Rave Just went through my FB friends list and unfriended every girl who thinks it's cute to set her middle name as her last name. Its not cute or original, you obnoxious bitches.
Rave: Just printed out my hunting license and deer tags. Rant- Took some Adderall today. Fucking forgot how strung out and shitty it makes me feel. Should have just saved them for partying. Seriously, the shit has the absolute opposite effect it is supposed to. My brain fires much faster and my thoughts don't hold together as well, makes making arguments (see OWS thread) hard as fuck.
Rave: A while back I posted on here about buying a box of basball cards for $180. I sorted through them, set aside about 150 of them for myself, and gave the 60lbs of them back to the guy I bought them from along with telling him how to make a few hundred dollars on them. I sold one bunch of 100 cards for $300 and still have 11 1982 Topps Traded Ripken's that I should get $1000+ for once I get them graded. Rave part duex: I bought a .54 cal Thompson black powder rifle the other day that I should double my money on. Rant: I'm still trying to find a window of weather to drive home. And my mom's jaw is apparently shrinking (how the hell does bone shrink?) Anyways, she's in discomfort and I'm going to have to come up with the money to fix her teeth. I don't care if she lives 2 days or 20 years, my mom is not going to be in discomfort.
Rant: Woke up on my own at 4 AM, 2 hours before my alarm, and could not get back to sleep. Fuck I am tired. Rant: Today marked the first time I officially yelled at my students. I've had to raise my voice to get their attention before, but I've never outright yelled at them. Today I went off. On Thursday, Friday, and Yesterday I told them there was a test today, and they could use some specific notes they'd gotten. Today, in class, I had several students who were completely shocked that we had a test, and were even more shocked that I'd let them use a specific set of notes they didn't have today. While trying to re-explain the situation to the class, these same students were still talking and bitching over me. I finally lost my shit and went off (how I didn't swear is completely beyond me), and told (yelled at) them to stop talking and that they were testing, regardless of whether or not they had their notes. Rave: For the rest of class, you could hear a fucking pin drop. My cooperating teacher will yell at the students for so much as sneezing, so when he yells they roll their eyes, then go right back to doing whatever they want. I never yell, so when I finally snapped today, they shut up and listened better than I'd ever seen.
You ever think its for professional/work reasons? My sister did it as she is job searching and she's most definitely not that kind of girl. RANT: Still can't eat normal foods yet. I'm straying into soft chewable food territory, but my jaw still hurts afterword. Stupid wisdom teeth. I'm just counting on being ready to drink by Friday. RAVE: Swelling is gone. Also, while feeling completely relaxed on Vicodin, I performed quite well on an Econ exam last night. Maybe there is a correlation?
Rave: That was fast. I think I have a girlfriend for the first time in my college career. 4th date. We had a great time tonight hanging out, and then she made me dinner (Alfredo fettuccine, she is Italian and her parents own a restaurant) and gave me a blow job (swallowed!). I'm repaying her next week with the cajun chicken pasta (check the cooking thread) and some carpet munching, a term which causes me to crack up when I use. And she likes good TV shows and music. You know how hard it is to find girls who like good tv? Almost impossible since they all watch that inane housewives bullshit or Jersey Shore. She told me her favorite show was Boardwalk Empire, and she was catching up on Breaking Bad. That really shouldn't be what I'm looking for with a girl, but I'm smitten by her good taste. Rant: Lotsowork this week. Not ready to apply myself just yet. Here goes.
Sleepy Rave: Heh. It pleases me that I'm not the only one who this bullshit happens to. Sleepy Rant: It's a shame that I'm not taking part in the Toronto Zombie Walk because my morning commute would have been a great practice run. I'm fucking wrecked today.
RANT What happened to the Ballsack we all came to know and (grudgingly) love? Was that version 3.0 or something?
Rant: I hate drama. I didn't ask for drama to happen, but it did. That said, I'm muddling through it. Rave: Rangers are playing today. Rant: At fucking 3:19 p.m. Is that even a real TIME? Fucking hell come ON. Rave: We got rain this morning. It was amazing, the thunder and the lightning and I just curled into a ball in my bed and listened to it all. Bigger rave: I'm about to work on my deadlifts. Or my cleans. One or the other.
Rave: Tigers play today. Rant: Rain delay. Rant: Worked out some clean and squats today. I hate clean and squats. I have to find a better technique.
Rave: Sugar Momma is going to be up here tomorrow for an interview in downtown Minneapolis and is staying for the weekend. That means two nights in a fancy-dancy hotel downtown (fo FREE!) and then three more back home. It's been wayyy too long since we've had a weekend like this together. T minus a little over 24 hours until she unleashes the pent-up horniness on me in the hotel. Rave: This is interview #1 out of 4 she has up here with big firms. I'm beyond happy for her... she's earned the opportunities she's getting. Rave: I closed on a pretty challenging sale today so I'm gonna celebrate tonight with some local brews and brownies tonight. Might have to throw some bbq in there before the brownies kick in.
Rant: Dear Friend, I really want to go back to when you didn't want to GChat with me every day. I don't have that much to talk about, and as it turns out, neither do you. I really don't need a play by play of just what you're cooking this evening. You once talked to me for 30 minutes about apple butter. Then you tried talking about this same apple butter on 2 additional occasions. APPLE. BUTTER. Ugh. Rave: I saw my first hockey game of the season last night. Here's hoping to seeing a lot more.
Rantish Rave: The Occupying America thread. It's like bipolar disorder, but in text form. And I just know if I saw that thread on any other forum, it would have degenerated into shit flinging. Well done everybody.
Rant: So I'm laying in bed, sick, so quite obviously it's time to reflect on what an upfuck life is. A year ago, I had a wonderful fiance, nice house, was planning my wedding, trying for small children peoples. If someone had asked me where I thought I'd be by now, the answer probably would have been a stay at home mum, studying teaching. Instead, I work on the wrong side of the country, in a warehouse. Rave: Just means I get to experience new things instead. Isn't it amazing how much your life can totally fuck up in the space of a few months?
Rant? Rave? Oakville, Ontario for the weekend. No idea what this place is all about, but I'm skeptical it's fun.
Rave- really think I have a good feel for the proper usage of propofol and appropriate patient monitering devices