Fucking Rant It's not the u-joint or propellor shaft... damn transfer case. Rave Have a transfer case to replace it with. No cost.
Rant: I manning up with management tomorrow, telling him I am potentially unfit do my job because I checked myself in to rehab (security clearance concerns) and no longer want my current position because my team lead's ineptitude sky-rockets my anxiety. Should be an interesting little conversation, but to be frank I really don't give a fuck how it goes. At least my wife's cool about it, that's gotta count for something. I'm in between calm and scared and it's weird. Who knows, I might get a promotion out of it. Otherwise, see your boy on the networking thread.
Rant: A large portion of the people in my program are in a constant pissing contest to prove how brilliant they are. The funny part is that when I hear a few of these people speak about a topic with great confidence and conviction, I think they might be wrong about some/all of it. When I look up the information in a textbook or notes, it confirms my suspicions that they are misinformed or just confused. That's cool if you aren't 100% sure about something...just admit it instead of acting like you know your shit and anyone who brings up a conflicting point is retarded. Listening to blow-hards spew bullshit is getting old. Quickly.
Rave A buddy of mine works in admissions and is travelling to Salt Lake City and San Francisco and asked me to tag along. I managed to work out so I'll be able to join him for both cities. I visited San Francisco a couple years when he went on a similar and just absolutely loved it. I've never been to Salt Lake City before, but am very excited so far. Should make for a great trip all around. I may have to watch my sarcasm around the mormons, though.
Rave? I guess: I fucked up my back a few weeks ago. They gave me codeine. I took two earlier and am now watching "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia". The only way I could be more of a hillbilly right now would be me doing a rail of meth and shooting varmits.
Rave: I took everyone's advice for that chick from my emo rant a couple weeks ago and told her what was going on (no, I don't want a relationship. If you're down to fuck, that's fine, but don't expect anything more). She stopped talking to me for a couple weeks, so I assumed that she had moved on. Today I got a Facebook message with her asking me to pick her up at the airport and show her around Yuma when she gets here. Not sure what this means, but she knows my intentions. And damn, it feels good to be honest about them.
Rant: Well, today started out great. Spoiler - The alarm on my phone went off, but with no sound (despite the fact that the volume was all the way up). Slept in 15 minutes late. Girlfriend woke me up in a panic. - Woke up and stretched and felt something pop in my lower back. Now, it hurts when I do everything (and especially when I do nothing). - Went to grab boxers out of the dryer and a bunch of confetti burst out when I opened the door. Was there a party in there? Nope, just my train ticket for the week and a check I hadn't deposited yet. Rave: Spoiler - Traffic was great this morning, so even though I slept in a little bit this morning, I got to work early. - Aleve - While the $35 for my train ticket is something I won't get back, I'll have another check cut today, so it's not that big of a deal. Rave: Balance in the universe.
Rant: Mixed too many different shots last night. I hate shots but my buddy covering the tab (thanks to my pick of the Ravens over the Jets) kept buying rounds of them. Yuck. Rave: 1PM meeting and then I'm done for the week. Extra extra long weekend up in Maine. Rave/Rant: I received an email late last night from a customer letting his major suppliers know that his company had just been sold. I read in a trade publication this morning that the deal was for $586M... what the fuck. Late thirties and he owned 80% of the company, the building, land etc outright... he has to be putting over $100M in his pocket. Has to be. Wow and fuuuuuuck.
SUPER NERD RAVE: Finally got Heroic Rag down last night. Spoiler Rave: Only a couple more days left at this job. Rave: GF has had the dog at her place the last couple of days. It's been nice having the peace and quiet and not having to take him out. Rant: I miss the little guy.
Rant: When it rains it pours. On top of my grandmothers cancer and my grandfathers subsequent stroke, I just found out that last week my brother found his wife, home alone with the father of her first child (from before the marriage.) He is filing for divorce. I hope the cunt burns in Hell.
Rant: I'm really sick of reading headlines like "TSX plunges nearly 400 points on fears of global recession". Fuck sakes. My investments are swirling the toilet bowl and I am not pleased about it.
Rave: White Russians blended with ice cream bars are amazing. Rant: and I can only imagine make you diabetic. Rave: Montreal tonight. Rant: Might have to drive back to Ottawa after the shows. Rave: Watching the Yankees lose is better than sex.
Rave: Con. law cancelled until Friday which means a much easier week. Rave: Hitting things off nicely with cute neighbor girl.
Rave: TX-OU weekend in Dallas. Gorgeous weather, tons of friends, LOTS of drunken mirth and mayhem. Rant: My brother can't make it this year.
Rave: This is the email I got from one of the big bosses at a business we take care of. A manager that takes responsibility for users being dumbasses and a request from us to tell them as such? I'm never quitting this job. Ever. Rant/Rave: The farts I'm dropping could be used as a paint stripper. I've gagged twice.
Rant: The new iPhone 4S info leaves something to be desired Rave: Will the Siri application talk dirty to me while I browse porn? TBD...
Rave: Sometimes you idiots are way too cute. The internet is weird. Thank you for the kind comments about my sick puppy. Spoiler