6 weeks in Europe are worth it and so glad I ended it in Octoberfest
Rant & Rave Thread Rant: I almost threw up on the elliptical this morning because the asshole next to me soaked himself in a bottle of cologne before he arrived.
Rant: Just lost another house because of the landlord not accepting pets. What really fucks me off with this, is that they said they would but because another couple also offered they took them entirely because they didn't have pets. Hell the landlord admitted that we were the better couple. I hope the couple they decided on destroy the house.
Rant: Woke up with the back of my throat on fire. Some illness is a-brewing, and I don't care to find out which one. Rant: Quiz in 45 minutes which I have no clue about. Rave: Can retake that quiz any number of times to pass it, which is why I didn't study. Rant: Lots of work this week.
Rant: Redskins. God dammit, you can't even manage to beat a team with a half-crippled QB, receivers who barely know their plays, a center who is perfectly content just snapping the ball when and wherever, and who can't score one touchdown. That was such a pathetic showing. Our redzone offense is just absurdly terrible. The only saving grace is that we have a halfway decent defense, so long as they aren't seemingly wearing bowling shoes and slip-sliding around the field while giving up huge running gains to a team that hasn't run for more than 8 yards on any play this season. And Rocca, you should've just fallen on the ball and dropped your head so Gano could kick you in the fucking temple.
Rant: It is early. (The woman is up early for a hair appointment. And I am watching the little girl.) Rave: I got my unemployment card yesterday. I am still kind of up in the air about being on it, but child support has to be paid, and the reason I got fired was complete and utter bullshit. Rave: Had Chipotle last night it was delicious! Rant: Chipotle I love you. My taste buds love you. My stomach loves you. Why oh why do you hate my asshole so? Not really rant, or a rave more of an observation: Why is it a price for getting your hair done that seems utterly ridiculous to me (just shy of 100 bucks for trim, and coloring) is considered a really good deal? For that amount of money it better come with a happy ending and a meal! Ladies maybe you could help me out on that one?
Rave: Mediocre coffee always tastes better when someone else pays for it. My manager may be a fucking idiot, but HER manager is cool. Rant: Mobile equipment status failed. Mobile equipment status failed. Mobile equipment status failed. Fuck you, BlackBerry. I just want to send a text message. I shouldn't have to see this message several times each day.
Rant Five classes, Three labs and Two jobs is a little much. I'm going fucking crazy staying afloat in all this. Worst part is that the classes/labs that require the most of me are just gen ed required bull shit that have nothing to do with my major. Oh and I've basically already done one of them, but it didn't transfer. Fuck.
Rant: Watched the season premiere of Family Guy because I like to give it a chance every now and then. Sweet fuck how does anyone tolerate that shit, let alone consider it anything better than a C-minus? Rave: Had a sex dream last night!
Rant: Am I the only one around here that feels like something big is about to happen, but can't put it into words without it coming off as hippy talk? Just feel like the world's "chi" is off.
Rave the wapiti are in estrus, the bulls want to get laid, and I have a tag and gun that will smoke one of them from a long ways away. Best time of the year, off to New Mexico for an elk hunt. Rant verizon has great coverage and I get 4 bars at 10,000 feet in the middle of nowhere.
Rave: My boss just walked past my desk, noticed the small fern I have growing in a corner, and (jokingly) asked me if I was "growing some marihoochie in the office." Best euphemism for weed I've heard yet. Rave: My girlfriend has interviews with 3 of the "big 4" accounting firms, all of which have offices here in Minneapolis. She's gonna be my sugar momma.