RANT: Got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out today. Even though my oral surgeon was fantastic, thorough, and quick, it still sucks. Not how I would prefer to spend my weekend. RAVE: Opening the car door on Michigan Ave to spit out a mouthful of pure blood in front of horrified tourists was pretty hilarious. Then smiling at my Mom looking like Tyler Durden made me feel a bit better. That and I couldn't feel my face. RAVE: Its supposed to be a beautiful 70+ degree weekend. RANT: I'll be spending it studying and watching TV instead of day drinking cause I have holes in my mouth. Whomp whomp.
Does it have to be a rant or a rave? How about... DEPRESSED RAMBLING: I'm so bad at break-ups. So bad. I think this was both my best and my worst. The actual act was my most mature ever, I think. But I never should've let it get this far. I am a bad boyfriend.
Rave: Built my first computer yesterday and it didn't explode. Spent roughly 7 hours putting it all together but the time flew by. Damn this thing is powerful. Rant: Phone fell 8 inches onto a hardwood floor and the screen broke which is a fast way to spend $100. Rant: Expensive week...
Rave: Watched the first three season of Breaking Bad in the past 2 days. Rant: My eyes are as dry as a camel's ballsack. Rave/Rant: Season 4 is on its' way.
Rave: Weekend of fun, traveled to Vancouver for a night of Fusion Dancing (like blues, but to modern music) Its as awesome, danced till 4 am. Best part is, some of the dances could be considered cheating in most relationships, so dirty. Rant: 5.5 hour drive to Portland Rave: Workshop tomorrow Rant: 5.5 Hour drive to Seattle Rave: More Fusion dance Rave: Ferry back home and left over turkey from the supper I am missing. Fuck yea!
RAVE: New work position is pretty easy for the most part. RANT: Playing basketball for my brother earlier, I slipped on the grass at the edge of the driveway. Spun, went down facefirst, still sliding and tore my right knee to shit, plus when I braced with my arms, my right took the brunt of the force and I tore my shoulder AC joint...again. Walked around for three minutes with my elbow forced out to a near-90 degree angle away from my side before it popped itself back into place. I wouldn't expect that to be pleasant, but I really had forgotten just how much that shit hurts. Best yet? Fucker was laughing at me for a solid minute until he realized I wasn't joking about the shoulder.
Rant: I think my wife took passive-aggressive ninja lessons from her mom yesterday. Every single thing I've done today has been met with some passive-aggressive bullshit backhanded comment. I was watching football and flipped to another game during a commercial, only to be met with "someone has ADHD, can't handle a few commercials?" I said I was going to run and get some lunch and as I was asking "do you want anything" I got "what, not going to ask your pregnant wife if she wants anything?" I asked if she was planning to do laundry today or if I would do it, and got "well, you seem perfectly capable of doing it, and I haven't even showered yet," (I should note it is 2 PM as I type this, and she has yet to leave the couch since she got up at 10 AM). As I was heading out the door to mow the lawn, I got "what, am I supposed to clean up after breakfast myself?" Swear to Christ, next comment and I am breaking out the "stop acting like your mother" line. This is the trump card that will get me punched in the face, but I don't care anymore. At least she'll get off the fucking couch. Rave: Beer.
Rave: Successfully caught a bus to work! Rant: Being excited that I caught a bus to work. Rant/Rave?: Random guy on the bus handed me a piece of paper with his number on it and told me to call him. He looks like he's forty. Then another guy who looks roughly fifty gave me "the eyes" and grinned and showed off wonderfully rotting teeth. Bit too early in the day, I think.
Rant: On holiday and fucking sick. This blows. Rave: Soundwave lineup is phenomenal. System of a Town, Slipknot, Machine Head, Marylin Manson and Steel Panther to name a few.
Rave: There is a kid I went to high school with who started "Making Music." It is literally the most ridiculous, inane, tone-deaf shit I have ever heard. It inevitably makes me laugh my ass off every time he posts a new song. Today he let loose the fact that he is turning this "single" into his first music video. BEST. DAY. EVER. http://soundcloud.com/positive-influence/planetary-dust# My favorite line is " I'm so high, in the air, playing with a bear."
RAVE: Falcons are kicking ass and taking names. RANT: I find it hard to pull against the Packers. They're my second favorite NFL team.
Today's workday marked the end of an 80 hours work week. Sadly, I go back to work tomorrow, though I'll probably step down to a mere 10 hours a day...
Rant Been feeling sick for the last few days, sinus/allergy problems. I love waking up and coughing up lung butter. Rant Broke. As in broke as a joke. Had to make the dreaded call to family so that I could borrow some cash to survive a few days. Need to find a job and quick. Rave I love having a generous aka very wealthy aunt with money. She is taking care of the rest of my car loan so I have one less headache to deal with. Rave No booze weekend...but no complaints. Still got to enjoy the awesome weather and spent Saturday afternoon with a ladyfriend who I'm kind of digging.
Rant: College football is slow as shit, and fuck anyone that is dumb enough and has a slow enough mind to follow that boring ass shit. Rave: People that are smart enough to recognize baiting... I'll eat the reds, because they'll come from people who are also NASCAR fans, and we all know they're born retarded.
Rave: First shift bartending at a local pub last night, got 2 numbers and got flashed twice by some broad with big fake -but nice- titties. 1 of 2 banged already! Rant: Back all scratched up from said banging.
Rave: Passed the physical and took the written the same day. They are drawing from a pool of about 80 people for 4-5 positions. That means I have a 5% chance. This is ok, the only way to get it is to go after it 100%.