Rave: Second day cleaning the car. Outside is done in only about five hours total. Inside after work tomorrow and should only take a couple hours. Rave: It's nice not really having any responsibilities right now. Only have to complete a ton of computer lessons in the next three weeks. Rant: I live in the middle of nowhere right now for the foreseeable future. In six months I'll get to move back to civilization...kinda.
Rant: Had too many beers and vodka shots last night, in that order. I woke up on my couch and noticed that I puked all over myself and my backpack(?) in my sleep. It's kind of creepy to think that I could have aspirated on my puke and possibly be dead. It smells foul as fuck right now in my apartment, and these vomit stains aren't coming out of the carpet easily.
Rant: As a young, single guy there is absolutely no way I can walk into a high school girl's volleyball game without looking like a fucking creep. Sorry folks, I'm just here to run the scoreboard. No need for pitchforks and torches today. I still maintain that if you have to pick a wedgie out after every point a new uniform is needed. Burkas might be good.
Rave: Met some friends downtown last night for dinner and had my wife "acquire" a Guinness pint glass for me. My collection is growing. And I assure you that said collection was not at all stolen from random pubs and bars. Not at all.
Rave: Here. We. Go. Met with our OB/GYN this morning, and they feel like Wifey's blood pressure was just high enough that inducement was the way to go. So...I should be a father in about 24 hours! Wish me luck, idiots!
Rant: Just stop PMS-ing already. Please. I beg you. Rant: There's a snowball's chance in hell that will happen. Rave: Being sought out for a super badass project. Some experimentation and risk has paid off already.
RAVE!! My students this semester are friggin' awesome! One looked at my struggling computer, diagnosed a soundcard issue, bought a new soundcard, and installed it all before my class started tonight. Another one is taking a look at my car as I type this to see what's wrong with my rear defrost. They kick ass.
Rant: Some girl posted this note (I guess one of those new viral type notes) on facebook. Made me shake my head. Ironically enough, she peaked in 7th grade. She was tall and athletic and was the first girl in her grade to grow awesome rocking tits (she was a year younger than me). After high school she blew up like a fucking balloon.
^ That note was accompanied by this picture, of French model Tara Lynn: NSFW I leave it to you to decide if this is a rant or a rave.
RAVE: Drunk off my ass right now. RAVE: New job, after barely 2 weeks, is going so much better than anyone could have ever imagined. Basically, there are two of us that are the King Shits here... me (the techie) and an old-time buddy of mine (who's a game producer), and between the two of us we have launched more successful online games than just about anyone else you can imagine. We're talking game of the year awards, millions and millions of users... hell, if you do any kind of video gaming, I can almost guarantee that you've played at least one of the games we've been part of launching. We are now the gunslingers that go into game companies with the "so, you want to launch an online game..." thought. 99% of the gaming companies out there totally fucking fail at doing this. Even the really, really big ones with stupid money to throw at the problem. For instance... remember Spore? Yeah... great fucking IP, destined to be one of the best games of all time, but EA ate it up and shit it out as a big fucking plate full of diarrhea and nobody's ever heard of it since. Because the game industry is full of smart people that think they are way smarter than they are and have no experience doing online shit and an ego that kills them and their game. Today, for example. We met with a company that is all of 11 developers. They are babes in the woods, but have a very cool game that has serious, serious potential. They sit there in our meeting like little fucking hipsters and politely tell us "thanks, we have it under control." My partner and I laugh. As in I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard. They get pissy over us being "rude". So Mike and I start a conversation between us, totally ignoring everyone else in the room while berating and condescending to these stupid fucks; "so, I guess they've figured out how to do intrusion detection, and realtime business analytics, and online customer support, and migration and patching, and rollbacks when that shit doesn't work, and simple/basic operations type shit like spin up or down new game servers, or something stupidly simple like how to do an in-game announcement..." and on and on. We went on for about 5 minutes just casually mentioning shit we KNEW they'd never even thought of that could cause them to fail miserably. As we mentioned each point, being total assholes, their eyes got wider and they realized just how much they didn't know as we hit on shit they'd never even thought of before. They almost cried as we got up to leave, and practically begged us to come back and stay for a while so we could talk. It really is fucking amazing how asking rather simple questions can totally unsettle and destroy the false sense of security some people have. We loved every fucking minute of it, and absolutely dominated them by the time we were done. Is that wrong? RAVE: Did I mention that I am fucking hammered? On a Wednesday night? RANT: Been working 14-16 hour days, and haven't been around here much at all. Feel bad, as there is a bit of a sense of responsibility to keep an eye on this place and help out where possible. RAVE: Boobs McGee is coming for a visit this long weekend. Fuck. Yes. She "misses me... lots". Awwwww... how sweet. RAVE: 28, 5'1, and lives up to her name. I love being a dirty old man.
Rant: I hate machine code. I'd rather be programming in C. Rave: The girl came over last night after her play was over and we watched New Girl and had ourselves a good time. Rant: I was left with the bluest balls possible as she didn't want to "have sex too quickly." Rave: Then she described how she dated a girl like two years ago. I got to hear her talk about eating out a girl and how it turns her on. Drama majors are fucking crazy. I don't think I could date this girl for longer than a month because things would get scary, but I do want to have a threesome at some point...which I'm sure I could finagle out of her at some point. Decisions decisions.
MOTHERFUCKINGFUCKINGFUCKING RANT: There aren't enough shooters to help me forget Dave launching himself off the rooftop of the Carriage House Inn yesterday. There aren't enough shooters to make me forget him saying goodbye to me Sunday when I didn't know it was goodbye. There aren't enough shooters......
Rave: For all the bitching I do about my job and my coworkers, I spent the bulk of the last two days reffing the company ping pong tournament. Nerds are awesome.
Rant: How do you tell your room mate to sleep in his own room and not the couch? I don't care if he naps there but I don't want to feel like I have to tip toe around when I'm making coffee in the morning. I've been skipping breakfast and even sometimes lunch because he doesn't have class until late and sleeps in. I'll have to mention it to him tonight. Blech.
Rave: My Mac should be here today, part of my materials for school. Rant: We are experiencing technical difficulties with internet. Comcast should be able to come figure it out today or tomorrow. Fuckers. I need the net!! Rave(?): Mr. P and I had a massive talk about babies. So, sometime soon we are going to try for one. I am hoping the pregnancy is better this time, considering I adore the donor and he is a good man. He's so excited, I can't say no. Once you have two you may as well have three, right? Rave: We are doing great, he's doing great with sobriety. I'm sobering up because it's not actually fun anymore. I still toke a bit, of course. Rave: We both have been sticking to our workout schedules with beautiful results. I just learned that the girls I work with lust over Mr.P. Yup, too bad he can't be the pregnant one...