RANT: Somehow, in the first week of fall, I manage to get fucking bronchitis. Asshole. Rave: Whiskey is medicine, right? RIGHT?
Rave: Watching three baseball games at once. I should be watching five or six, but the NL is only marginally important. What an exciting day. Does it get any better?
Rant: Even though I can easily watch TV shows illegally online, if they have the option to watch them on their sites, I always do, even if it means watching a few commercials, because I'd like the shows I watch to make money and prove they have an audience. But, what really drives me crazy is when they run the same commercial for every single break, especially if it's the same commercial twice in a row each break. GOOD GOD. It's some kind of torture similar to, I'd imagine, what they experienced at Guantanamo.
RANT: My friend texted me and said he will visit Atlanta to see me if the Braves win tonight. So I walk to the bar at the bottom of the eighth while the Braves are winning to watch the game. So I've only watched one other game this season and it was pointless. It was one out of like 300. And so the one game out of the entire season I watch and care about, I watch them slowly and methodically fuck it up like bleeding a 7 year old to death with god damned push pins. Baseball sucks.
Rant/Rave: Got two new quotes for car insurance. Added together they don't even equal what my current insurer wants. Fuck insurance companies. Better coverage from the two new places, to boot. At least I get to save some money!
Rave: Work finished for the month. M<y drunk is on. Will wake up, pack my suitcase and get on the plane. Giggity giggity...
Rant: My dog is so sick. Just got back from the vet. I quick $600 kick in the nuts for blood work, x-rays, more meds and a shot of cough suppressant so that the poor thing can get some rest. She hasn't slept more than ten minutes straight, in over 48 hours. It's a bitch to watch her suffer. I wandered the streets with her from 3 AM until 7 AM when the vet opened, because the only thing that seems to provide any relief is being upright and walking slowly. She's also hacking up blood now. Fuck me.
Rant: My grandfather had a stroke last night; assuming it's stress induced from dealing with my grandmother's illness. The hierarchy of my mothers side of the family is falling apart, and my mother who was able to keep her composure up to this point, just lost it. This is gut wrenching.
Rave: Skipping town for the weekend. I am going on my first, major, bow hunt. Cold front coming through. Bucks are already chasing does. Should be a good one!
Rave: Leaving work early for a golf tournament at a local course with the rest of the office. I haven't golfed for years (and am awful to begin with) but I'm paired up with the other entry-level guys in the company so it'll be fun. I have my first product demo this afternoon too so it's the perfect opportunity to celebrate with a few beers well before 5:00. Rave: More hunting and shooting this weekend, which I don't suck at.
Rave: Fresh mozzarella on a sandwich. Nothing beats it. Rant: People completely lacking creativity and imagination are the worst kind of people. I'm not talking about in the artistic sense, either. Just the inability to think outside of the box--it drives me nuts.
Rave: Weve only been home a week, and already were planning to go to nice little resort in Hawaii in the winter for a week. It's gonna be the best cottage ever.
Rave: Boss drove us and paid for lunch at the In-N-Out that just opened up near the office. Rant: Now I need a nap.
Rave: Almost one week left in this hell hole of a job, then a week off! Rant: Somewhat political rant: Spoiler I generally don't get worked up over politics. However, I saw this image on Facebook and decided to read the comments. I can't believe the retardation spawning in those comments with people in agreement. This is not only a retarded "soundbyte" as it has absolutely zero grasp on scope and size, but it also completely ignores the fact that a lot of the problems out there right now are generated from both sides of the aisle. I see this shit constantly now, and it's always the people who barely made it through high school pimping this shit, acting like they're the next coming of Einstein - smarter than anyone who could possibly disagree with them, because they're following the "trendy left".
Rant: Well, I learned something new today. It seems that girls aren't the only ones that can get yeast infections. Color me surprised.
Rave: Robert Earl Keen tomorrow night. RAVE: ALDS Saturday night. Rant-that-almost-kills-my-squees-for-the-raves: I walked into my apartment just now...it's hotter than the base of Satan's ballsack. What. The Fuck. It's 101* outside. WHERE IS MY AIR CONDITIONING?!?! Fuck this noise. Please God let them get it fixed today.
RAVE: GF bought us tickets to Oktoberfest. RAVE: Proceeds go to helping local children in need so now I won't feel so bad getting absolutely sloshed at a public event. Eh, who am I kidding? DRINK FOR THE KIDS!!!!!!!