Rave: Heading to Madison tomorrow for the Wisky/Neb game this weekend. First time ever in madtown, my liver is already shutting down.
Rant: Let this be a huge warning to those of you with older parents... A while back I had to put my mother (78 years old with advanced MS) in a nursing home. I got a hold of her finances today and they are wiped out. She didn't have a lot to begin with and $6200 a month ate what little there was up in a hurry. The only thing she has left is her house which the gov't is soon going to take so that she can be declared destitute. I'm hoping that because her house is in the name of her parent's estate they can't touch it, but I won't know for a while. I've already shifted my house into another name to protect it in case they come after me looking for assets. Seriously $6200 a month? Who the fuck can afford that shit? I need to look into opening a fucking nursing home.
RAVE: Work promotion, sort of. RAVE: Meds are working....sort of. RANT: I overthink. Everything. It's like my brain is bored unless I'm considering thousands of possibilities for every fucking stupid situation in my daily life.
Rant: Dear Friend, you wanting to discuss the LSATs and law school with me is a testament to just how much we've grown apart. There is literally nothing that interests me less, and I can't give you my honest opinion because this has been your dream for 10 years and you'd only get pissed at me. Rave: Wendy's Big-n-Juicy burgers. These things are awesome. Rave: Apple cider doughnuts! Rant: I sound like a vitriolic fatty on here.
Rant: Gunny popped into the shop and declared that he was going on a run. He then mocked my sergeant for pussing out and said, "Anyone wanna save your crew's manhood?" Fuck it. We did six miles at three in the afternoon. It was terrible. He ran me into the ground. Rave: I made it. I looked terrible, but I made it. Gunny was pleased. Rave: My supervisor took one look at me after I got back and said, "Go home." Two hour workday? Fucking awesome.
Rave: Finishing my work early to go drink at the local bar with my current lady friend. College is the best.
Rant: Thermodynamics homework due tomorrow at 3 that I haven't started yet because I spent all day fixing my microcontroller project. Good thing I designed something to measure reaction time, because tomorrow at around 4 my reaction time will non-existant, because I will be passed out. Rave: Already scheduled in a 4 hour nap after that class because I'll be doing this shit all night. Rave: Grill and chill tomorrow night with the friends. NY strip and teriyaki bok choy mhmm. Rant: Thermo test next monday will destroy me. Talked to some friends who took the class last year and they told me the class average on all the tests was a 50. FUCK.
Rant: Why the hell is it so hard to just go into any number of these guitar stores in NYC and find a good teacher? Everywhere I've asked I've gotten shit, it's either been something like "New York City Guitar School" which is really adamant about how good they are at teaching beginners, or they give me cards of guys who, upon looking up on youtube, are way behind me in their playing. Trying to find a guy who's good enough to teach and inspire me seems like it's going to take a bit.
Rave: Ottawa Surprised Rave: Amazing BBQ joint just up the street from the condo. In Ottawa? The whitest seeming city this side of Winnipeg? Who would've thought. Rant: Meat coma means unproductive afternoon Rave: Sold out shows all weekend
Rave Going to my younger cousin's wedding tonight...why the wedding is on a Friday night? I do not know. Will be drinking my face off and trying not to embarass myself in front of my huge family. Yeaahhh...probably not going to happen. Rant The weather is shitty, raining and cold all day. Oh well, not letting it crush my good mood. Rave Don't have to work reserve duty this weekend. Rave If this weekend was anything like last weekends games, then football will be good.
Rant: I've had to poop all day. Yay for finally being home! It's not fun to feel like you NEED to poop while your friend's testing your lower extremity ROM/doing passive ROM. For 2 hours. Someday I will poop at school, and it will be glorious. Angels will sing.
Rave: I GOT A JOB! I'm now the girl at the bar who talks people into smoking a different brand of cigarettes. I am not nearly trendy or cool enough to be that person, but no one has to know that.
Rant: My mate piked on me so I ended up spending the better part of yesterday in the airport and then the plane was delayed an hour. Rave: Home in New Zealand. Got off the plane and my cousin and two of his mates had come to get me and there was a carton of Speights beer in the back.
Rant: Worst week I've ever had at work. Seriously. At either location, across four years in this job. Fuck all the idiots out there who APPROVED DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION, and then waited until they were installing their shit or waiting to take delivery on it to ACTUALLY read what I sent them and ask for changes. Rave: A 10% raise, and a talk with my boss where he told me that I'm doing well and that everything is fine. Rant: I still need to make more money to quit stressing about it. Rant: The motor in my fridge sounds...louder. That isn't good, is it? Ravt: Time browsing at an independent book store today. $150 spent on American poetry, yoga and cookbooks. Don't judge; I needed the release.